Ark of the Testimony – Journeys (2)

This Part 2 is the continuation and conclusion to “Ark of the Testimony Journeys (1)”.

The “Ark of the Testimony” (seen in Ex.25:16, Jsh.4:16, e.g.) was the most revered object in God’s portable tabernacle, constructed by Moses/Israelites.  The Hebrew term for “ark” is aróne, Strongs h727.  The term for “testimony” is aydúth h5715.  The Ark was also known as the “Ark of the Covenant” (h1285, Nu.10:33, e.g.), the “Ark of the Lord” (h3068, Jsh.3:13), the “Ark of God” (h430, 1Sm.3:3).  This Ark wasn’t the floating vessel ‘Noah’s ark’ so-called, seen earlier in the Flood account of Ge.6–8.

Christ was the God and good Shepherd of ancient Israel.  His glory ‘dwelt’ above the Ark, upon the mercy seat between the cherubim (cf. Ex.25:22, Ps.80:1, Jn.10:11.  see the topic “Jesus Was the Old Testament God”.)  The Ark represented the Lord’s Presence and Name!  2Sm.6:2 “The ark of God which is called by the Name, the very name of the Lord of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim.”

Using Dr. Martin Anstey’s The Romance of Bible Chronology, v.2, Israel’s exodus from Egypt occurred circa (c) 1612 BC and the sacred tabernacle tent & sanctuary was erected c 1611 BC.

Ark of the Testimony Journeys (1)” covered the time from the Ark’s construction in the aftermath of Israel’s exodus from Egypt…until the capture of the Ark by the enemy Philistines, c 1102 BC.

The Ark, a gilded rectangular chest, resided in the Holy of Holies innermost room (Ex.26:34) of Moses’ tabernacle for 500 years!  From c 1611 BC – c 1102 BC (except when it was in transport or taken into battle).  But after c 1102 BC, the Ark would never return to Moses’ tabernacle!

Now in Part 2, we’ll continue the account of the Ark’s journeys from when the Philistines’ captured it.

In the latter years of Eli the high priest & judge, Israel had become very backslidden.  The tabernacle of Moses and the Ark was at Shilóh, in the tribal territory of Ephráim.  1Sm.4:1-5 the Ark is carried into the battle of Ebenézer against the Philistines.  v.17-18 the Philistines sack Shiloh, and capture the Ark.  Eli dies when he hears the news.  v.22 “The glory is departed from Israel, for the ark of God is taken.”

1Sm.5:1-7 the heathen Philistines took the captured Ark of God from Ebenezer to their city of Ashdód, into the temple of their pagan god Dagón.  But the idol of Dagon was then found fallen down before the Ark…and broken!  The Lord afflicted the Ashdodites with tumors and mice (LXX).  v.8-9 so the Philistines took the Ark to their city of Gath.  The Lord afflicted them there with tumors.  v.10-12 so they took the Ark to Ekrón.  The hand of God was heavy upon them in Ekron; many men died or were smitten with tumors.  At that point the Philistines didn’t know what to do with the Ark!

1Sm.6:1-12 after the Philistines had possession of the Ark for 7 months (c 1101 BC), they called for their heathen priests & diviners, to learn what should be done with the Ark.  It was decided the Ark should be sent away on a cart hitched to two milk cows.  Lo and behold…the cows didn’t go towards their calves in Philistia…on their own, the cows carted the Ark straightway to Bethshémesh in Israel!

1Sm.6:13-19 the Ark arrived in Bethshemesh.  It was back in Israel.  But the Lord struck down men there because, without authorization, “they looked into the Ark of the Lord”.  (Nu.4:4-5 in transport, the Ark was to be covered by the inner veil; the Kohaththites in charge of holy articles weren’t to touch the Ark or see into it.)  1Sm.6:20-21 so they wanted it taken from Bethshemesh to Kiriáth-jearím in Judah.

1Sm.7:1-3 the men of Kiriath-jearim brought the Ark to the house of Abinadáb in Kiriath-jearim.

Although Israel repented after 20 years, the Ark remained in the house of Abinadab for approximately 70 years (c 1101 BC – 1030 BC).  JFB Commentary 1Sm.7:2 “20 years….the Israelites began to revive from their sad state of religious decline.”  Les McFall The Chronology of Saul and David “The actual time from the death of Eli to the deposition of the ark in Jerusalem by David was 68 years.”  The Ark remained at Abinadab’s house during the judgeship of Samuel and the entire reign of Saul.

