John Wrote Five Bible Books?

Did the apostle John write the Gospel of John (the 4th gospel, 4G), the letters 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation…the five Johánnine books so-called?  All four New Testament (NT) gospels are written anonymously.  This topic focuses on the 4th gospel’s author, and the other NT books attributed to him.

The apostle John (Yochanán) and his older brother James (Jacob) were two of Jesus’ original 12 disciples.  They were also His 1st cousins.  These two (and their partner Simon Peter, Lk.5:10) were the closest to Jesus.  ref Mt.17:1, 26:37, Mk.5:37, 9:2, 14:33, Lk.8:51, 9:28.

James & John were the sons of Jesus’ aunt Salóme and uncle Zébedee.  The three other women with Jesus’ Mary at His cross were: #1 Mary Magdalene; #2 another Mary who was the wife of Clopás and mother of James the Less & Josés; #3 Mt.27:56 the mother of the sons of Zebedee, Mk.15:40 Salome, Jn.19:25 Jesus’ mother’s sister (biological sisters wouldn’t both be named Mary).  Jesus’ Mary and Salome were two daughters of Eli/Heli (Lk.3:23).  also see the topic “Jesus’ Genealogy”.

Easton Bible Dictionary: Salome “The wife of Zebedee and mother of James & John, and probably the sister of Mary, the mother of our Lord.”  Gill Exposition Jn.1:1 “The author of this Gospel is John, the son of Zebedee and Salome, the brother of James the Greater; he outlived the rest of the disciples.”

James & John wanted their mother, Jesus’ aunt Salome, to convey to Him their desire to sit immediately to His left and His right in His future kingdom glory (Mt.20:20-24, Mk.10:35-41).  Salome had known her nephew Jesus from His childhood.  Maybe she was His favorite aunt?  So she had boldness to make such a request.  Jesus called his cousins James & John the “sons of thunder”, Mk.3:17. (cf. Lk.9:54.)

Ac.12:1-2 Herod Agríppa had John’s brother James put to death by the sword, ca 43 AD.  Perhaps this “son of thunder” was quite outspoken!?  However, tradition says brother John lived a long life.

The three gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are called the synoptic gospels.  In the three synoptics, the names James (Strongs g2385, Greek) and John (g2491) occur together in 17 verses.  But never in 4G, the 4th gospel!  Jn.21:2 does call the sons of Zebedee “disciples”, but doesn’t give their names.  John doesn’t refer to his mother Salome by name, but refers to her as Jesus’ mother’s sister in Jn.19:25.

Moreover, in 4G the name John occurs only when John the Baptizer is meant, never John the disciple/apostle!  The name John doesn’t occur in any of the three epistles of John.  Inspecting all five Johannine writings, the name John (when John the Baptizer isn’t meant) occurs only in Revelation – Re.1:1, 4, 9, 21:2, 22:8.

Jn.1:14 “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory.”  This verse indicates the writer of 4G was in the group of close disciples who personally saw & knew Jesus the Word.

Of Jesus’ original 12 disciples/apostles, 4G mentions 9 of them.  Simon Peter, Peter’s brother Andrew, Philip, Nathaniel (Bartholomew), Thomas (Dídymus Judas), Jude (Thaddeus/Lebbaeus), Judas Iscariót, the sons of Zebedee (Jn.21:2).  also see the topic “Jesus’ Twelve Apostles”.

Not referred to at all in 4G are the 3 disciples Matthew, Simon Zealotés, James the Less (of Alphaeus).

The apostle who Jesus loved, the ‘Beloved Disciple’ so-called, is seen in Jn.13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7, 20-24.  Most Bible commentaries think this person was John himself (one of the two sons of Zebedee).  At Jesus’ Last Supper, Jn.13:23 “One of the disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was sitting next to Jesus”.  He was “leaning against Jesus’ breast”, WEB translation.  Barnes Notes “This was doubtless John himself.”  JFB Commentary “Thus modestly does our Evangelist denote himself.”  Meyer NT Commentary “He [John] was Jesus’ nearest table companion.”  Cambridge Bible “John was on our Lord’s right.”  Bengel’s Gnomen “John avoids with great care express mention of himself.”  Most readers think Jesus’ beloved disciple was John (Jesus’ 1st cousin).

Irenáeus (130-202 AD) Against Heresies 3:1:1John, the disciple of the Lord, who had leaned upon His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus.”  Wikipedia: Authorship of the Johannine Works “The phrase ‘the disciple who Jesus loved’ or, in John 20:2, ‘the disciple beloved of Jesus’ is used six times in the Gospel of John, but in no other New Testament accounts of Jesus. John 21:24 states that the Gospel of John is based on the written testimony of this disciple.”

Jn.19:25-27 Jesus gave this beloved disciple, His cousin John, responsibility of caring for Mary.  She would’ve first been the responsibility of a living: husband (Joseph), then her son (Jesus), then a brother.  Joseph likely was deceased, Jesus is dying on the cross, and Mary had no (living) biological brother.  Her sister Salome’s sons James & John were in line for the care of Mary.

In Jn.21:2, 4G referred to 7 of the 12 disciples. “There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee [James & John], and two other of His disciples.”  These other two were probably Peter’s brother Andrew, and Philip their close associate.  Gill Exposition Jn.21:2 “Two other of his disciples; are thought to be Andrew and Philip; which is very likely, since they were both of Bethsaidá.”  Bethsaida was a Galilean fishing village.

The synoptic gospels list the first 4 disciples called by Jesus as…Peter & Andrew, James & John.  Next listed are Philip and Bartholomew.  Mt.10:2-4, Mk.3:16-19, Lk.6:13-16.  also ref Mt.4:18-22, Mk.1:16-20, Lk.5:3, 10 (Andrew fished in Peter’s boat), Ac.1:13, Mk.13:3.  But in the 4G Jn.1:35-50, the earliest disciples named are Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathaniel.  (4G doesn’t refer to Nathaniel as Bar-Tholomew, the son of Tholmai, unlike the synoptics.)  4G omits specifically naming James & John as disciples.  What an omission!  Likewise, 4G omits naming the two sons of Zebedee.  It seems John humbly didn’t want to draw attention to himself.  Furthermore, “James” doesn’t occur in any of the five Johannines!

Let’s now examine internal vocabular evidence of authorship within the five Johannine books.

Most readers think the three Johannine books of 1Jn, 2Jn, 3Jn were written by the same person/Elder (at an advanced age).  2Jn.1:1 “The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love [g25] in the truth [g225].”  3Jn.1:1 “The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.”  1Jn.3:18 “My little children, let us not love merely in word or in tongue, but in action and in truth.”  Notice the similarity.

The closing wording, “having many things to write to you” with “I hope to see you face to face”, occurs at the end of both 2Jn and 3Jn; 2Jn.1:12 and 3Jn.1:13-14.  In no other NT book.

The phrase “that you have heard [g191] from the beginning [g746]” occurs only in John’s epistles; 1Jn.2:7, 24, 3:11, 2Jn.1:6.  Nowhere else in the NT.  The three letters were written by the same person.

In the NT, the phrase “Jesus Christ is come in the flesh” occurs in 1Jn.4:2-3, 2Jn.1:7.  Nowhere else.

The Greek term antíchristos (g500), antichrist, occurs only in 1Jn.2:18, 22, 4:3, 2Jn.1:7.  Nowhere else.

The Elder who wrote John’s epistles seems to assume that the readers of his epistles also know 4G.

Now let’s link John’s epistles to 4G, the 4th gospel, the Gospel of John.

The NT expression “new commandment” (g2537 g1785) occurs only in John’s writings; 1Jn.2:7-8, 2Jn.1:5.  Also Jn.13:34, “A new (g2537) commandment (g1785) I give unto you.”  This expression ties John’s epistles to 4G, but doesn’t occur in any non-Johannine book.

The phrase “that your/our joy [g5479] may be full [g4137]” is seen only in 1Jn.1:4, 2Jn.1:12, Jn.15:11, 16:24.  Nowhere but in John’s writings.

The expression “take away sins” (g142 g266) occurs only in 1Jn.3:5, Jn.1:29.  In no other NT writings.

The expression “walk/s [g4043] in darkness” occurs in 1Jn.1:6, 2:11, Jn.8:12, 12:35.  Nowhere else.

The expression “the world hates you” (g2889 g3404 g5209) occurs only in 1Jn.3:13, Jn.15:18-19.

The expression, God’s “only begotten Son” (g3439 g5207) occurs only in 1Jn.4:9, Jn.3:16, 18.

The following four verses relate to men having “seen” (g3708) or discerned Father God’s or Jesus’ divine character/nature.  (It didn’t mean seen visibly with physical eyes).  1Jn.3:6 “Whoever sins has not seen Him, neither known Him.”  3Jn.1:11 “He that does evil has not seen God.”  Jn.14:7 Jesus said to His disciples, “You know Him and have seen Him.”  Jn.14: 9 “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”  However, no non-Johannine book uses the expression “seen God/Him” in the same verse.

3Jn.1:12 “We also bear witness [g3140], and you know that our testimony is true [g227].”  Jn.19:35 “The one having seen bears witness, and his testimony is true.”  Jn.21:24 “This is the disciple bearing witness, and we know that his testimony is true.”  This language only occurs in John’s writings.  also ref Jn.5:31-32, 8:13-14.

The above passages link John’s three epistles to 4G.  Now we’ll link Revelation to other Johannine books.

Re.1:1, 4, 9I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation…was on the island of Pátmos on account of the word of God and my testimony about Jesus.”  In Revelation, the writer John includes his own name.  Wikipedia: Patmos “Early Christian tradition identified this writer John of Patmos as John the Apostle.”  Pulpit Commentary Re.1:9 “St. John’s ‘coming to be in Patmos’ was caused by suffering for the Word of God.”  Vincent’s Word Studies “Persecution for Christ’s sake.”

Jesus as the Word/Lógos (g3056) occurs only in Johannine books!  Jn.1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”  v.14 “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, we beheld His glory.”  1Jn.1:1 “What we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of Life.”  Re.19:13 “He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God.”  No other NT writer clearly refers to Jesus as “the Word”!

Barnes Notes Lk.1:2 “The term ‘word’ here means the ‘gospel’. Luke never uses it, as John does, to denote the second Person of the Trinity.”  Ti.1:3 “God…in due time manifested His word through preaching.”  Cambridge Bible Ti.1:2-3 “In understanding this directly of Christ ‘manifested His Word’; such usage has no proper support in Paul.”  Paul never refers to Christ as the Word/Logos.

He.4:12 “The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.”  Young’s Literal Translation has “The reckoning of God.”  Meyers NT Commentary He.4:12 “The majority understand ‘the word of God’ as proclaimed and as preserved in Scripture.”  Of all the other NT writers, perhaps Peter (1Pe.1:23 & 1Pe.2:8) comes nearest to referring to Christ’s Person as the Word/Logos.

The Greek term rendered “pierced” (g1574) occurs in Jn.19:37 and Re.1:7.  Nowhere else in the NT.

The admonition to “keep My/His word/sayings” (g5083 g3056) occurs only in Johannine books; Jn.8:51-52, 55, 14:23-24, 15:20, 17:6, 1Jn.2:5, Re.3:8, 10, 22:7, 9.  In no non-Johannine book.

The invitation to observe for yourself, to “Come and see” (g2064 g2532 g1492/g991), occurs only in Jn.1:39, 46, 11:34, Re.6:1-7.  These invitations are given in two Johannine books, but nowhere else in the NT!  (Php.1:27 means to come & visit, else remain absent, CEV “Whether I visit you or not”.)

The two Greek terms rendered “come” (g2064) and “quickly” (g5035) both occur in the same verse in Re.2:5, 16, 3:11, 11:14, 22:7, 12, 20…“Come quickly”.  In no other NT book, except Jn.11:29, “She heard, rises up quickly, and doth come to Him”. (Young’s Literal Translation)

So we’ve seen from all the above citations that there are expressions/terms which occur together in 4G, 1Jn, 2Jn, 3Jn, Revelation…but in no other NT books.  This shows the Johannines have the same author.

However, Bible linguists recognize the Greek language quality of Revelation is less than that of the other four Johannines.  If the author is the same, why was Revelation written in a lesser quality Greek?

John’s native language was Aramaic (ref Aramaic words imbedded in 4G).  He also knew Greek, but was less fluent in it.  Ac.4:13 Peter & John were unlearned and ordinary men.  They weren’t educated as were Jewish scribes.  Perhaps an amanuénsis (copyist) was available to help John write 4G in a better quality Greek?  ref Jn.21:24 “the disciple” (John) is in 3rd person, yet “we” is 1st person.  “We” includes John’s secretary?  4G wasn’t written during John’s exile on Patmos, where Revelation was written.

When John was exiled to Patmos (Re.1:9), where he wrote Revelation in Greek, apparently there was no ‘literary secretary’ made available for John to dictate his vision to.  cf. Ro.16:22 Tértius served as Paul’s amanuensis or secretary in writing the book of Romans.  Whereas Paul wrote Galatians with his “own hand” (Ga.6:11).  John wrote Revelation, seemingly with his own hand, without a secretary.

Wikipedia: John the EvangelistJohn the Evangelist is the name traditionally given to the author of the Gospel of John [4G]….John the Apostle….the ‘Beloved Disciple’ in the Gospel of John.”  But some scholars disagree that ‘John the Evangelist’ is the apostle John.  Was the apostle John an evangelist?

In Ac.5:40-42, Jesus’ apostles “preached the gospel” (euaggelízo g2097); they evangelized.  John, Peter, and the others were gospel preachers too.  Ellicott Commentary Ac.5:42 “The word for ‘preach’ is literally to ‘evangelize.”  In so doing, John was an evangelist.  Ac.8:14, 25, Peter and John evangelized (g2097) in Samaria, on their way back to Jerusalem.  JFB Commentary Ac.8:25 “And they’ – Peter and John.”  Ac.14:7 the apostles Paul & Barnábas evangelized in Galatian cities.  Ep.4:11 some are apostles, other saints are prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers.  Yet an apostle may perform other (lesser) functions too, as John did.  So John may also accurately be called ‘John the Evangelist’.

The Aramaic-speaking Church in the East, the Syriac church, is considered by many to have precedence over the (later) Latin-speaking Roman Catholic Church.  The 2nd century Syriac version of the NT indicates Revelation was written ca 67 AD.  Its preface to Revelation reads, “The Revelation which was made by God to John the Evangelist in the island of Patmos to which he was banished by Nero the Emperor”.  The apostle John was also known as ‘John the Evangelist’.  JFB Jn.13:23 “Modestly does our Evangelist denote himself, as reclining next to Jesus at the table.”

John, the Beloved Disciple, himself had much to say about “love”.  Of the 7,958 total verses in the NT, the five Johannines contain 1,416 of them.  That’s only 18%.  The Greek verb for love is agapáo g25.  The Greek noun for love is agápe g26.  These two terms occur 258 times in the NT.  Of these 258 occurrences, 105 are in the five Johannines…a remarkable 40%!  (also see “Love – Godly Love”.)

Conclusion: Evidence indicates that the disciple/apostle/evangelist John, the brother of James, was the author of all five Johannine books.  Not only in the view of Bible commentaries and traditional writings (which hasn’t been my focus here), but even more significant is…the large amount of internal vocabular evidence.  The language within the five books is too similar to be merely coincidental!

‘Thousand (Years)’ in the Bible – (2)

This topic is Part 2 to “Thousand (Years)’ in the Bible – (1)”.  Most of the many verses quoted in (1) won’t be repeated here in (2).  I suggest you read Part 1 before continuing.

We’ve been examining Bible verses & terms that reflect “thousand” and “thousand years”.

From Part 1…The New Testament (NT) passage that prompted the topic is Re.20:1-5.  The apostle John wrote: “I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom authority to judge was given. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection.”

In the extended passage of Re.20:1-7, “thousand years” appears 6 times.  Is the thousand years meant literally or approximately or as a rounded number?  Or is the 1,000 years figurative or representative?

Figurative language is…using a word or phrase to picture something other than the literal or natural meaning.  We normally interpret literally, actually,…unless the literal sense implies untruth, absurdity, impossibility, contradiction of other verses.  In that case…the meaning is figurative, metaphorical, symbolic, allegorical, hyperbolic, a simile, parable, idiom, a personification…not interpreted literally.

Words can be representative…to denote, signify, portray, or indicate something (else).

In the Re.20:1-7 passage, the NT Greek term for “thousand” is chílioi, Strongs g5507.  Our English word kilo (multiplication by 1,000) is derived from this term chilioi.

In the Greek Old Testament (OT) LXX and Greek NT, chilioi g5507 is the term translated “thousand”.  It can be the precise number one thousand/1,000.  There are 11 NT occurrences: 2Pe.3:8; Re.11:3, 12:6, 14:20, 20:2-7.  Chilioi g5507 can be a precise symbolic, representative, rounded, or literal 1,000.

The term chiliás g5505 is used in plural thousands.  There are 23 NT occurrences: Lk.14:31; Ac.4:4; 1Co.10:8; Re.5:11, 7:4-8, 11:13, 14:1, 3, 21:16.  In the NT, chilias g5505 is never used for the precise number one thousand/1,000.

However, Hebrew had only one term for “thousand”…éleph h505.  It occurs 500 times in the OT.  Eleph is used: for the precise number one thousand/1,000, in numbers exceeding one thousand/1,000 (usually, e.g. 22,273 in Nu.3:43), and for plural “thousands”.  There’s no distinction in the term itself.

In Part 1, we began a lengthy survey of many verses to see how “thousand” was meant in scripture.  Only a couple verses were found (so far) where one thousand/1,000 is clearly literal.

We’ll now continue this in-depth survey and conclude the topic.  I’ve been mostly referencing the LXX for the OT; the Greek LXX language better compares to our Greek NT.

Jb.9:3 “He [man] can’t answer Him [God] one time in 1,000 [g5507] times.”  Benson Commentary “One accusation against 1,000 which God might produce against him.”  But man couldn’t answer charge 1,001 from God either!  Here, 1,000 basically denotes a large number.

Jb.33:23 “If there is beside him an angel [or messenger], an intercessor, one among a thousand, to show to man what is right for him.”  Here too, “a thousand” denotes a large number.

Ec.7:28 he found one upright man out of 1,000 (g5507), but not one woman.  JFB Commentary Ec.7:28 “Solomon, in the word ‘thousand’, alludes to his 300 wives and 700 concubines [1Ki.11:3].”  Perhaps the approximate total of women in his harem was 1,000; many became negative experiences.

Ps.105:8 “God has remembered His covenant forever…to 1,000 [g5507] generations.”  If a generation is 20 years, then 1,000 generations spans 20,000 years.  40-year generations would span 40,000 years!  After 20,000–40,000 years…at generation 1,001 God wouldn’t fail to keep His covenant!  Here, 1,000 denotes a large number.

Ps.50:10 God says, “Every animal of the forest is Mine, the cattle on 1,000 hills.”  (v.10b isn’t in the LXX.)  If God owns the cattle on only 1,000 hills, then who owns the cattle on hill 1,001 and all the other hills!?  Mathew Henry Commentary “Even the cattle which feed upon innumerable hills.”  Here, 1,000 clearly represents an unknown immeasurable number.

Da.5:1 “Belshazzár the king held a feast for 1,000 [h506 Aramaic, g5507 LXX] of his nobles.”  Perhaps 965 or 1,035 nobles were there, or more?  Barnes Notes Da.5:1 “The term 1,000 here is doubtless used to denote a very large number.”  A version of the LXX reads “2,000 lords” (Pulpit Commentary).

Da.7:10 “A thousand thousands (g5505) attended Him, 10,000 times 10,000 stood before Him.”  This verse reflects 1,000 (h506 Aramaic) & 10,000 multiplied.  1,000,000 & 100,000,000!  Gill Exposition Da.7:10 “An innumerable company of angels.”  Thousand is symbolic.  cf. Re.5:11 (g5505).

In the above instances…the number 1,000 would allow for 975, or 999, or 1,001, 1,025, or more.  God owns the cattle on the 1,026th hill too!  Ps.24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”

Ezk.40-48 is Ezekiel’s grand allegorical vision.  Ezk.47:3-5 records four measurements, each of 1,000 (g5507) cubits, in the water that became a river.  Symbolic 1,000s.  cf. Jn.7:38-39 where Jesus spoke of “rivers of living water” of the Spirit.

In Part 1 and Part 2, so far we’ve examined verses where “one thousand/1,000” refers to people or thingsThe Meaning of Numbers: the Number 1,000 “In scripture, the term ‘thousand’, when in reference to time, is always used symbolically. It represents any predetermined time that God chooses. In other cases, it is always used symbolically for a large number of people or things.”  That is, referring to the precise number one thousand/1,000.  Now the verses where “one thousand/1,000” relates to time:

In Da.12:11-12 are the 1,290 days and 1,335 days.  Not a precise 1,000 days.  Both periods are g5507 in the LXX.  Many commentaries relate the two periods to the rule of Antíochus Epíphanes, ca 164 BC.  However, there isn’t complete agreement for conclusively tying the two periods of days to specific months then.  Others relate the two periods to Titus’ siege of Jerusalem leading up to 70 AD.

The 1,260 (g5507) days of Re.11:3, 12:6, (13:5)…also aren’t a precise 1,000.  The various interpretations won’t be discussed here.  Bible historians have tied this period of days to 66–70 AD, ending with the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome.  (For comprehensive detail, see Josephus’ Wars of the Jews.)

Ps.84:10 KJV “A day in Thy courts is better than a thousand [elsewhere]. I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God.”  (LXX has plural “thousands”, g5505.)  “Thousand” represents countless days.

Now for the verses where the precise number “1,000refers to years (not “days”).  The expression “thousand years” is found only in Ec.6:6; Ps.90:4; 2Pe.3:8; Re.20:2-7.

Ec.6:3-6 “If a man begets 100 children and lives many years….Even if the man lives 1,000 [g5507] years twice over and does not enjoy good things….”  Pulpit Commentary Ec.6:6 “What has been said would still be true even if the man lived 2,000 years.”  It’s true even if he lived 980 or 1,020 or 2,020 years…or if he begat 90 or 110 or more children.  The 1,000 years (and the 100 children) are symbolic.

Ps.90:4 LXX1,000 [g5507] years in Your [God’s] sight are as yesterday which is past.”  Cambridge Bible “The longest span of human life is but a day in Thy sight, though a man should outlive the years of Methuselah.”  The 969 years Methuselah lived (Ge.5:27)…or 1,039 or 1,069 years…are also as yesterday.  As one day.  1,000 years are symbolically as one day.

2Pe.3:8 KJV “Beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as 1,000 [g5507] years, and 1,000 [g5507] years as one day.”  The usage of “1,000 years” in this verse is somewhat similar to Ps.90:4.  Benson Commentary 2Pe.3:8 “A thousand years, yea, the longest time, is no more delay to the eternal God than one day is to us.”  Matthew Poole Commentary 2Pe.3:8 “By a synécdoche, 1,000 years is put for any, even the longest revolution of time.”  Bengel’s Gnomen 2Pe.3:8 “He [God] wonderfully exceeds all measure of time.”  In this verse too, “1,000 years” is figurative.

Returning now to our beginning passage of Re.20:1-ff…Re.20:2 “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan, and bound him 1,000 [g5507] years.”  Barnes Notes Re.20:2 “The notion of a millennium as such is found in this passage alone [Re.20:1-6].”  Millennialism is also known as chiliásm (from the Greek term g5505 for “thousand”).  No other passage shows millennium!

JFB Commentary Re.20:2 “A thousand implies perfection. Thousand symbolizes that the world is perfectly leavened and pervaded by the divine.”  Matthew Poole Commentary Re.20:2 “It is probable that it signifies an uncertain, indefinite time.”  Pulpit Commentary Re.20:2 “The best interpretation seems to be that this phrase expresses a quality, and does not express a period of time. ‘1,000’ signifies completeness.”  Ellicott Commentary Re.20:3 “The same applies to the duration of the imprisonment; it is not to be understood literally.”  Kenneth L. Gentry He Shall Have Dominion, p.347 “The thousand is no more literal here than that which affirms God’s ownership of the cattle on 1,000 hills (Ps.50:10).”   Anthony A. Hoekema The Bible and the Future, p.226 “The book of Revelation is full of symbolic numbers. The number ‘thousand’ in this passage ought not to be interpreted in a strictly literal sense.”

In the Bible, “one thousand/1,000 yearsrefers to a large period of time.  Interpreting the years as an approximation is even a stretch.

The precise number 10,000 (see Part 1) represented a large indeterminate amount.  So did the precise number 1,000 (to a lesser degree or less emphatically).  Spiritual Meaning of Thousand “In the Word, a thousand signifies much and countless.”  Andrew of Caesárea Commentary on the Apocalypse, p. 206 “By the number 1,000 years by no means is it reasonable to understand so many years. For neither concerning such things of which David said, ‘The word which he commanded for 1,000 generations’ (Psalm 105:8) are we able to count these things as 10 times 100; rather they mean many generations.”

Yet there are others who did/do interpret the “1,000 years” of Re.20:1-ff literally.  As the date 1000 AD neared, all over Europe there was needless terror and alarm, because they supposed that satan would be loosed 1,000 years after Jesus’ birth!  (ref Mosheim’s Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, p.340.)

{Sidelight: In 1071 AD the Seljúk Empire of Sunni-Muslim Turks & Persians took Judea and Jerusalem.  This led to the First Crusade. (see Wikipedia: Seljuk Empire.)  History.comChristians in Jerusalem were increasingly persecuted by the city’s Islamic rulers, especially when control of the holy city passed from the relatively tolerant Egyptians to the Seljuk Turks in 1071. In 1095 Pope Urban publically called for a crusade to aid Eastern Christians and recover the holy lands.”