When David was running from King Saul, Moses’ tabernacle (minus the Ark) was at the town of Nob.  Saul later had the residents of Nob killed, ref 1Sm.21–22.  Cambridge Bible 1Sm.1:3 “The tabernacle was removed to Nob (1Samuel 21), and the once holy place was utterly desecrated.”  After Nob, Gibeón became the site of Moses’ tabernacle, ref 1Ch.16:39-40 & 2Ch.1:3 (until Solomon’s time).

After David became king and subdued the Philistines, he wanted the Ark brought up to Jerusalem (c 1030 BC) in the tribal territory of Judah.  1Ch.15:1 “In the city of David [on Mt Zión] he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it.”  (That Hebrew term for “tent” is óhel h168.)

2Sm.6:2-11 David brought the Ark from Abinadab’s house to Obéd-edóm’s house, where it remained for 3 months.  v.12-17 David then brought the Ark from Obed-edom’s house to the “tent of David” on Mt Zion in Jerusalem.  (see the topics, “Tent/Tabernacle of David” and “Zion in the Bible”.) “David can’t very well return the ark to the tabernacle at Shiloh. Shiloh had been destroyed! The tabernacle had been moved to the priestly city of Nob, but the ark had never been there and Saul had slaughtered the town’s priests and their families. The ancient tabernacle is now to be found at ‘the high place at Gibeon’ (1Ch.16:39-40, 21:29; 2Ch.1:3, 13; 1Ki.3:4), in a Levitical city where personnel continued sacrifices. David wants the center of Yahweh worship to be in the capital at Jerusalem, not in some priestly town. So he sets up a tent for the ark in Jerusalem, in hopes of eventually building a proper temple to house it.”  His son Solomon would later build the Temple there.

King David brought only the Ark into the tent.  The Ark still contained God’s law of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments (even during Solomon’s reign, 2Ch.5:1-2, 10).  See Part 1.  But absent (since c 1102 BC?) from Moses’ Holy of Holies at Gibeon was Aaron’s rod that budded (Nu.17:10) and the memorial jar of manna (Ex.16:32-34).

1Ch.17:16 David sat before the Ark!  2Sm.11:11 the Ark was again taken into battle.

2Sm.15:24-29 Zadók the priest took the Ark with David as he fled from Absalóm…but Zadok then returned it to Jerusalem.  Poole Commentary 2Sm.15:25 to “the tabernacle David had lately built for it.”

The Ark of God resided in the tent at David’s palace on Zion for 40 years (though he died c 1002 BC).  The only item in the Ark then was God’s eternal law (later seen in heavenly Mt Zion, Re.11:19 & 14:1).

After David’s death, King Solomon completed the temple c 991 BC.  1Ki.7:51 – 8:1-21 the original Ark (1Ki.8:9) was moved from David’s tent on Mt Zion into Solomon’s stationary temple “house of the Lord” on Mt Moriáh (2Ch.3:1).  1Ki.8:10-11 at the occasion, the temple was filled with the glory cloud of the Lord!  The Ark had been at a personal residence or palace for c 110 years (c 1101 BC – 991 BC)!

1Ki.8:8 KJV the projection of the poles/staves, by which the descendants of Koháth had carried the Ark during Israel’s journeys, was changed in Solomon’s temple.  Barnes Notes 1Ki.8:8 “A sign that the ark had reached ‘the place of its rest’, and was not to be borne about anymore.”  1Ki.8:4 the old tabernacle of Moses with its holy utensils was brought from Gibeon into the temple.  The journeying of Moses’ Ark (and portable tabernacle) was ended.

More than 300 years after Solomon, c 622 BC King Josiah made sanctuary repairs to Solomon’s temple, 2Ch.34:8-10.  The Ark was removed for those repairs, and was then put back.  Josiah said to the Levites in 2Ch.35:3, “Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David king of Israel built”.  The Ark then was either Moses’ original Ark, or else a copy that had been made (since Solomon, 1Ki.8:9).

2Ch.35:3 is the last occurrence in the Old Testament (OT) where we read of the Ark in the temple.

The final OT reference to the Ark of God is Je.3:16. “Declares the Lord, They shall say no more ‘The ark of the covenant’. It shall not come to mind, nor shall they remember it, nor shall they miss it, nor shall it be made again.”  God said the Ark of the Testimony/Ark of the Covenant, their most important object, reflecting His Presence…would no more be remembered or reproduced (or noted in the OT).

The Ark is later mentioned in the Apocrypha.  The book of 2 Maccabees was written in Greek c 124 BC.  God had warned Jeremiah to hide the Ark in the mountain from which Moses had viewed the Promised Land (Mt Nebó, De.34:1).  2Mac.2:4-8 KJV 1611 edition “When Jeremiah came thither, he found a hollow cave wherein he laid the Tabernacle, the Ark, the altar of incense, and stopped the door. Some of those that followed him came to mark the way, but they could not find it. Jeremiah blamed them, saying, ‘That place shall be unknown.”  Jeremiah hid that Ark in an unknown cave, prior to 587 BC when Nebuchadnézzar carried off other holy vessels from Solomon’s temple (2Ch.36:7-10).  Since Jeremiah was told to hide the Ark, he knew it couldn’t be seen and its memory would fade (Je.3:16).

1Esdras 1:54 KJV 1611 edition “They [Babylonians] took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, with the vessels of the ark of God, and the king’s treasures, and carried them away into Babylon.”  ref Je.52:17-23 for more item detail.  However, these passages don’t say they took the Ark itself.  (But 2Esdras 10:22 KJV 1611 edition “The Ark of our covenant is spoiled.”  The original Ark?)

Ezr.1:5-11 the Ark isn’t listed among the articles of Solomon’s temple which the Jewish returnees brought back from Babylon into the temple of Zerubbabél/Ezra, the 2nd temple.  (see the topic “Temple of Zerubbabel”.)  2Ch.35:3 NASB footnote: “No reference is made to the ark by Ezra, Nehemiah, or even Josephus after the captivity.”

Later, neither was the Ark in Herod’s temple in the 1st century AD.  Josephus Wars of the Jews 5:5:5 “The inmost part of the Temple…in this there was nothing at all…it was called the Holy of Holies.”  Nor was the Lord Christ ‘seated’ in the Holy of Holies chamber of Herod’s temple…Jesus was out walking the Land in His human body in the 1st century AD!

The (physical) Ark chest disappeared from Israel’s history.  There are speculations today about the whereabouts of the Ark.  Some think the Ark ended up with the Jews in Elephántine, Egypt.  Or the original Ark possibly disappeared way back in the days of Solomon & the Queen of Sheba…and now remains in the possession of an Orthodox church in Ethiopia.  (If so, then the Ark hidden by Jeremiah wasn’t the original.)  I won’t elaborate on these speculations here.  (Many articles about the ancient Ark’s disappearance are available on the internet.  You might read Dean Smith’s What Happened To The Jewish Ark of the Covenant? and The Queen Of Sheba And The Jewish Ark.)

There are only two New Testament references to the “ark” (kibotós g2787, Greek) of the covenant.  He.9:1-7 briefly summarizes Moses’ tabernacle, its furnishings and service.  v.4 “…the ark of the covenant, covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod which budded, and the tables of the covenant.”

He.9–10 shows the efficacious atonement of Christ’s blood for Christians…sprinkling animal blood at the Ark’s mercy seat on each annual Day of Atonement by the Aaronic high priest is no longer needed.  Nor do Christian ‘soldiers’ (figurative) follow a physical ark into battle against nations of this world.

John envisioned in Re.11:19, “The temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple”.  A heavenly Ark endures, not an earthly.  Again, the only thing in the Ark in the tent/tabernacle of David was God’s eternal law tablets.  God’s laws are now figuratively being written by the indwelling Holy Spirit on the minds & hearts of New Covenant Israelites (He.8:8-13) and gentiles grafted-in.  see “Two Covenants – Heart of the Matter”.  An earthly Ark is unnecessary.

As the Lord said in Je.3:16, the ancient physical Ark made for Israel need not be missed or made again.


Tent/Tabernacle of David (2)

This is the continuation and conclusion to “Tent/Tabernacle of David (1)”.  Part 1 should be read first.