The date 1071 AD was 1,001 years after the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem.  Some Bible readers literally relate Re.20:7-8 to the hostile Seljuk control of Jerusalem.  Re.20:7-9 “When the 1,000 years are completed, satan will be loosed…and will deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, and gather them for war…And they surrounded the beloved city.”  Turkey has been tied to the historical Gog and Magog.  Later Ottoman Turks controlled Jerusalem until 1917 AD.  But after 1,000 years of restraint, a next period of 846 years, from 1071–1917 AD, isn’t a “little while” comparatively (Re.20:3)…it’s near to another 1,000-year period!  So this view as fulfillment is doubtful.}

Interestingly, an ancient Greek & Roman belief was…the spirits of the dead dwelt in Hades for 1,000 years, and then were reincarnated or resurrected to earthly life. (for Hades: ref Lk.16:23; Re.1:18, 20:13-14.)

The Roman poet Virgil wrote ca 20 BC Aenéid, lines 735-751 “The dead are disciplined in purgatory….Each of us finds in the next world his own level….All these souls, when they have finished their 1,000year cycle, God sends for…They may revisit the earth above and begin to wish to be reborn again.”  Ancient Greek Mythology For Kids “The River Ácheron carried the good souls from the Underworld [Hades] that were sent back to earth after 1,000 years to be reincarnated as mortals.”

Wikipedia: Millennialism “The concept of a utopian millennium, and much of the imagery used by Jews and early Christians to describe this time period, was most likely influenced by Persian culture.  Zoroástrianism describes history as occurring in successive thousand-year periods, each of which will end in a cataclysm of heresy and destruction. These epochs will culminate in the final destruction of evil by a triumphant messianic figure.”

Job said in Jb.29:18 JPS Tanakh, “I thought I would end my days with my nest [family], and be as long-lived as the phoenix”.  The Tanakh is the Jewish (OT) scriptures.  Bereshith Rabba Traditionally, only one bird, of all creatures, didn’t eat from the tree of forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden.  Barnes Notes Jb.29:18 “Herder observes that the phoenix is obviously intended here….Jannai adds that ‘this bird lives 1,000 years, and in the end of the thousand years, a fire goes forth from its nest, and burns it up. But there remains an egg, from which again the members grow, and it rises to life.”  1,000-year symbolism.  Also ref 1Clement 12:2-6 (25:2-ff in some translations) regarding the phoenix. (cf. Ec.6:6.)  also see the topic “Rebirth to Physical Life (1)”.

Belief in a 1,000-year period had also existed in ancient Egypt.  The Works of Voltaire, v.3 “The belief …in this period [1,000 years] was also in great credit among the Gentiles. The souls of the Egyptians returned to their bodies at the end of 1,000 years.”

The apostle John and readers/hearers of Revelation in Asia Minor likely would have known of existent beliefs about Hades and 1,000-year periods.  It seems that Re.20:1-ff superimposes upon those ancient beliefs the true reign of messiah Jesus with His saints in the Kingdom of God.  (see the topic “Kingdom of God”.)  While the mustard seed of the Kingdom grows & progresses (Mt.13:31-33), some think satan is being progressively bound and is only effective in a decreasing percentage of humanity.  (Someone in bonds and restrained may still have an effect to a degree, as Paul did have, e.g. Phm.1:10.)

Over the centuries there have been churches which make dogma with definite time limitations, and prognosticators make (false) predictions or so-called prophecies…based on the “1,000 years” of Re.20.

John Whiteford If Satan Is Alive, Why Not Millennialism? “We’ve seen similar heresies with millennialist eschatology in more recent times, with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, Mormonism, the Jim Jones cult, and Branch Davidians.”

The purpose of this topic isn’t to analyze or criticize church groups.  Or eschatologies…e.g. historicist, futurist, amillennial, premillennial, postmillennial, preterist, partial preterist, etc.  For more on timing in the Bible, see “The Last Days”, “Babylon the Great’ in Revelation”, “Two Witnesses in the Bible”.

The scriptures we examined indicate that “1,000 (years)” meant a large number or a long undefined time.

Postmillennialist Kenneth L. Gentry The Beast of Revelation, p.133 “The number ‘1,000’ is frequently used in scripture as an indefinite, yet significantly large, number (Pss.90:4, Dan.7:10, 2Pet.3:8).”

OT scholar Erhard Gerstenberger, “For ancient Israelites, the numbers 1,000 and 10,000 were regarded as immense and immeasurable”.

Conclusion: In Part 1 and Part 2, the precise number “one thousand/1,000” people or things was seen in several verses as an approximation or a rounding.  But very few verses were found where “one thousand/1,000”…no more, no less…was meant to be taken completely literally.  Of all the verses surveyed in Part 1 and Part 2…the precise number “one thousand/1,000” appears clearly literal only in Ge.20:16 and SS.8:11-12.  Possibly 1,000 is literal in 1Ki.3:4 and Nu.31:4-6 (see Part 1).

We began by quoting the “1,000 yearsof Re.20:1-ff.  The other 3 verses where “1,000 years” appears in the Bible, Ec.6:6; Ps.90:4; 2Pe.3:8…aren’t to be taken literally.  If the “1,000 years” of Re.20:1-ff is to be taken completely literally…it would be one sole canonical witness, standing alone.  Our Bibles don’t contain two or three passages as witnesses to a “millennium”.

‘Thousand (Years)’ in the Bible – (1)

This topic will examine Bible verses & terms that reflect “thousand” and “thousand years”.

The New Testament (NT) passage that prompted the topic is Re.20:1-5.  The apostle John wrote: “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom authority to judge was given. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection.”

In the extended passage of Re.20:1-7, “thousand years” appears 6 times.  Is the thousand years meant literally or approximately or as a rounded number?  Or is the 1,000 years figurative or a representation?

Figurative language is…using a word or phrase to picture something other than the literal or natural meaning.  We normally interpret literally, actually,…unless the literal sense implies untruth, absurdity, impossibility, contradiction of other verses.  In that case…the meaning is figurative, metaphorical, symbolic, allegorical, hyperbole, a simile, parable, idiom, a personification…not interpreted literally.

Words can be representative…to denote, signify, portray, or indicate something (else).

In the Re.20:1-7 passage, the NT Greek term for “thousand” is chílioi, Strongs g5507.  Our English word kilo (multiplication by 1,000) is derived from this term chilioi.

In the Greek Old Testament (OT) LXX and Greek NT, chilioi g5507 is the term translated “thousand”.  It can be the precise number one thousand/1,000.  There are 11 NT occurrences: 2Pe.3:8; Re.11:3, 12:6, 14:20, 20:2-7.  Chilioi g5507 can be a precise symbolic, representative, rounded, or literal 1,000.

The term chiliás g5505 is used in plural thousands.  There are 23 NT occurrences: Lk.14:31; Ac.4:4; 1Co.10:8; Re.5:11, 7:4-8, 11:13, 14:1, 3, 21:16.  In the NT, chilias g5505 is never used for the precise number one thousand/1,000.

A chilí-ar-kos g5506 was a commander/captain of 1,000 men.  (A centurion was leader of 100 men.)  e.g. in 1Sm.18:13 LXX, Saul appointed David “captain of 1,000 [g5506].”  (A military commission under general Abner.)  cf. 1Ch.12:14 LXX commanders of 100 (g1540) and of 1,000 (g5507) men.

The term múr-e-oi g3463 means “ten thousand/10,000”.  There are 3 NT occurrences: Mt.18:24; 1Co.14:19.  1Co.4:15 “Though you have 10,000 instructors in Christ.”

The term mur-é-as g3461 is plural 10,000s; also it’s rendered an innumerable multitude.  There are 9 NT occurrences: Lk.12:1; Ac.19:19, 21:20; He.12:22; Jde.1:14; Re.5:11, 9:16.

However, Hebrew had only one term for “thousand”…éleph h505.  It occurs 500 times in the OT.  Eleph is used: for the precise number one thousand/1,000, in numbers exceeding one thousand/1,000 (most often, e.g. 22,273 in Nu.3:43), and for plural “thousands”.  There’s no distinction in the term itself.

Let’s survey many verses to see how “thousand” was meant in scripture.  I’ll mostly reference the LXX for the OT; the Greek LXX language better compares to our Greek NT.  First, numbers exceeding 1,000:

Nu.3:43 LXX “All the male firstborn, from a month old and upwards…were 22,273 [g5505 is within].”  In this verse, “thousand” is a numeral which is part of a precise larger literal number.

Ezr.2:7 the children of Elám who returned from Babylonian captivity were 1,254 (g5507 is within).  v.14 of Bigvái 2,056 (dis-chilioi, g1367) .  v.35 of Senaáh 3,630 (tris-chilioi, g5153)   v.39 of Harím 1,017 (g5507 within).  v.65 there were 7,337 (eptakis-chilioi, g2035) male & female servants.  In these verses, “thousand” is a numeral which is part of a precise larger literal number.  Not an approximation.

Nu.1:46 All that were numbered were “603,550” (g5505 within).  That’s the literal precise number of warriors age 20 and up.  In Ex.12:37 & Nu.11:21, “600,000” (g5505 within) men is a close rounding.

Ex.38:26 the half-shekel tax in silver for each of the 603,550 men totaled 100 talents plus 1,775 (g5507 within) shekels.  Here, 1,775 shekels is a literal amount.  (100 talents @3,000 shekels each = 300,000).

Nu.31:32-40 the numbers in thousands (g5505 within) of animals and persons taken as booty are all roundings: 675,000, 72,000, 61,000, 32,000, 337,500, 36,000, 30,500, 16,000.

Jsh.8:25 LXX “They that fell in that day were 12,000 (dodeka chilias g5505) men and women; all the inhabitants of Aí.”  Here, 12,000 is an approximation or a rounding.

The 5,000 in Ac.4:4, 23,000 in 1Co.10:8, 7,000 in Re.11:13…(g5505) are roundings or approximations.

2Ch.13:17 Judah slew of Israel 500,000 chosen men.  Here, thousand the numeral is g5505.  Ellicott Commentary “A numerical expression…that Jeroboám [Israel’s king] lost more than half his warriors.”

{Sidelight: This topic won’t discuss interpretations of the 144,000 (g5505) persons in Re.7:4-8, 14:1-3.  Commentaries view 144,000 as a symbolic number.  Pulpit Commentary Re.7:4 “No one has ever said that the number should be taken literally.”  Vincent Word Studies Re.7:4: “Not literally, but the number symbolical of completion.”  Barnes Notes Re.7:4 “The whole scene is symbolical.”  cf. Re.21:16-17.}

In the above examples are numbers exceeding 1,000.  Following are many verses which show the precise number 1,000:   

Ge.20:16 “Abimélech told Sarah, “I have given your brother 1,000 [g5507] pieces of silver.”  This precise number 1,000 is thought to be a literal amount.  (cf. 1,100 pieces of silver in Jg.17:2.)

SS.8:11-12 Solomon leased out his vineyard to tenant farmers.  Each paid “1,000 [g5507] pieces of silver” in exchange for its fruit.  Perhaps it had around 1,000 vines?  1,000 pieces may be the literal fee.

Ezr.1:9-10 the number of holy vessels was “30 gold dishes, 1,000 [g5507] silver dishes, 29 knives, 30 gold bowls, 410 silver bowls, 1,000 other vessels.”  A (near) literal inventory of items?

1Ch.29:21 LXX “David sacrificed to the Lord…1,000 [g5507] calves, 1,000 rams, and 1,000 lambs….”  At this momentous occasion, perhaps such large precise numbers are literal.  Or approximate?

2Ch.30:24 “Hezekiáh gave the congregation 1,000 [g5507] calves…and the rulers gave 1,000 calves.”  For the reinstitution of Passover, perhaps these precise numbers too are literal, or approximate.

1Ki.3:4 LXX “Solomon offered a whole burnt offering of 1,000 victims on the altar in Gibeón.”  Such a large number may be literal; else approximate, perhaps indicative of special respect for the site.

Nu.31:4-6 “So 1,000 [g5507] were recruited from each Israelite tribe…12,000 armed for war.”  This  precise number 1,000 may be near literalJFB Commentary Nu.31:5 “An equal amount from each tribe, to prevent mutual jealousy or strife.”  Gill Exposition Nu.31:5 “A small number to go against so considerable a nation; but this was done to show that the war was of the Lord.”  However, in 2Sm.10:6, “Ammonites hired 20,000 Aramean foot soldiers…the king of Maacáh with 1,000 [g5507] men, and 12,000 men of Tob.”  Here, the 12,000 and 1,000 (and 20,000) warriors are approximations.

1Sm.13:2 “Saul chose 3,000 men of Israel; 2,000 were with Saul and 1,000 (g5507) with Jonathán.”  These precise numbers are roundings or approximate.  Same with 2Sm.19:17, 1,000 men of Benjamin.

1Sm.25:2 Nabál owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 (g5507) goats.  A man’s substance was described by the general size of his flocks and herds.  The precise 3,000 and 1,000 both are rounded or ballpark numbers.