The ark of God was the most important object in God’s tabernacle which Moses erected.  Christ, the God and good Shepherd of Israel, ‘dwelt’ above the ark between the cherubim (cf. Ex.25:22, Ps.80:1, Jn.10:11).  The ark resided in the Holy of Holies innermost room (Ex.26:34) of Moses’ tabernacle for 500 years.  From approximately 1611 BC – 1102 BC (except when it was taken into battle or in transport).

The Philistines captured the ark from Shilóh (1Sm.4:17), c 1102 BC.  Later, after King David subdued the Philistines, he wanted God’s ark brought up to Jerusalem (c 1030 BC).  1Ch.15:1 “In the city of David [on Mt Zion] he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it.”  That Hebrew term for “tent” is óhel, Strongs h168.  The Greek Septúagint/LXX term is skené g4633.

The tent enclosure David pitched in Jerusalem provided a home for the ark of God for nearly 40 years.  Until his son Solomon completed the temple (c 991 BC), and the ark was moved into it (1Ki.7:51–8:1).

King David brought only the ark into the tent.  The ark still contained God’s law of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments (even during Solomon’s reign, 2Ch.5:1-2, 10).  But absent from Moses’ Holy of Holies (then at Gibeón) was Aaron’s rod that budded, signifying priestly Aaronide authority in the Levitical order of ancient Israel.  Absent was the memorial jar of manna from their wilderness journeys.  (Perhaps Aaron’s rod and the jar of manna were lost when the Philistines captured the ark, c 1102 BC?)

In Part 1, we identified 8 or 9 possible reasons why David set up the “tent of David” at his palace.

It was in David’s heart to eventually build a permanent structure in Jerusalem for the ark (1Ch.17:1-ff).  However, the Lord said King Solomon would build the Jerusalem temple (on Mt Moriah, 2Ch.3:1).

Yet it was God’s will for David to first pitch a tent for the ark on Mt Zion!  see “Tent/Tabernacle of David (1)”.  (also see the topics about “Zion in the Bible” and “Ark of the Testimony – Journeys”.)

The physical tent David pitched disappeared from history after 991 BC.  Approximately 240 years after Solomon moved the ark from David’s tent into the finished temple of Solomon (c 991 BC, and stored Moses’ tabernacle from Gibeon, 2Ch.5:5)…the Lord gave Amos a remarkable prophecy:

Am.9:11-12 LXX “In that day I [the Lord] will raise up the tent [skene g4633] of David that is fallen, and will rebuild it.”  (Here the Hebrew term is sukkáh h5521, ‘booth’.  A booth was a temporary dwelling, not intended for reuse in other locations.)  The kingdom of Israel had divided; the northern sector became corrupt, and God would soon scatter it (v.8-10).  Yet the Lord said the day would come when He will again raise-up a “tent of David” (or “tabernacle of David”), which David’s physical tent foreshadowed as a type!  The tent David pitched for the ark…the Lord related it to the future.

Soon after Amos wrote, Isaiah also prophesied about the tent of David in Is.16:5 LXX.  “A throne will be established in mercy. One will sit on it in truth, in the tent [skene g4633] of David, judging, seeking justice, and swift to do righteousness.”  (The Hebrew Masoretic Text here has ohel h168 for “tent”.)

This verse too applied to the future…to Christ and His church!  Benson Commentary Is.16:5 “He [Isaiah] was carried forward to a contemplation of the kingdom of Christ.”  JFB Commentary Is.16:5 “Language so divinely framed as to apply to ‘the latter days’ under King Messiah.”  Gill Exposition “This was typical of the church of God, where Christ sits and reigns as King, see Amos 9:11.”

The New Testament (NT) reflects the realization of the Old Testament (OT) prototype “tent of David”.

At the Jerusalem council, around 49 AD, in Ac.15:12-17 the apostle James quoted Amos’ prophecy of God. “After these things I [God] will return, and I will rebuild the tent [skene g4633] of David, which is fallen…That the rest of men may seek the Lord, all the Gentiles [g1484 nations] who are called by My name.”  James understood the tent of David also prefigured gentiles coming to the Lord!

The ancient tent of David, called the tabernacle of David in many English translations…prefigured the growing NT church, consisting of Israelites & Jews with gentiles grafted-in (ref Ro.11:11-17, 25-27).  Let’s see in what ways the tent/tabernacle of David typed the church:

The ark of God resided in the tent at David’s sanctuary on Zion for 40 years (though he died c 1002 BC).  The only item in the ark then was God’s eternal law (later seen in heavenly Mt Zion, Re.11:19 & 14:1)!  God’s laws are figuratively written on the hearts of New Covenant Israelites (He.8:8-12) and gentiles.

After David brought the ark to Mt Zion, he composed many Psalms at the tent and instituted courses for praise & worship before it.  (In the Pentateuch we don’t read of that worship style at Moses’ tabernacle.)

Asáph and other Levites ministered and gave thanks before the ark with song and musical instruments, 1Ch.16:4-7, 37-38.  Ellicott Commentary 1Ch.16:4 “These Levites were to minister before the Ark in the sacred tent of Mt Zion.”  1Ch.16:6 “Beniaiah and Jahaziel the priests blew trumpets continually before the ark.”  Ps.50 was written by Asaph as he ministered praise & thanks at David’s tent (Ps.50:2).

Following are three Psalms (with Bible commentary notes) which tie to David and the tent on Mt Zion: David wrote in Ps.15:1, “O Lord, who may abide in Thy tent? Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill?”  Cambridge Bible Ps.15:1 “The tent’, which David pitched for the Ark on Mt Zion.”  Barnes Notes Ps.15:1 “Zion, regarded as the dwelling place of God.”  Benson Commentary “The psalmist alludes to the hill of Zion.”  Ps.24:3 “Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?”  Pulpit Commentary Ps.24:3 “At this time, the Mt Zion.”  Barnes Notes Ps.24:3 “Mount Zion; called the hill of the Lord, because it was the place designated for His worship, or the place of His abode.”  David also wrote in Ps.27:6, “I will offer in His tent sacrifices of shouts of joy”.  (Not animal sacrifices there.)  Cambridge Bible Ps.27:6 “The tent which David pitched for the Ark on Mt Zion must be meant.”

David himself actually sat before the ark!  1Ch.17:16 “David the king went and sat before the Lord.”  David enjoyed God’s Presence at the sacred tent on Zion.  (cf. Ps.21:6 “Thy countenance”.)  David could commune with Christ above the cherubim atop the ark (1Ch.13:6), as Moses had (Ex.25:22)!

But at Moses’ tabernacle, only the high priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies chamber where the ark/Christ had sat.  No one else!  And he only on the annual Day of Atonement, ref Le.16:2, 29, 34.

Dr. Ralph Wilson David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem “David is the great architect of worship before the Lord in Jerusalem.”  Worship there was unlike that at Moses’ tabernacle.  Ps.69:30-35 David wrote, “I will praise the Name of God with song, and magnify Him with thanksgiving…God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah.”  v.31 David’s praise to God in Zion was more pleasing than animal sacrifices.

I find no verses that say recurring animal sacrifices were done on Mt Zion!  (Regular animal offerings were done at Moses’ tabernacle in Gibeon.)  Recurring sacrifices at David’s tent were…praise & thanksgiving.  And praise & giving of thanks was typical of the NT church…no animal sacrifices.

David’s enclosure for the ark was a makeshift stationary tent, open and with an altar out front (1Ki.3:15 LXX).  There was no veil.  No items from Moses’ tabernacle used for ceremonial rituals were on Zion. The Tabernacle of David “David, who was obviously in the will of God, erected a tent in which people worshiped joyfully without being separated from the Ark by the Veil [cf. Ex.26:30-36]. Remember that the Veil in the Temple was torn in two when Yeshua [Jesus] died on the cross [Mt.27:51].”  The tent of David foreshadowed Christ and His church…there’s no veil of separation.

WicWiki Tabernacle of David “David’s tabernacle represented the grace of God and a way open into the very Holiest of All (see Heb.6:19, 8:1-2). As David’s tabernacle contained the Ark in open access, so the church, through Christ, has open access to the presence of God.”  The writer of the book of Hebrews said, He.10:19 “We have confidence to enter the Holy Place by the blood of Jesus”.

The Davidic style of worship was later done by Jewish returnees from captivity in Ezra & Nehemiah.  Ne.12:24 LXX “The heads of the Levites…were to sing hymns of praise, according to the commandment of David the man of God, course by course.”  Gill Exposition Ne.12:24 “They performed by turns…as David under divine direction ordered, see 1Ch.23:5.”  also ref Ezr.2:65, 3:10-11; Ne.12:27, 36, 45-47.