Jb.42:12 “14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 oxen, 1,000 female donkeys.”  Approximate doublings of the numbers of Job’s livestock in Jb.1:3.

Jg.9:49 “All in the tower of Shechém died, about 1,000 (g5507) men and women.”  Approximately.

In Jg.15:16, Samson killed 1,000 (g5507) men with a donkey’s jawbone.  Possibly Samson killed an even 1,000 (not 985 or 1,015).  But, more likely, 1,000 indicates ‘about 1,000’, approximately.

De.1:11 “May the Lord increase you 1,000 [g5507.1] times and bless you.”  Starting 40 years after the exodus, to increase the population of OT Israel a thousand-fold.  The Greek LXX term is an old form of chilioi g5507; a number literal, figurative, or representative.  Here, 1,000 represents a large multiple.

De.7:9 “God keeps covenant with those who do His commandments to 1,000 [g5507] generations.”  Or, “to the 1,000th generation”.  If a generation is 20 years, then 1,000 generations spans 20,000 years.  40-year generations would span 40,000 years!  After 20,000–40,000 years, at generation 1,001 God wouldn’t fail to keep His covenant, would He?!  Here, 1,000 basically denotes a large number.

1Ch.16:15 “Be always mindful of His covenant which He commanded to 1,000 [g5507] generations.”  This reminder was given several generations later (since De.7:9).  Again, 1,000 denotes a large number.

De.32:30 “How could one [enemy] chase 1,000 [Israelites] and two rout 10,000?”  The LXX terms are g5507 for 1,000 and g3461 for 10,000.  The numbers are figurative.  One might chase 990…or 1,010+!

Jg.1:4 the men of Judah slew 10,000 (deka chilias g5505) men.  Cambridge Bible Jg.1:4 “10,000 – a common round number.”  In Jg.3:29, “about 10,000” (hosei deka chilias g5505) men of Moab were slain.  In both verses, 10,000 is an approximation or indicative of a large number.  cf. Lk.14:31.

Jsh.23:10 “One of you [Israelites] chased 1,000 [g5507]; the Lord fought for you.”  A figurative 1,000.

Is.30:17 “1,000 [g5507] shall flee at the threat of one man.”  1,000 is figurative/representative here too.

In the above three verses with 1,000…Moses, Joshua, Isaiah all were using representative or figurative language.  Barnes Notes Is.30:17 “The number ‘1,000’ is for a large indefinite number.”  Ellicott Commentary Is.30:17 “The hyperbole is natural and common enough.”  cf. 1,000 (g5507) in Am.5:3.

Ps.91:7 LXX1,000 [g5505 copyist error?] shall fall at your side, and 10,000 at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.”  This is hyperbole.  If 1,001 or 10,001 were to fall, would you then fall too?

2Sm.18:12 “Even if I had 1,000 [g5507] pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king’s son….”  Here, 1,000 is hyperbolic.

This survey of verses which reflect “one thousand/1,000” is rather detailed.  So far, only a couple verses have been referenced where one thousand/1,000 is clearly literal.

This topic is continued and concluded in “Thousand (Years)’ in the Bible (2)”.

Jesus’ Twelve Apostles

Jesus’ original twelve apostles and their work are evident throughout the New Testament (NT).  There are different names associated with His apostles.  My main purpose here is to identify who they were.

An apostle is one sent out, an envoy or an ambassador.  Jesus commissioned His disciples (followers or devotees) as apostles and authorized them to act as His representatives.  Mt.10:1 “He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and sickness.”

They were eyewitnesses of His resurrection (Lk.24:33-43, Jn.20:26-28).  He instructed them to go out to the world, preach the gospel, teach the nations, and baptize believers (Mt.28:19, Mk.16:15-16).  Jesus told them in Ac.1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.  His apostles and prophets are the foundation of God’s church, with Christ Himself the Chief Cornerstone (Ep.2:19-20).

The twelve apostles are listed in Mt.10:2-4, Mk.3:14-19, Lk.6:13-16.  After Jesus’ ascension, eleven of them are seen in the upper room of Ac.1:13.  All twelve were Jews.

Mt.10:2-4 “The names of the twelve are these: Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James (the son) of Zebedée, and John his brother; Philip and Bar-tholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James (the son) of Alpháeus, and Thaddáeus [Lebbáeus]; Simon the Cananéan [zealot], and Judas Iscariót who betrayed Him.”  (Mk.3:14-19 shows the same twelve names.)

In the above, Matthew included surnames or nicknames and names of relatives to further identify and distinguish apostles from one another.  I’ll refer to Simon the Cananean/zealot as Simon, and to Simon Peter as Peter.  Jn.1:42 “Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon the son of Joannes, you shall be called Cephás (which is translated Peter).”  The English name Peter is from the Greek pétros (Strongs g4074, Greek), which means stone.  Cephas (g2786) is the Aramaic equivalent for stone.  Paul referred to Simon Peter as Cephas (1Co.1:12, 15:5, Ga.2:9, e.g.).

The name James in English comes from the Hebrew name Jacob.  I’ll use the name James, not Jacob.

The Aramaic “Bar-tholomew” means “son of Tholmai”.  In Aramaic, ‘bar’ means ‘son’.  And the Greek name for his father ‘Tholmai’ is Ptolemy.  What was the name of this apostle who was the son of Tholmai/Ptolemy?  Most think Tholmai’s son is the Nathanaél of Jn.1:45-49 & 21:2.  John never mentions a Bar-tholomew.  Whereas in Matthew, Mark and Luke we don’t see the name Nathanael.  He is the Bar-tholomew of Mt.10:3, Mk.3:18, Lk.6:14, Ac.1:13.  Tholmai’s son the apostle was Nathanael.

All twelve were from Galilee, except probably Judas Iscariot.  Keriót was a town in Judea (Jsh.15:25).  Judas Iscariot was the traitor who betrayed Jesus (Lk.22:3-6, 47-48), and then hung himself (Mt.27:1-5).

The first six disciples called by Jesus were: the brothers Andrew & Peter, the brothers James & John, Philip, Nathanael/Bar-tholomew (Mat.4:18-22, Jn.1:37-51).  Andrew had been a disciple of John the Baptizer (Jn.1:40).  Andrew and Philip are Greek names…Andréas and Phílippos.  Andrew and Philip were Hellenists, Greek-speaking Jews from “Galilee of the gentiles”, Mt.4:15.  (The first Jewish Christian martyr was the Hellenist Stephen in Jerusalem, Ac.6:1-5.)  Jn.12:20-22 “Certain Greeks said to Philip, ‘Sir, we would like to see Jesus.’ Philip told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip told Jesus.”  They could speak Greek.

James & John, the sons of Zebedee, were called the “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus (Mk.3:17).  James & John were the sons of Salóme.  Identifying her at the crucifixion: Mt.27:56 the mother of the sons of Zebedee; Mk.15:40 (and 16:1) Salome; Jn.19:25 Jesus’ mother’s sister.  Regarding Salome’s identity, see Meyer NT Commentary, Cambridge Bible Note, Ellicott Commentary, Expositor’s Greek Testament, Pulpit Commentary, for Jn.19:25.  Salome was the sister of Jesus’ mother Mary.  (Biological sisters wouldn’t both be named “Mary”.)  Salome was Jesus’ aunt, making Zebedee His uncle.  Zebedee’s sons, James & John, were Jesus’ first cousins.  Salome, being Jesus’ aunt, was bold to request that her two sons receive preferential treatment in the Kingdom (Mt.20:20-24).  Jesus was closest to James & John, and Peter (ref Mt.17:1-9 Transfiguration, Mt.26:37, Mk.5:37).

In Mt.10:2-4, the first seven apostles were probably fishermen: the brothers Peter & Andrew, the brothers James & John, Philip, Bar-tholomew/Nathanael, Thomas.  Jn.21:2 “There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Dídymus, and Nathanael of Caná in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of His disciples.”  The other two were probably Peter’s brother Andrew and their close associate Philip.  Jn.1:44 “Philip was from Bethsaidá, the town of Andrew and Peter.”  Gill Exposition Jn.21:2 “Two other of his disciples; are thought to be Andrew and Philip; which is very likely, since they were both of Bethsaida.”  Bethsaida was a fishing village near the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

In Jn.2:1-12, the groom of the wedding at Cana in Galilee is thought to have been either Nathanael or Simon the Cananean/zealot.  The Greek term is zelotés (g2208).  Jacobus de Voragine The Golden Legend “Zelotes is the equivalent of Cana, because cana means zeal.”  St. Athanasius Orthodox Church literature: “According to tradition, Simon the Zealot was born in Cana of Galilee, just like Nathanael (Jn.21:2), and was the bridegroom at the wedding feast at Cana. Mary’s prominence at his wedding suggests that they may have been distantly related.”  The New Theological Movement “St. Simon, ‘the Canaanite’ not from Canaan and ‘the Zealot’ who was no Zealot [1st century Jewish Nationalist political party]. Indeed, the name ‘Canaanite’ is closely related to the Hebrew word for ‘zealous.”  The so-called ‘commandment of Mary’ spoken in Jn.2:3-5 indicates that Jesus’ mother Mary and the groom could have been related.

It is assumed the apostle Thomas was from Galilee.  The Aramaic name Taumá/Thomas means twin”.  Its counterpart in Greek is Didymus, meaningtwin”.  Jn.11:16 RSVThomas, called the Twin [Didymus g1324], said to his fellow disciples….”  The identity of Thomas’ twin is uncertain.

Eusebius (265–340 AD), church historian and bishop of Caesárea, “After the ascension of Jesus, Judas, who is also called Thomas, sent to him Thaddaeus, an apostle”.  Eusebius said that Thomas was a man named Judas, who was called Thomas/Didymus/twin.  The non-canonical Gospel of Thomas (of 200 AD?) begins with, “These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke, and which Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down”.  If Eusebius and Syriac tradition are correct, this apostle’s name was Judas, and his surname or nickname was Thomas/Didymus (twin).  see “Jesus Wasn’t Thomas’ Twin”.

Matthew was a tax collector in Capernaúm (cf. Mt.4:13, 9:1, 9), located on the NW shore of the Sea of Galilee.  He was the “Levi, sitting in the tax office”.  cf. Mk.2:14 & Mt.9:9, Lk.5:27-29.  Since he was called Levi, it is thought Matthew was a Levite.  Descendants of Aaron among the Levites were priests.  So Matthew may have even been of priestly lineage.  He was (the son) of Alphaeus.  Tax collectors or customs agents were wealthy.  Customs and road tolls were collected at his customs post.  Tax collectors were often dishonest and disliked by the populace (e.g. Mt.21:31, Lk.19:1-8).  In his position, Matthew would have spoken both Aramaic and Greek.  The book of Matthew often quotes from the Old Greek version (became the Septúagint/LXX) of the Old Testament.

From Mt.10:2-4, there are two more apostles to identify.  They are James (the son) of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus.  It is uncertain whether or not Mathew/Levi and this James were sons of the same Alphaeus.  To distinguish this James from the James & John who were sons of Zebedee, this James is often identified as James (the son) of Alphaeus (in Mt.10:3, Mk.3:18, Lk.6:15, Ac.1:13).  At the cross, Mark also refers to this James as “James the Less” in Mk.15:40. “There were also women looking on from a distance among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the Less and Josés, and Salome.”  In Mk.16:1, the same three women brought spices to Jesus’ tomb.  Matthew refers to the mother of James (the son) of Alphaeus, James the Less, as the “other Mary” in Mt.27:61 & 28:1.  (No gospel writer shows Jesus’ mother Mary at His tomb.)  James of Alphaeus is James the Less.

Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus is named in Mt.10:3 and Mk.3:18.  However, Luke doesn’t include Thaddaeus among the apostles in Lk.6:13-16 or Ac.1:13.  Instead, Luke includes Judas of James.  In Lk.6:14-16, Luke lists “Simon Peter & Andrew, James & John, Philip, Bar-tholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James of Alphaeus, Simon the zealot, Judas of James, Judas Iscariot.  Luke lists the same names in Ac.1:13. “Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bar-tholomew, Matthew, James (the son) of Alphaeus, Simon the zealot, Judas of James.”  (Missing is Judas Iscariot, who’d committed suicide.)

Comparing Mt.10:2-4, Mk.3:14-19, Lk.6:13-16, Ac.1:13…it appears that Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus (means ‘large-hearted’) and Judas of James are the same apostle.  Judas/Thaddaeus was the brother (or son) of James of Alphaeus/James the Less.  Pulpit Commentary Lk.6:16 “There is no doubt that Lebbaeus and Thaddaeus were surnames by which James’s Jude, or Judas, was known generally in the Church.”  Matthew Poole Commentary Lk.6:13 “Judas the brother of James, by Luke; (this was the penman of the Epistle of Jude).”