Davidic worship and Psalms was the forerunner of praise in the NT church.  R. Wilson op. cit. “The Psalms are designed to help us experience praise, to enter into it ourselves.”  The apostle Paul exhorted the church to worship God with song.  Col.3:16 “Teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thanksgiving in your hearts to God.”  Ep.5:19 “Singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.”  Praise music is an integral part of Christian worship.

2Sm.6:14 as King David was bringing the ark to Zion, he “danced before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephód.”  Although David was king, royalty, he wore the linen ephod of ordinary priests…even though he wasn’t a descendant of the Aaronide priestly line.  (Samuel had worn one as a boy, 1Sm.2:18.  cf. 1Ch.15:27; 1Sm.22:18.)  David was a type of Christ, who is the “son of David” (Mt.1:1, Lk.18:38).  David wrote Ps.110.  Some think Ps.110:4 “order of Melchisedek” refers to David too, as both king and a type of priest.  (Peter also called David a prophet, Ac.2:29-30). “David did an amazing thing in his time. The housing of the ark of God in the Tabernacle of David was an event of unusual importance, for it was celebrated by ‘all Israel’ with demonstrations of the most impressive character: ‘With shouting, and with sound of the cornet, and with trumpets and with cymbals’, while King David himself danced before the ark with all his might in the exuberance of his joy. It constituted a decided break with the Levitical ordinances given through Moses. The Old Testament way of reaching God was through the means of animal sacrifices. There were no [recurring] animal sacrifices there [David’s tent]. Chiefly, it is to be observed that this sojourn of the ark on Mt Zion is the foundation of the many references in the Psalms and the Prophets to Zion, as the dwelling place of Jehovah, and is what gives to the terms ‘Zion’ and ‘Mount Zion’ their high spiritual meaning. Never thereafter was Mount Moriah, where Solomon’s magnificent temple stood, referred to as Jehovah’s dwelling place, but always Mount Zion.”

Much later, animal sacrifices were done at the 1st century temple of Herod.  Judaizers wanted to bring circumcised gentile proselytes into Herod’s temple.  But it was the tent of David, which had no regular animal sacrifices, that actually foreshadowed the gentiles coming in to the worship of the true God.

As Amos prophesied and James confirmed, God would rebuild the tabernacle/tent of David.  God isn’t rebuilding the obsolete temples of Solomon, Zerubbabél/Ezra (built 520-516 BC), or Herod!

Solomon’s temple (the 1st temple) took 7 years to build on nearby Mt Moriah (using 30,000 workmen).  The 2nd temple was Zerubbabel’s (also known as Ezra’s temple).  Herod’s structure was a 3rd temple.

Herod’s Temple Is Really the Third Temple “Herod [the Great] decided that Zerubbabel’s Temple was too insignificant. So he presented a plan to the people to take down Zerubbabel’s temple and erect a newer, bigger and better one in its place. John 2:20 indicates that construction/renovation of this temple still wasn’t completed 46 years after it was begun.”  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 15:11:1-3, wrote that the foundation of Zerubbabel’s temple (the 2nd) was completely destroyed.  Herod’s sanctuary was finished in 1 1/2 years (without halting temple services), the courts in 8 years.  But it wasn’t finally all completed until 64 AD!  18,000 workmen were used!  This was much more than a renovation.  The Four Fold Gospel Jn.2:20 “Herod tore down the 2nd temple and rebuilt it with a 3rd structure in that site.”  It took 80 years to complete!  (All that remains today is a 1,600 foot section of the Western Wall, a retaining wall Herod built to expand the temple mount.)   William Whiston footnote to Antiq.15:11:1, “The fancy of the modern Jews, in calling this temple, which was really the 3rd of their temples, the 2nd temple, followed so long by later Christians, seems to be without any solid foundation”.

Biblical Archaeology Review Mar/Apr 2002: Herod’s Roman Temple “Actually, it was an entirely new structure, but it is still known in Jewish tradition and in the scholarly literature as the Second Temple.”

judaism.stackexchange “Herod removed Ezra’s Temple, stone by stone, right down to the ground, and then removed the foundations and built an entirely new Temple of his own….Herod didn’t rebuild a temple. He in fact completely reformed the temple mount.”  Herod’s new temple was the 3rd temple.

The temples of Herod, Zerubbabel/Ezra, Solomon were built on Mt Moriah (2Ch.3:1).  The Hebrew term “Moriah” (h4179) occurs only twice in the entire OT!  (In 2Ch.3:1 and Ge.22:2; also in Je.26:18 the “mountain of the house” of the Lord refers to Mt Moriah.)  And “Moriah” never occurs in the NT.

Whereas the Hebrew term “Zion” (h6726 tsee-yóne) occurs 153 times in the OT!  (80 of those occurrences are in Psalms and Isaiah.)  The Greek LXX and NT term for Zion is Sion (g4622 see-ówn).  It occurs 7 times in the NT (Mt.21:5; Jn.12:15; Ro.9:33, 11:26; He.12:22; 1Pe.2:6; Re.14:1).

Comparing…based on the total Bible occurrences of “Zion” and “Moriah”, the tent/tabernacle of David pitched on Mt Zion has more enduring relevance than the 3 obsolete temples erected on Mt Moriah! “When God speaks by His prophets concerning things to come in the Kingdom of Christ, He never says, ‘I will build again the Temple of Solomon which I destroyed’, but ‘I will build again the Tabernacle of David which is fallen down’.”

Kevin Conner The Temple of Solomon, p. 206 “In 70 AD God allowed the whole Temple system to be totally destroyed, never to be restored again either in this age or any age to come.”

Religious Jews may attempt to build another temple like Solomon’s or Herod’s on Mt Moriah.  But God isn’t doing that.  The Lord God is building the tabernacle of David!  Not that it will be a literal tent erected by God.  Rather, James said the tent of David represents salvation for all races of men!

{Sidelight: The New Jerusalem temple vision of Ezekiel 40–48 has puzzled Bible readers.  It’s been described as a mix of idealism and allegory, having a figurative spiritual (non-literal) interpretation.  The Lord Christ, very God, sacrificed Himself in the 1st century AD (not a literal Ezk.45:17, 22!).  There is nothing in the NT to indicate that the Lord will literally reinstitute inferior animal sin offerings as atonement for Himself or others in the future.  And there were no regular animal sacrifices at the tabernacle of David (that God is rebuilding).  Michael Battle What About Ezekiel’s Temple? “Those things which Ezekiel saw [includes animal sacrifices] were based solely on the pattern given to Moses, and was only a figure or foreshadowing of something much greater. With His own blood He [Christ] entered once for all into the holy place of the greater and more perfect tabernacle (in the heavens) [He.9:11-12], and has obtained eternal redemption for us!”}

In his book The Tabernacle of David, p.231, Kevin Conner lists other theological truths represented by the tabernacle of David.  The throne of David pointed to the throne of Christ (the “son of David”).  Earthly Mt Zion & Jerusalem pointed to the heavenly Mt Zion & Jerusalem above (Re.14:1, Ga.4:26).  David was king and a type of priest; Christ is king and priest in the order of Melchisedek (Ge.14:18, Ps.110:4).  After David did animal sacrifices once at the tent (2Sm.6:17), the cessation of any further animal sacrifices there by him pointed to Christ’s one-time sacrifice and the 70 AD end of sacrifices at Herod’s (obsolete) temple.  Instead, sacrifices of praise became the order of worship at David’s tent, as is done in the NT church; He.13:15 “Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise.”

The transfer of the ark (containing the 10 Commandments, so-called) from Moses’ tabernacle at Gibeon to David’s tent at Zion represented the transfer of the Lord’s righteous moral law from the Old Covenant to the minds & hearts of New Covenant Christians (He.8:10).

The tent of David types both…the Davidic kingdom culminating in Jesus with the Kingdom of God, and the Davidic style of worship.  The church with Gentiles enters into both.  James confirmed in Ac.15:14 that God was “taking from among the gentiles a people for His name”.  Gentiles weren’t to come in to the worship of God under the Old Covenant ritualistic system of the Levitical order.  Christians are now God’s priesthood in the order of Melchisedek.  Jesus is High Priest (He.4:14, 7:17).  Levitical Aaronide priests are obsolete.  The tent of David foreshadowed the at-large community of Christian believers.

As the Lord is gradually rebuilding the tabernacle of David, the Lord is gradually building His church.  Jesus said in Mt.16:18, “I will build My church”.  And the gates of Hades, the realm of the dead, will not prevail against God’s church!  Glory to God!