In Jn.14:22, John referred to this Judas as “Judas (not Iscariot)”.  Barnes Notes Jn.14:22 “This was the same as Lebbeus or Thaddeus. See Mat 10:3. He was the brother of James, and the author of the Epistle of Jude.”  Pulpit Commentary Jn.14:22 “The Lebbaeus, or Thaddaeus, of Mk.3:18 and Mt.10:3; the Judas brother of James of Lk.6:16 and Ac.1:13.”  (John refers to Thomas as Thomas.)

So there were three apostles named Judas.  Thaddaeus the brother of James, Thomas, Iscariot.  Ac.1:13 & Lk.6:14-16 show that Thomas and Judas/Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot were three different people.  Traditionally, Thomas and Judas/Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot died in three different countries.  All occurrences of the name “Judas” in the NT are Strongs g2455.  All occurrences of “James” are g2385.

Jude 1:1 “Jude [Judas g2455], a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James.”  Jude/Judas identifies himself as the brother of James.  Gill Exposition Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ….The author of this epistle is the same who is elsewhere called Judas, Lk.6:16, who was one of the twelve apostles of Christ, whose name was also Lebbaeus, and whose surname was Thaddaeus. Brother of James; not the son of Zebedee, but of Alphaeus, Mt.10:2.”  JFB Commentary Jude 1:1 “Jude. He was also called Lebbaeus and Thaddaeus (Mt.10:3), probably to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot.”

Let’s look more closely at this James, the brother of Jude/Judas (not Iscariot).  He can be traced by the order seen in Luke’s gospel & Acts.  In Lk.5:10, Luke first mentions a James, and links him with John as the sons of Zebedee.  In Lk.6:14-16, Luke again mentions James & John, and then a James of Alphaeus (and a Judas of James, distinguished from Judas Iscariot).  So James of Alphaeus is a second James.  In Lk.8:51, 9:28, 54 we see the brothers James & John again.  In Lk.24:10, Luke mentions Mary (the mother) of James, but there’s no John here.  So this Mary relates to the James who Luke identified as James of Alphaeus, not John’s brother James.  Continuing with Luke’s book of Acts….

In Ac.1:13, Luke distinguishes James & John from James of Alphaeus.  So far, Luke’s writings have identified only two apostles named James.  Then in Ac.12:2, Herod had James the brother of John killed.  Several verses later, in Ac.12:17, Peter said, “Go show these things to James and the brethren”.  In v.17, Peter isn’t referring to James the brother of John…that James had died back in v.2.  The only other James identified by Luke in his gospel and Acts is…James of Alphaeus.  So Luke just calls him “James” from Ac.12:17 on.  This James was very well-known.  Ac.15:13 “After they held their peace, James answered.”  James of Alphaeus remains.  Ac.21:18 “Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present.”  James of Alphaeus.  Luke identified only two named James, not three.

This James of Alphaeus (James the Less) was related to…the apostle “Judas of James” (Lk.6:16, Ac.1:13, Jude 1:1), a brother Joses/Joseph (Mt.27:56, Mk.15:40, 47), his mother Mary of James/Mary of Clopás (Lk.24:10, Jn.19:25).  She’s the “other Mary” (Mt.27:61, 28:1).  Pulpit Commentary Mk.15:40 “The mother of our Lord had been there until the time when, having with St. John crept as near the cross of Jesus as she might venture, she was consigned by our Lord to St. John’s care, and taken away by him.”  (Again, Jesus’ mother Mary wasn’t at His tomb.)  This esteemed James was related to the Judas who wrote the epistle of Jude 1:1. “Jude, brother of James.”  Ellicott Commentary Jude 1:1 “James the Just…first bishop of Jerusalem.”    

Hippólytus (170–235 AD) On the Twelve Apostles of Christ “And James the son of Alphaeus, when preaching in Jerusalem was stoned to death by the Jews, and was buried there beside the temple.”

Papias of Hierópolis (70–160 AD) Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord, Fragment X “(1) Mary the mother of the Lord; (2) Mary the wife of Cleophas or Alphaeus, who was the mother of James the bishop and apostle, and of Simon and Thaddeus [Judas/Jude], and of one Joses; (3) ….Salome, wife of Zebedee, mother of John & James; (4) Mary Magdalene. These four are found in the Gospel.”

The sons of Zebedee/Salome, James & John, were Jesus’ cousins.  Mark and Matthew made reference to other of Jesus’ relatives.  Mk.6:3 “James and Joses and Judas and Simon.”  Mt.13:55-56 James, Joseph, Simon, Judas.  Joses/Joseph is also linked to James the Less in Mk.15:40, 47.  And it’s more than coincidental that three of Jesus’ twelve apostles were: James (the Less, of Alphaeus), Judas (of James, called Thaddaeus), Simon (the Cananean/zealot)!

Jacobus de Voragine op. cit. “Simon the Cananean and Jude, also called Thaddeus, were brothers of James the Less and sons of Mary of Cleopas, who was married to Alpheus.”  Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America “Some say that James was a nephew of Joseph, and the son of his brother Cleopas, who was also called Alphaeus and Mary his wife….But he was still called, according to the idiom of the scriptures, the Lord’s brother because of their kinship.”  Eusebius Church History 3:11 “Hegésippus records that Clopas was a brother of Joseph.”  Gill Exposition Lk.24:18 “Cleophas or Alphaeus, for it is the same name; he was one of the 70 disciples, and father of the Apostles James and Jude, and brother to Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Christ.”  In that case, the “other Mary”, Mary of Alphaeus/Clopas, was sister-in-law to Jesus’ mother Mary.

It’s speculated that Alphaeus or Clopas was the deceased brother of Jesus’ (legal) father Joseph.  That Joseph had levirate married Alphaeus’ widow, the “other Mary”, to provide legacy & support (De.25:5-6).  If so, then James the Less, Judas, Simon, Joses…were Jesus’ cousins and step-brothers both.

Lastly, in Ac.1:21-26, two men were nominated to replace Judas Iscariot as an apostolic eyewitness of Jesus’ resurrection.  Matthías was chosen by lot.  The name of the other nominee was JosephMatthew Poole Commentary Ac.1:23 “Joseph, or Joses, the same name called.”  Barnes Notes Ac.1:23 “Lightfoot supposes that he [Joseph] was the son of Alpheus and brother of James the Less.”  Joses the relative?

After the replacement of Judas Iscariot in Ac.1:26, the twelve apostles were: Simon Peter & Andrew, James & John (sons of Zebedee), Philip, Bar-tholomew/Nathanael, Thomas/Didymus/(Judas), Matthew/Levi, James of Alphaeus called James the Less or just James, Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus/Judas of James, Simon the Cananean/zealot, Matthias.  Their witness?  It is true…the Lord Jesus lives (Re.1:18)!

Jesus Wasn’t Thomas’ Twin

There are non-canonical Gnostic writings dating from the 200s AD which say the apostle Thomas was Jesus’ twin brother.  Here we’ll see whether or not the New Testament (NT) substantiates that relation.

The name Thomás (Strongs g2381, Greek), the apostle/disciple, occurs twelve times in the NT.  In Mt.10:3; Mk.3:18; Lk.6:15; Jn.11:16, 14:5, 20:24, 26-29, 21:2.  Ac.1:13 “They went to the upper room where they were staying; Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James of Alpháeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas of James.”  Eleven apostles were there in the upper room after Jesus’ ascension.  The only one of Jesus’ original twelve apostles missing was Judas Iscariót.

The Aramaic name Táoma/Thomas meanstwin’.  The counterpart in Greek is Dídymus, meaningtwin’.  Of the twelve occurrences of the name Thomas in the NT, eight are in John’s gospel.  Jn.11:16 RSVThomas, called the Twin [Didymus g1324], said to his fellow disciples, ‘Let us also go, that we may die with Him.”  At the Sea of Tiberius/Galilee in Jn.21:2 KJV, “There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, Nathanaél of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedée, and two other of His disciples”.  (Thomas too was likely a Galilean fisherman.  Nathanael was the Bartholomew of Ac.1:13, the son or “bar” of Ptolemy/Tholmái.  The sons of Zebedee were James & John.)

John is the only NT book to identify Thomas as a twin/Didymus (g1324); in Jn.11:16, 20:24, 21:2.  The apostle Thomas was a twin, according to John.

But neither John nor any other NT book tells the identity of Thomas’ twin brother (or sister)!

Eusebius (265–340 AD), church historian and bishop of Caesárea, referred to the apostle Thomas as a man named Judas, who was called Thomas/Didymus/twin. “After the ascension of Jesus, Judas, who is also called Thomas, sent to him Thaddáeus, an apostle.”  According to Syriac tradition, Thomas was a third apostle with the name Judas (not Iscariot, and not the Judas called Thaddaeus, cf. Ac.1:13 & Mt.10:3).  This Judas’ surname or nickname was Thomas/Didymus (twin).

However, in the NT the name Judas isn’t anywhere connected to the name Thomas.  Jn.14:22 “Judas, not Iscariot, said to Him, ‘Lord, how is it that You will reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?”  John’s gospel distinguishes the apostle “Judas not Iscariot” (the Thaddaeus/Lebbaeus/‘large-hearted’ of Mt.10:3 & Mk.3:18) from the apostle Thomas (seen in Jn.11:16, 14:5, 20:24, 26-29, 21:2).  Also see the topic “Jesus’ Twelve Apostles”.

If Syriac tradition and Eusebius are correct, not two but three of Jesus’ original twelve disciples/apostles were named Judas…Judas Iscariot, Judas Thaddaeus (cf. Lk.6:16 & Mk.3:18), Judas Didymus Thomas.  The use of surnames serves to clearly separate the other two named Judas from Judas Iscariot the traitor.

The non-canonical Gospel of Thomas (GTh) is a Coptic manuscript discovered at Nag Hammádi in Upper Egypt in 1945.  It’s dated anywhere from 40–240 AD, likely around 200 AD.  GTh was found among other writings of gnostic character, but it isn’t obvious gnosticism.  GTh begins with, “These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke, and which Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down”.

Many if not most scholars think the author of GTh is unknown, doubting that Thomas was the author.  Anglican bishop N.T. Wright, history professor at Oxford, wrote concerning the Gospel of Thomas (GTh) in The New Testament and the People of God. “Thomas reflects a symbolic universe, and a worldview, which are radically different from those of the early Judaism and Christianity.”

However, Thomas’ twin isn’t specifically identified in GTh, the (spurious?) Gospel of Thomas.

The apocryphal Acts of Thomas (ATh), written in east Syria, dates from the 200s AD.  It is docétic gnosticism.  (Believing Jesus only appeared to be human.)  This ATh isn’t to be confused with the earlier Gospel of Thomas (GTh), date uncertain.

ATh.1:1 “At that season all we the apostles were at Jerusalem, Simon which is called Peter and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Canaanite, and Judas the brother of James: and we divided the regions of the world, that every one of us should go unto the region that fell to him and unto the nation whereunto the Lord sent him. According to the lot, India fell unto Judas Thomas, which is also the twin.” (cf. apostles’ names in Lk.6:13-16, Ac.1:13.)

But in the Acts of Thomas, Thomas is Jesus’ twin brother!  The serpent said to Thomas in ATh.3:31, “I know that you are the twin brother of Christ”.  Unlike the GTh, the ATh says Thomas is Jesus’ twin.

In the above ATh.1:1, Judas Thomas (Judas the Twin) and Judas the brother of James are two different apostles.  (again, see Lk.6:13-16 & Ac.1:13 where Thomas and Judas of James are two different apostles.)  The apostle Judas Iscariot had committed suicide.  Again, if the Syriac tradition is correct, three original apostles were named Judas.  And traditionally…Judas Thomas, Judas Thaddaeus, and Judas Iscariot died in three different countries.

The Book of Thomas the Contender (ThCon) is a gnostic dialogue found at Nag Hammadi, dating from the 200s AD.  It was probably written in Syria.  ThCon begins with, “The secret words that the Savior spoke to Judas Thomas…The Savior said, ‘Brother Thomas….it has been said that you are My twin and true companion….Since you will be called My brother, it is not fitting that you should be ignorant of yourself.”  It has been said?  Perhaps that indicates the Acts of Thomas (ATh) was written and known before this Book of Thomas the Contender (ThCon).

Both ATh and ThCon contain language about Thomas being Jesus’ twin.  Christianity Stack Exchange “A few scholars have understood this to mean that Thomas and Jesus were very similar in appearance. Some have gone so far as to suggest that Thomas is the brother of Jesus and the author of the book of Jude. The majority, however, believe this text is using ‘brother’ and ‘twin’ metaphorically.”  But some readers interpret that twin relationship as literal.

According to tradition, the apostle Thomas went to India around 50 AD to spread the gospel.  He “died in AD 53, Madrás, India” (Encyclopaedia Britannica).  Another extant tradition says Thomas died in Chennái in 72 AD.  Wikipedia “After his death, the reputed relics of Saint Thomas the Apostle were enshrined as far as Mesopotamia in the 3rd century, and later moved to various places (Edessa, Syria).”

Herbert Merillat The Gnostic Apostle Thomas “There appear to be two somewhat separate but intertwined traditions relating to Thomas as he is depicted outside the New Testament canon: in one he is founder of churches in Asia (Church of the East, or Nestorians, and the St Thomas Christians of southern India), in the other he is carrier of a distinctive message of gnosis and wisdom. In the beginning the two roles may have been combined, but the churches claiming him as founder endured for many centuries after the Gnostic message was suppressed. St Thomas Christians of India are still a vital community today.”

{Sidelight: Another twin hypothesis claims that Jesus had an unknown identical twin brother who stole Jesus’ body from the tomb, and then impersonated Jesus to His disciples after His death.  Most think this twin hypothesis and the so-called swoon theory (that Jesus merely fainted or became unconscious but never really died, as in Hugh Schonfield’s 1965 book The Passover Plot)…is fantasy.  See the topic “Jesus’ Death – the Physical Cause”.}

Let’s now turn to the scriptures to see whether or not the apostle Thomas could’ve been Jesus’ twin.

We understand from Bible passages that Jesus was birthed by the virgin Mary.  The angel Gabriel said to Mary in Lk.1:31-35, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son….Mary said, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’ The angel answered and said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the holy thing begotten will be called the Son of God.”  The Is.7:14 prophecy, “The Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Emmanuél.”  And an angel said to Joseph in a dream, Mt.1:21-23 “She [Mary] will bear a Son….that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet may be fulfilled…and they shall call His name Emmanuel.”  Mary will bear a Son.  None of those verses say the virgin Mary would be carrying twins!  (see the topic “Jesus’ Virgin Birth”.)

Mt.1:24-25 “Joseph…kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son, and he called His name Jesus.”  Prior to Jesus’ birth, Joseph didn’t have sexual relations with the virgin Mary, so he didn’t impregnate her with a twin.  Therefore, based on the verses, it was impossible for Jesus to have had a twin brother!

Accordingly, no verse says Mary gave birth to twins.  Matthew and Luke provide details surrounding Jesus’ birth.  Mt.2:1 “Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod [the Great] the king.”  Mt.2 tells of the mági visit to the Christ Child, Joseph & Mary’s flight to Egypt, and Herod slaughtering all male infants in Bethlehem.  After Herod was dead, an angel told Joseph in Mt.2:20-21, “Arise and take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel. He arose and took the Child and His mother, and came into the land of Israel.”  Matthew indicates the three of them departed Egypt.  The family didn’t leave behind a twin brother of Jesus in Egypt…there was no twin!

Mary delivered Jesus in Lk.2:7. “She gave birth to her firstborn Son, wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a feeding trough.”  Then in Lk.2:8–20, shepherds saw a vision and came to see the newborn Jesus.  Lk.2:16 “They came in haste and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the trough.”  Luke didn’t say twin babies were laid in the feeding trough (manger), or seen there!

Matthew names Thomas among Jesus’ twelve disciples.  Mt.10:2-4 “…Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax-gatherer, James of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus….”  But Matthew doesn’t name Thomas among Jesus’ kin in Mt.13:55. “Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph, Simon and Judas?”  Matthew knows Thomas as a disciple, but not as a relative of Jesus.

Similarly, Mark names Thomas among Jesus’ twelve disciples.  Mk.3:14-19 “…Andrew and Philip, and Bartholomew, Matthew, and Thomas, and James of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus….”  But Mark doesn’t name Thomas among Jesus’ kin in Mk.6:3. “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?”  Mark knows Thomas as a disciple, but not as a relative of Jesus.  Not Matthew, not Mark…not any NT writer shows Thomas as kin to Jesus!

Although Thomas’ name (which means ‘twin’) indicates Thomas did have a twin sibling…that twin wasn’t Jesus, according to the Bible verses.

Perhaps Bartholomew/Nathanael or Matthew was Thomas’ twin?  Ellicott Commentary Jn.11:16 “In Mt.10:3, Mk.3:18, Lk.6:15…he [Thomas] is coupled with Matthew, whose twin-brother he possibly was.”  Yet in Jn.21:2, Ac.1:13, ATh.1:1, the name Bartholomew/Nathanael is next to Thomas’ name.  Also, traditionally both Bartholomew and Thomas went to India (ref the theologian Hippólytus).

{{Sidelight: Gnostic literature/spirituality is a mixture of truth and error.  There were various forms of gnosticism, such as Christian Gnosticism so-called.  Gnosis meant ‘knowledge’.  Gnostics claimed they held a special secret knowledge.  Many were ascetics.  It is thought that ancient Gnosticism began in Persia.  It is dualistic; spirituality is light/good, whereas matter is darkness/evil.  That Jesus is Supreme and brought gnosis to the earth, whereas a lesser evil God (Démiurge) created physical matter.  It holds that Jesus only appeared to be physical (docétism), but was more like a phantom.  Gnostics believe each human has a ‘spark’ of the divine trapped in a mortal body, needing redemption.  (God did give us the breath of life, from Himself, Ge.2:7.)  A few early gnostics were Valentínus, Básilides, Máni (founded Mánichaeism).  Orthodox Christians such as Irenáeus and Hippolytus viewed Gnosticism as heresy.

To guard against deception and false belief, any gnostic writings we may read (or risk perusing) should be scrutinized by testing them through the lens of scripture.  Paul admonished, 1Th.5:21 NASB “Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good”.  Also Jn.17:17 “Thy word is truth.”}}

Lastly, the apostle Thomas is known as ‘doubting Thomas’.  In Jn.20:24-25, Thomas said he wouldn’t believe the other apostles had seen the risen Jesus unless he himself saw the imprint of the wounds in Jesus’ hands & side.  Perhaps some of us Christians have doubted the events in the life of Jesus, or the efficacy of His sacrifice?  If we haven’t fully believed, perhaps it is us who are Thomas’  twin’, in doubt?  (That impression was posed by Presbyterian Sid Burgess of Alabama.)  However, Paul said we Christians should “put on Christ” (Ro.13:14), emulating Him; to resemble Jesus in character.

Jn.20:26-29 Jesus reappeared, showed Thomas the marks from His wounds, and said to Thomas, “Be not unbelieving, but believing. Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God.”  Jesus is God (Thomas isn’t)!

Those who haven’t seen the risen Jesus, yet do believe, are blessed.  Jn.20:30-31 “These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”  Do you believe?

Mt.28:6 “He is risen, as He said.”  May the Lord grant us the faith to not be ‘doubting Thomases’, but believers in God’s risen Son our Savior.


The Last Days

There are various eschatologies, interpretations and theories extant regarding the time of the “last days” referred to in the Bible.  And the time of the “last days” is also closely related to the Biblical “end of the age” (not the ‘end of the world/globe’) and the “comingof Christ.

As we examine this topic…can we trust the Bible scriptures as being God-breathed?  2Ti.3:16 Paul wrote regarding the Old Testament (OT), “All scripture is inspired by God”.  God’s Holy Spirit (HS) doesn’t make mistakes.  But there are those who think not all scripture or Bible books are inspired by God.

Let’s look at New Testament (NT) writings about the last days, the end of the age, and Jesus’ coming.

Ac.2:16-17 “What you see was spoken by the prophet Joel, ‘It shall be in the last days.”  Circa (ca) 30 AD at Pentecost in Jerusalem, the apostle Peter indicated the HS outpouring they were seeing there was happening in the last days.

Ja.5:3 “In the last days you have stored-up your treasure.”  Writing in the 50s AD, Jesus’ relative James referred to that time as the last days.

He.1:1-2 “God in these last days has spoken to us by His Son.”  The writer to the Hebrews in the 60s AD called that time the last days.

He.9:26 “Now once in the end of the age [aión Strongs g165, Greek] has He [Christ] appeared.”  Christ’s 1st century sacrifice (ca 30 AD) occurred in the end of the age.  (But which “age” or eon?)

1Co.10:11 “…things written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the age are come.”  Writing to the Corinthian church in the 50s AD, the apostle Paul thought that time was the end of an age.

Ja.5:8-9 “The coming of the Lord draws near; the Judge is standing right at the door.”  In the 50s AD, James said the Lord was even at the door…His coming in judgment was near!

He.10:37 “Yet a little while and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.”  In the 60s AD, Jesus’ coming will occur in only a little while, and won’t delay.

Re.1:1 “To show things which must soon [táchos g5034, noun] come to pass.” KJV “shortly”.  Thayer’s Greek Lexicon says this term meant “quickness, speed”.  The same term was used in Ac.22:18 when Paul recounted how the Lord had urged him. “Hurry and go out in haste [g5034] from Jerusalem, for they will not receive your testimony about Me”.  Needless to say, Paul didn’t stay in Jerusalem for centuries…he departed soon (ref Ac.9:28-30)!

1Jn.2:18 “Children, it is the last hour [hóra g5610]; even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour.”  At the time John wrote that epistle, he and others knew it was then the final hour, so to speak!  It was then the last hour of the last day of the last days!  An end was very near.

This same Greek term is translated “hour” 89 times in the KJV.  For example, in John’s gospel.  Jn.1:39 “It was about the tenth hour [g5610].”  Jn.11:9 “Are there not twelve hours [g5610] in the day?”

Also of note, there were already many antichrists on the scene while the apostle John was still alive to write his epistles!  ref 1Jn.2:18, 22, 4:3; 2Jn.1:7.  (also see the topic “John Wrote Five Bible Books?”.)

Let’s pause here.  Again, the Holy Spirit doesn’t err.  Do we believe the HS spoke through John, Peter, the epistle to the Hebrews, James, Paul?  For that matter, do we believe the OT…what God said to Moses and the prophets?  Do we believe their prophecies about a Messiah?  Do we believe John and the other gospels about Jesus as Messiah?  If the NT writers quoted above regarding the last days, etc. were wrong, then what other portions or books of our Bible might also be untrustworthy?

John wrote in Re.1:3, “For the time is at hand [engús g1451, adverb]”.  Thayer’s engus “Near in time or position”.  Prophesied events were soon to begin.  Most Bible historians think the same John wrote Revelation and John’s gospel.  John used the identical Greek term in Jn.2:13. “The Jews’ Passover was at hand [g1451], and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”  The time of that Passover was near, not centuries distant.  Mk.13:28 “When the branch of the fig tree puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near [g1451].”  And He.8:13 “The first covenant is growing old and near [g1451] to vanishing.”  The temple would soon be destroyed, and the Old Covenant ritualistic system vanished then (not 2,000 years later).

Time was short when John wrote Revelation.  The latter 2nd century Muratorian Canon list indicates Revelation was written during the reign of Nero (54–68 AD).  The Syriac version Preface to the book of Revelation reads, “The Revelation which was made by God to John the evangelist in the island of Patmos, where he was placed by Nero Caesar”.  Historians say that after Nero died in June 68 AD, exiles would’ve been released.  The temple was still standing in 68-69 AD.  When Nero died, John would’ve left Pátmos.  So John wrote Revelation on Patmos ca 68 AD.  No NT book, not even Revelation, indicates the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple was a past event.  Re.11:1-2 the temple court (and Jerusalem, Lk.21:24) would be trampled by gentiles.  Accordingly, the temple was destroyed in 70 AD.

Re.22:10 “Don’t seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near/at hand [g1451].”   John again uses the same Greek term as in Re.1:3.  And in contrast to what God had told Daniel for his prophecy, John was instructed to not seal the book of Revelationit’s a revealing, not a concealing!

God had instructed Daniel in Da.12:4-9, 13. “Go your way Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the time of the end.”  As Da.8:26, the fulfillment was to be kept secret and delayed until the distant future.  Da.12:7 “At the completion of shattering the power of the holy people, these events will be finished.”  Until God’s people/Daniel’s people, the Jews, are crushed.  To be delayed until Re.10:6. “There be delay no longer.”  The fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy is recorded in Revelation!

The 600 years from Daniel until John wrote Revelation is indicated as distant future.  So 2,000 years from John until now wouldn’t be termed…“at hand”!  The Lord doesn’t purposely confuse.  In the Bible, time is almost always denoted in man’s calendar terms of months, years, eras, etc.  And we saw in John’s gospel the manner in which John uses the koiné Greek term which meant “near/at hand”.

Jesus said in Re.22:7, “I AM coming quickly [tachú g5035, adverb]”.  In Jn.11:29, we see how John elsewhere used “quickly” g5035 (it’s not an idiom). “When Mary heard it, she arose quickly [g5035] and was coming to Him.”  It didn’t take her 2,000 years!  Also Mt.28:7 “Go quickly [g5035] and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead.”  As John concluded Revelation’s final chapter…Jesus was then coming soon!  This Greek adverb g5035 occurs 13 times in the NT…it meant quickly.

Mt.24:1-3 Jesus told His disciples privately that the temple would be destroyed.  “Not one stone here shall be left upon another.”  The disciples asked Jesus, “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”  When will the destruction occur and the age end?

The parallel account in Mk.13 identified four disciples present; Peter, James, JohnAndrew (Mk.13:1-4).  This identity of who Jesus was speaking to largely affects the understanding of Mk.13!

Again, He.9:26 & 1Co.10:11 (ref the top) indicated the 50s–60s AD were at the end of the age.  Mk.13:5 Jesus told Peter, James, John, Andrew, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name. But when you hear rumors of wars, the end is not yet.”  Jesus cautioned Peter, James, John, Andrew not to be misled by rumors.  Mk.13:14 “But when you see the abomination of desolation, then let those in Judea flee to the mountains.”  Jesus is addressing Peter, James, John, Andrew…they’re the “you”.  Some or all of them in earshot would still be alive at the time of the abomination of desolation!

Josephus recorded the words of high priest Anánus (murdered in 68 AD) in Wars of the Jews 4:3:10. “I had seen the house of God full of so many abominations, filled with the feet of the blood-shedding villains.”  Also Josephus wrote of Roman general Titus in 70 AD.  ibid. 6:4:7He went into the holy place of the temple with his commanders, and saw what was in it.”  That was an act of abomination!

Mk.13:18-19 Jesus instructed Peter, James, John, Andrew to “Pray that it may not happen in winter, for those days will be a time of tribulation”.  v.23 “Take heed; I have told you everything in advance.”  Peter, James, John, Andrew were informed in advance that the abomination of desolation, Jesus’ coming and the end of the age would occur during their lifespan.  Again, Jesus is specifically talking to them.  (A careful reading or rereading of Mk.13 should make this apparent.)

Mk.13:29-30 is key!  Jesus continued telling Peter, James, John, Andrew, “Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, know that He is near [g1451], right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation won’t pass away until all these things take place.”  The generation of Peter, James, John, Andrew, to whom Jesus was speaking!  And when Jesus’ relative James wrote in the 50s AD, he knew Jesus was standing right at the door then, to come in judgment as Judge (Ja.5:9 quoted near the top).  Jesus concluded His Mk.13 discourse by telling Peter, James, John, Andrew, “What I say to you I say to all, ‘Be alert!”  To Peter, James, John, Andrew and all that generation in Judea…you be alert!

Mt.23:13-ff Jesus pronounced seven woes against those leading scribes & Pharisees who opposed Him.  v.33-36 “You serpents, you brood of vipers. Truly I say to you, all these things shall come upon this generation [geneá g1074, noun].”  The generation of those who opposed Him!  Jesus told His disciples in Lk.17:25 that “He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation”.  Pulpit Commentary Lk.17:25 “The generation then living.”  Greek Bible scholar Spiros Zódiates on the meaning of the term geneá (g1074) here: “A multitude of contemporaries. Genea literally means a space of time. Jesus was telling them that this generation would not pass until all these things occurred, which has proven to be true. He was prophesying the destruction of their nation.”  Here genea didn’t refer to race, nativity.

The NT writers (quoted near the top) believed Jesus’ words…“generation” related to a space of time!  What would happen?  Jesus would come in judgment as Judge.  Mk.13:24-26 “The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. The stars will be falling from heaven and the powers will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds.”  Such language to the ancient Hebrews meant the Lord’s judgment.

In OT times there were other such ‘day(s) of the Lord’, His comings in judgment.  Is.13:1, 9-10, 13, 17 described a previous “day of the Lord” (v.9), when He came in judgment against Babylon.  v.10 “The stars of heaven will not flash forth their light; the sun will be dark, and the moon will not shed its light.”  Subsequently, Babylon (v.1) fell to the Medes (v.17) in 539 BC.  Notice the language similarity of the heavenly signs in Mk.13:24-26 above!

Also, apocalyptic language was used in Is.34:4-6 to describe the Lord’s judgment upon Edom.  Edom fell to Babylon in 583 BC.  Je.27:6 Nebuchadnézzar of Babylon was God’s servant.  God used human armies with human nature to perform His judgment upon peoples.

Also Ezk.32:2, 7-12 “Take up a lament over Pharaoh, king of Egypt. When I extinguish you, I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give its light. All the shining lights in the heavens I will darken over you.”  Accordingly, Egypt fell to Babylon in the 580s BC.

Also ref Am.8:8-11, 14 about the doom/captivity of Samaria in 722 BC.  Also in Je.21:7 God said Judea would be besieged/destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.  Je.4:16 “Besiegers come from a far country…against the cities of Judah.”  v.27-28 “I looked and the heavens had no light, the mountains were quaking, and the heavens above are dark.”  The first temple, built by Solomon, was destroyed in 586 BC.

Also Jg.5:1, 4-5, 20 “The mountains quaked at the presence of the Lord. The stars fought from heaven against Siserá.”  Sisera and the Canaanítes were defeated.

Even Ps.18:6-17, when David was saved from his enemy Saul by God’s hand. “The earth shook and quaked. He bowed the heavens. Hailstones and coals of fire. The foundations of the world were laid bare. He delivered me from my strong enemy.”

That’s enough examples to illustrate the point.  In the above passages, the language of apocalyptic hyperbole with heavenly signs and earth upheaval indicated such judgments/overthrow wasn’t of man’s devising.  Since mankind doesn’t have control over the heavenly bodies or earth shakings, such language showed the judgments were God’s doing (also using human agents/armies).  Those historical occurrences, as recorded in scripture and by historians…didn’t mean the end of the globe or of time!

In Revelation, John used apocalyptic language similar to that in the above OT passages.  John’s 4th gospel doesn’t contain an account of Jesus’ Olivet prophecy (found in Mt.24, Mk.13, Lk.17 & 21 of the three synoptics).  John’s book of Revelation is like the Olivet Prophecy expanded extensively; about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of that age.  (also see “Babylon The Great’ in Revelation”.)

Murdering the Son of God has been called history’s worst crime!  Between the 40-year generation of 30–70 AD, two covenants existed simultaneously in the Land…both the Old and the New.  It was the last days of the Old Covenant/Levitical priesthood/temple age.  It was the end of the age pertaining to God’s theocracy that had existed for 1,600 years!  It ended in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.  Le.26:14-46, De. 28 recorded the end of the Old Covenant age, 1,600 years in advance.

The Jewish Alfred Edersheim’s The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, pp.444-5: “Judgment on their city and state, this destruction of their polity, was the ‘Coming of the Son of Manin judgment. The second appearance would be invisible but real. There were those standing there who would not taste death, till they had seen the destruction of the city and state. ‘This generation should not pass away.”

In Mt.16:27-28, Jesus told His disciples that He would come with His angels.  “There are some of those standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming.”  Some disciples would see His coming before they died, others would die prior to His coming.  Pulpit Commentary Mt.16:28 “This advent is doubtless the destruction of Jerusalem.”  Cambridge Bible “The fall of Jerusalem…best fits the conditions of interpretation.”  (If Jesus had in mind His Transfiguration which took place only a week later, Mt.17:1-8, it’d be senseless to contrast that some of His disciples wouldn’t die before then!)

In Jn.21:20-23, Jesus indicated to Peter that John might still be alive when He comes. “If I want him [John] to remain until I come, what is that to you?”  (Peter wouldn’t remain, v.17-19, 2Pe.1:14-15.)  Gill Exposition Jn.21:22 “Till He should come and take vengeance on the Jewish nation, in the destruction of their city and temple by the Romans…till which time John did live.”  Bengel’s Gnomen “The time of the Lord’s coming succeeds immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem…which advent John obtained the privilege of describing in the Apocalypse [Revelation].”  Also, Re.1:7 indicated that some who “pierced Him” (put Jesus to death) will still be alive at His “coming”.

Note: Paul didn’t walk with Jesus; Paul came along later (1Co.15:8).  It seems Paul wrongly thought that in his lifetime Jesus would return to earth in glory to fully rule and change the kósmos (g2889).  So Paul even advised saints in Greece not to marry!  What!?  Because Paul thought time was “short….the form of this world is passing away” (1Co.7:27-31).

Some Bible prophecies are open-ended concerning the time of their fulfillment.  Some prophecy and scenes of Revelation extend far into the future (e.g. Re.20-22).  But others do give time constraints.  Many books of the Bible were someone else’s mail, written to them specifically.  Revelation made imminent sense for seven churches of that era (Re.2-3).

Jesus warned one of those seven churches, Ephesus, in Re.2:5 KJV. “Repent, or I will come to you quickly [tachu g5035], and will remove your candlestick out of its place.”  The same Greek adverb tachu was examined above.  Today the site of Ephesus is abandoned ruins.  Jesus came to judge Ephesus many centuries ago.  He removed it!  The vanishing of the Ephesian church is mute testimony to the meaning of tachu/“quickly” in the book of Revelation!

Although moral principles of scripture do have universal application, not all prophecies pertain to all nations in all ages.  Prophecy concerning the age-ending destruction of the temple/Jerusalem, with Jesus coming in judgment against them…happened.  (By the way, I’m not a ‘full/hyper preterist’!)

Again, did the original apostles who spent 3 years with Jesus misinform the early church by saying the 1st century AD was the last days and the end of an age?  Did the indwelling HS inspire their words?

In regards to the coming of Christ, a present-day church leader said, “We can forgive the disciples for thinking this was an event that would come in their lifetime”.  That man thought the disciples erred!

Scholars & intellectuals, such as Bertrand Russell, Albert Schweitzer, and others, understood the NT grammar did clearly reflect Jesus saying He would return during His disciples’ generation!  Those skeptics weren’t Christians; they just thought Jesus was a false prophet and NT writers had erred.

But Jesus wasn’t a false prophet.  He did as He said!  Jesus’ final red-letter words in our Bible are at the end of Revelation.  Re.22:20 “Surely I AM coming quickly [g5035].”  He came quickly, just as He said!  Jesus’ coming, in the sense understood by the apostles who walked with Jesus in the Land, who heard His Olivet prophecy…happened, as written.  1Jn.2:18 John wrote, it was then even the “last hour” (of the Old Covenant age).  John was correct.  That 11th hour came and went nearly 2,000 years ago.

Theologian R.C. Sproul isn’t a full preterist.  The Last Days According to Jesus, p.169, 30 “…What is at stake here is the authority of Jesus, and we must be consumed with maintaining His authority. I am convinced that the substance of the Olivet Discourse was fulfilled in 70AD and that the bulk of Revelation was likewise fulfilled in that time-frame….No matter what view of eschatology we embrace, we must take seriously the redemptive-historical importance of Jerusalem’s destruction in 70AD.”

God’s judgment on Jerusalem/Judea and the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, as foretold by Jesus in the gospels…is proof that Jesus was a true prophet!  Jesus and primitive Christianity are for real!

Many churches and teachers could at least modify their eschatology, so they don’t make it seem that Jesus or His original apostles or the HS were in error.  Surely, God doesn’t make mistakes.  We can have trust and confidence that the written words inspired by the HS are true!

However, all the above (e.g. God’s judgment) isn’t to say that history can’t repeat itself, or that Jesus won’t come again (Jn.14:3, Ac.1:9-11, 3:19-21).  And we believe our God is a just Judge, and He is merciful!  Praise God!


‘Babylon The Great’ in Revelation

The book of Revelation originated with Father God (Re.1:1), who gave it to Jesus Christ, who revealed it to the apostle John.  John wrote it to seven (persecuted) 1st century churches located along a mail route in Asia Minor (Re.1:4), western Turkey today.

The word of God is true (Jn.17:17)!  In Re.2:1-5, Jesus warned His church at Ephesus to repent, else He would remove it…Ephesus harbor is now a plain!  He removed it.  Re.3:14-19 Jesus warned the church at Laodicéa to repent.  It didn’t.  Consequently, the ruins of Laodicea are seen today.  Jesus does what He says He will do!

When John wrote Revelation, he used the apocalyptic method.  That is, to take predictions/prophecies which were unfulfilled in the literal sense, and recast or reinterpret them in hidden or symbolic terms.  (That was unlike the rabbinic methods.)  Identifying the original text of the book of Revelation (Rev) is difficult, as there are 500 variant terms in early manuscripts.  The book has been described as a revised Ezekiel and a commentary on Daniel.

The main text for this topic is Re.17:5-7. “Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations.”  Who was this symbolic or encoded mystical Babylon?  Babylon the Great originally wasn’t: New York City (with the woman Statue of Liberty in the harbor waters, as some view Re.17:1, she “who sits on many waters”), nor the USA, nor European Union nations, nor an Islamic block, nor modern Iraq, nor the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages…nor ancient Rome.

Historically, in 586 BC King Nebuchadnézzar of Babylon (Chaldéan Empire) conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the first temple.  Jews were taken captive to Babylon.  Babylon was later judged, conquered by the Medes/Persians in 539 BC, and King Belshazzár was killed.  Is.47:1-3 the Medes exposed Babylon’s shame.  Je.51:6-9 relates to the ancient exit of Jews fleeing Babylon.  In 538 BC, Jews began returning to Jerusalem, bringing Babylonian influences with them.  Christian author Ron Dart wrote, “Roman Catholicism wasn’t the only gateway by which Babylonian mystery religions found their way among God’s people”.  The Jewish Babylonian Talmud, e.g., also contains religious traditions.

Da.7:1-3 while in Babylon, the Jewish prophet Daniel envisioned four Beasts, which represented gentile kingdoms.  Bible historians identify these as Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.  v.7 the 4th Beast or empire, Rome, having 10 horns, was dreadfully strong.  Re.13:1 John sees this 4th Beast, having 10 horns, on the scene 600 years later.  This Beast, Rome, direly affects the harlot in Re.17-18!

It is recorded in the Old Testament (OT) where some nations committed spiritual harlotry: Tyre (Is.23:17), Assyria/Nineveh (Na.1:1, 3:4), Egypt, Ephráim/Israel (Ho.5:3-4).  The northern kingdom of Israel’s adulterous harlotry resulted in God sending them into captivity to Assyria (721 BC).

Also, Judah/Jerusalem committed adulterous harlotry…ref Je.2:20, 28, 3:1-3.  God/Christ was spiritually ‘married’ to Israel and Judah.  Is.54:5 “Your Maker is your husband.”  The grievous end of that relationship was foretold in Ezekiel 16 & 23.  Especially note Ezk.16:1-2, 8-45, 23:1-5, 11-19, 45-49 (Sodom); as these two chapters will resolve in Re.1718.

Is.1:1, 21 “The faithful city [Jerusalem] has become a harlot.”  The Lord is just, even in judging His wives – adulterous Israel & Judah!  Je.13:27 “As for your adulteries…Woe to you, Jerusalem.”  God wouldn’t allow her idolatry and abominations to forever go unpunished.  In De.28:49-68, Moses had warned Israel in prophecy that disobedience to their Lord would result in terrible consequences!

The expression “great city” (mégas pólis, Strongs g3173 g4172, Greek), is crucial to us understanding the identity of Babylon the Great, Re.17:5.  Re.11:8 “The great city, which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.”  Here the great city is Jerusalem, recast as Sodom and Egypt.  Besides Re.11:8, other Rev verses which refer to mystical Babylon the great city/harlot are: 14:8, 16:19, 17:1, 5, 18, 18:2, 10, 16, 18-19, 21, 19:2.  (Finally, in 21:10, the great city is again identified as Jerusalem, but now she’s the holy new Jerusalem!…more on this aspect at the end.)

Jeremiah too had referred to Jerusalem as the “great city”!  Je.22:6-9 Septúagint/LXX “Why has the Lord done thus to this great city (g3173 g4172)?”  Josephus Wars of the Jews 7:8:7 “Where is not that great city, the metropolis of the Jewish nation.”  And ibid 7:1:1Jerusalem…a city of great magnificence, mighty of fame among all mankind.”  Jerusalem was renowned as a great city!

Re.17:9 “Seven mountains on which the woman sits.”  The woman/harlot/city is on seven mountains.  Historians say that Jerusalem and Rome both contained seven literal mounts or hills.  The seven hills of Jerusalem have been identified as: Acra, Antonio, Bezétha, Millo, Ophel, Moriah, Zion.  (Of note, the Vatican area was a later addition across the Tiber River from the traditional seven hills of Rome, which are on the east side.  The state of Vatican City doesn’t fit in Re.17:9.)

Re.17:16-18 “The Beast will make her desolate and burn her with fire.”  The Beast destroys the harlot city.  From this verse, it’s evident that the Beast and the harlot aren’t the same entity.  (Rome was never God’s wife anyway.)  The Beast/Rome/abomination who makes desolate…burned the harlot city with fire in 70 AD.  cf. again Ezk.16:41, 23:47, Je.22:7-8, where Ezekiel and Jeremiah prophesied that Jerusalem would be burned with fire!  Also Jesus’ parable of Mt.22:7. “The king sent his armies…and set their city on fire.”  Pulpit Commentary Mt.22:7 “The Romans, under Vespasian and Titus.”  (Also in Le.21:9, a Levitical priest’s harlot daughter in Israel was to be burned with fire!)

Rome, the Beast of Da.7:7 and Re.13:1, destroyed the harlot Jerusalem during the 3 ½ year period of 66–70 AD.  ref Re.12:6, Mt.24:15-16, 21 for this time of great tribulation!

That which Jesus said in the book of Revelation did happen to Ephesus and Laodicea, e.g….and most significantly to Jerusalem and Judea!  (This isn’t to say that prophecy can’t repeat itself.)  Re.18 detail:

Re.18:1-4 traditionally the saints in Jerusalem fled 60 miles east to Pella in 66 AD.  In Lk.21:11, 20-21, Jesus had said there’d be great signs and, “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, flee”.

In Wars of the Jews 6:5:3, Josephus recorded the amazing event of angelic armies seen in the clouds surrounding Jerusalem in 66 AD!  So did the Roman historian/senator Tacitus in The Histories 5:13, “There had been seen hosts joining battle in the skies, the fiery gleam of arms, the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds.”  That’s historical evidence!  It’s reminiscent of when the Syrians attacked Israel around 800 BC. In 2Ki.6:15-17 the Lord opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant and, “Behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots all around Elisha”.  Heavenly hosts were seen by human eyes!

Babylon the harlot said in Re.18:5-7, “I sit as queen and am not a widow”.  Israel/Judah/Jerusalem was the figurative ‘wife’ of YHVH!  cf. Je.3:8.  A wife or queen can become a widow, but an unmarried woman cannot.  (The Tyndale translation also rendered Re.17:6 as “wife”).  Re.18:8-10 woes to the great city.  cf. Ezk.16:22-23 & Je.13:27 which reflect woes to Jerusalem.

Re.18:11-16 the harlot city’s wealth & adornment.  cf. Ezk.16:13-14 Jerusalem’s fame & adornment.  Jewish scholar Jacob Neusner of Harvard University wrote, “The only city which is differentiated from all other cities is the metropolis, the mother of cities, Jerusalem”.

Re.18:17-18 again, her burning.  Ge.38:24 the patriarch of the Jewish people, Judah, had declared against the woman who was pregnant with his own posterity…“Let her be burned!”

Re.18:19-23 & Je.7:32-34 glad voices of the bridegroom and bride would cease in Jerusalem/Judea.  In Wars of the Jews 5:12:3, the Gehenna valley was heaped with Jewish corpses from the Roman siege.

Re.18:24 when the autopsy was performed on the great harlot, the blood of prophets & saints was found in her!  The Greek term “ge”, g1093, can mean earth or Land.  Jesus had declared in Lk.13:33-34, “It cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets.”  Stephen accused the Jerusalem court in Ac.7:52. “Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute?”  Ac.7:58 Stephen was then stoned to death in Jerusalem.  James, Jesus’ relative, was thrown down from the Jerusalem temple in 62 AD and killed (prior to 70 AD).

{Sidelight: Re.2:9 Jesus/John warned the church at Smyrna about the “synagogue of Satan”.  Jn.8:44 Jesus had called the Pharisees the “children of the devil”.  Jesus had warned His disciples would be flogged, cast out of the synagogues, killed (Mk.13:9, Jn.16:2).  Judea was justly punished by God.}

Re.16:18-19 “A great earthquake” occurred.  Josephus Wars 4:4:5 there were “concussions and bellowings of the earth” at the time Jerusalem was besieged.  Re.16:21 “Huge hailstones the weight of a talent.”  In Wars 5:6:3, Josephus wrote that stones thrown by catapults of the 10th Roman legion weighed…a talent!  (In the Bible, hail may also symbolize government change of cataclysmic magnitude.)  Some of Josephus’ statements in Wars of the Jews seem like a parallel historical account or detailed commentary on the book of Revelation!  Further verse-by-verse detail of the destruction in Revelation would make this too lengthy.  (also see the topics: “The Last Days”, “Two Witnesses in the Bible”, “Day of Atonement (2) – in Revelation”, “John Wrote Five Bible Books?”.)

Jesus had said of the temple in Lk.21:5-6, “There will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down”.  After burning the temple cedars in 70 AD, the Roman soldiers tore down the temple stones to get at the melted gold which had congealed in the cracks!  Roman General Titus even tried to stop the temple burning…but to no avail.  Jesus’ prophecy was not to be denied.  It happened!

Jesus opposed the corruption and intolerance of the Jewish religious leaders of His day, and their oral additions to His written Toráh.  These additions survive in normative Judaism today.  Interestingly, they prefer the Babylonian Talmud to the Jerusalem Talmud, and many value it above the written OT!

A corrupt Jewish priesthood is cited back in Mal.2:11.  Many high priests were actually selected by the Greeks & Romans.  The priestly line of succession was violated.  Harvard’s Frank Moore Cross Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic “The Éssenes of Qumrán were a priestly party. The community referred to itself as the sons of Zadók. They heaped scorn and condemnation upon the ungodly priests of Jerusalem who, they argued, were illegitimate.”  This is Jewish history, not a biased anti-Semitism.

In surveying the New Testament books, the chief persecutors of Jewish Christians were disbelieving Jews, not Romans or gentiles.  e.g. 2Th.2:14-15 the Jewish apostle Paul affirmed that disbelieving Jews had “killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets”.  The expression “(of) the Jews” occurs 15 times total in the synoptic gospels, but 50 times in John’s gospel!  And it was John who wrote Revelation.  The allusions to the temple throughout Revelation don’t relate to Rome or gentiles.  e.g. Re.16:15 “Keep your garments” alluded to sleeping temple guards whose clothes could be set afire.

Le.26:18, 21, 24, 28 Moses had warned there would be increasing sevenfold intensities of punishment upon Israel for disobeying the Lord!  Correspondingly, Re.5:1, 6:1-ff reveals seven seals, Re.8 then seven trumpets of destruction, Re.15:6 culminating in seven last plagues of the wrath of God!  Re.6:16 during the seven seals those afflicted will say “to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us”.  Jesus foretold they would be the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Lk.23:28-30 “Daughters of Jerusalem…the days are coming when they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us.”  (Also ref Ho.10:1, 8-9 in regards to Israel. “They will say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ You have sinned O Israel.”)  Not Rome’s church.

Then Re.19:1-2. “Hallelujah! God has judged the great harlot. He has avenged the blood of His bondservants upon her.”  The harlot city was burned, the temple destroyed in 70 AD.  God’s servants, including the faithful remnant of Judah, were avenged.  God is just.

Centuries before Jesus walked the earth, Jews had returned to Judea from Babylon.  The punishments in the book of Revelation primarily refer to Jerusalem the great harlot, and Judea.  Mic.3:12 prophesied “Zion will be plowed as a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins.”  As fulfillment, the Romans plowed it over, and even refashioned Jerusalem as a gentile city in 135 AD.

Yet the book of Revelation has a glorious ending! Jerusalem/Yerushaláyim (h3389, Hebrew) is a plural term.  The book of Revelation is also…a tale of two cities!  F.M. Cross op. cit. “Essenes searched for prophecies of the end of days when they, the poor of the desert, would be reestablished in a new, transfigured Jerusalem.”  The older Jerusalem was made desolate.  But at the end of Revelation….

Re.21:1-2 “I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven.”  There’s another Jerusalem!  Re.21:9-10 “I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.’ And he carried me away in the Spirit and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven.”  Not the great city, old Jerusalem…but the holy city, new Jerusalem.  And there’s a new wife.  This new Jerusalem isn’t an adulterous harlot wife, but is a holy Bride.  The rest of Re.21 describes the glorious adornment of the Lamb’s faithful wife, new Jerusalem!

British historian Margaret Barker conveys a similar view of mystical Babylon in her book The Older Testament. “Jerusalem, restored Jerusalem [1st century], was perpetuated in the apocalyptic tradition as Babylon, the place of great evil. The city of Rev.17 was not always Rome, for Rev.17:16 says that the ten horns of the beast, i.e. ten Roman rulers, would attack her. The image of the harlot city upon many waters had originally been applied to Jerusalem, drunk with the blood of earlier saints.”

Also Peter J. Leithart Between Babel and Beast, p.46 “The harlot-city of Revelation is not Rome, but Jerusalem….As in the Old Testament (cf. Ezk.16, 23; Hosea), Jerusalem has turned harlot.”

As for the Jerusalem temple doors, Josephus Wars 4:4:5 “Before these doors there was a veil of equal largeness with the doors. It was a Babylonian curtain, embroidered with blue & fine linen, and scarlet & purple. Nor was the mixture of colors without its mystical interpretation, but was a kind of image of the universe.” (ref the colors in Re.17:4.)  Amazingly, even the temple veil was mystical Babylon!

Old Jerusalem was mystical Sodom & Egypt (where our Lord was crucified, Re.11:8)…and Babylon.  The system is perpetuated in part by the Babylonian TalmudTalmuds are a mixture of good & bad.  Also the system may be churches that proclaim as God’s truth their own traditions which contradict or wrongly add to His written word.  And again, all this isn’t to say that prophecy can’t repeat itself.

Re.22:14 KJV “Blessed are they that do His commandments…that they may enter in through the gates into the city.”  The holy city, new Jerusalem.  By the grace of God, and through the sacrifice of Jesus/Yeshúa the Bridegroom…the saints will enter in!