War & Killing and the Bible Christian (2)

We began looking at war from the Old Testament in “War & Killing and the Bible Christian (1)”.  That should be read first, before this Part (2).  Our foundational verses from (1) won’t be repeated here.

In Part 1, the difference between killing and murder was noted.  Killing an individual as capital punishment for a capital crime is justified, scripturally.  Killing as punishment isn’t murder.  On a larger scale, killing in war is warranted or vindicated…when it’s done in self-defense or to ‘end gross violation of human rights’ or cruel oppression.  If so justified, it’s a ‘Just War’.  It isn’t unlawful murder.  And a nation which refuses to defend itself against undue attack would be negligent in its duty to its citizenry.

In this Part 2, we’ll look at war primarily from New Testament (NT) verses, and more recently.  The NT doesn’t directly address the subject of war.  But it does affirm that government (govt) institutions are from God.  Anarchy isn’t God’s method.  Also see the topic “Governmental Loyalty for Christians”.

Ac.22:24-29 the apostle Paul, a Roman citizen, resisted illegal mistreatment.  He didn’t misconstrue “turn the other cheek”.  Jews wanted to kill him.  Paul asserted his rights.  Ac.23:20-33 then two centurions with 200 soldiers protected Paul from Jews in Jerusalem, and brought him safely to governor Felix in Caesárea for a hearing.  A standing army (or a militia) or police force can be used to protect citizens.

Jesus said in Mt.5:39, “Don’t resist evil; but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”.  Individuals aren’t to take the law into their own hands.  But if we can defend our family from an intruder (Ex.22:2), Jesus didn’t say to turn our family’s cheek so they submit to possibly being murdered!

Continuing in Mt.5:43-44, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy’. But I say to you, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”  Le.19:18 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Pharisee oral law added a racist clause about hating enemies (perhaps stretching De.23:3-6).  In the Lk.10:29-37 parable of the good Samaritan, Jesus explained to the Jewish lawyer who his neighbor is.  Jews and Samaritans were historical enemies.  God didn’t authorize personal vengeance, Ro.12:18-19Individuals aren’t to perpetrate racial fighting or wage war.

Lk.3:14 John baptized Jewish soldiers (of Herod?).  He told them not to extort from anyone by violence, don’t make false accusations, and be content with their wages or rations.  Don’t attempt to unlawfully increase them.  Don’t abuse others.  Lk.7:1-10 is the account of the faithful Roman (gentile) centurion, a leader of 100 men.  Also the Ac.10 centurion Cornelius became the first gentile to receive the Holy Spirit.

The NT doesn’t say whether or not those believing centurions changed jobs after conversion.  The Roman military was tied to false Roman religion.  Depending on seniority, the centurion class paralleled the modern rank of major to one-star general (ref historian Colin Wells).  Roman officers were responsible for persecutions & torture.  It seems doubtful that a converted Christian centurion or Roman soldier would want to serve amidst heathen religious rites, or would still persecute & torture fellow Christians.

As a man, the only ones Jesus used physical force against were the moneychangers or usurers (Mt.21:12-13, Jn.2:14-16).  Jesus the man was nonviolent and innocent of wrongdoing (Jn.19:4).  As a lamb, He didn’t resist being taken into custody, Lk.22:47-54.  (Police today can use deadly force against a person, innocent or guilty, who resists arrest and assaults the officer.)  Is.53:5-8 “The Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him. Like a lamb led to the slaughter, He didn’t open His mouth.”  Jesus, unlike us, was to be captured and crucified to die for our sins (1Jn.3:5).  If Jesus’ ruling Kingdom was of this world, then His servants would fight to protect Him from the Jews (Jn.18:36).  But it wasn’t of this world.

Yet Jesus the now glorified Lamb fights with and defeats those who wage war against Him!  Re.17:14 “These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them because He is King of kings and Lord of lords.”  The just King vanquishes His enemies.  Re.19:11-16 “In righteousness He judges and wages war.”  Jesus wars to avenge and save the righteous; He sentences and punishes the wicked.  God is the Giver of life.  He can take life, as He chooses.

But the King of kings doesn’t authorize all aggressor nations of the world to selfishly conquer and steal land or goods from other nations.  Aggressors murder civilians too!  Also in Re.13:10, “He who kills with the sword must be killed by the sword”.  What goes around, comes around.  God is just.  Jesus said to His disciple Peter in Mt.26:52, “Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword”.  (Jesus must die.)  No individual vengeance.  God will take vengeance.  He authorized law courts and govt (e.g. Ge.9:5-6, De.17:8-11) to maintain law & order and to wield His judgment.

Allan Turner The Christian & War “Should justice be sacrificed on the altar of ‘peace at any price’?”  Pacifism sees war as immoral and should be abolished.  But absolute pacifism itself can be immoral!

Capital punishment and warfare in self-defense kills, but isn’t murder.  Sometimes it’s unjust to refrain from using force; it’s a nation’s duty to protect its citizens.  Having a police force that’s committed to public protection, and to discourage criminality in the streets, isn’t evil.  It’s to maintain law & order.  The person who shoots at police may be killed.  That isn’t murder.  The policeman on duty isn’t pacifist.

War has been called a ‘necessary evil’.  Yet the initial sin that leads to war is the evil first cause.  Ja.4:1 “From where come wars and fightings among you? Don’t they come from cravings that war within you?”  Somewhere sin or greed occurred which can escalate into war.  Should Christians participate in war?

Christ didn’t allow His people ancient Israel to engage in alliances with other nations as “lovers”.  Ho.8:9-10 “Ephráim has hired lovers. Even though they hire allies among the nations, they will begin to waste away.”  Forming political alliances was rebellion against God.  Is.30:1-3 “Woe to the rebellious children’, declares the Lord, ‘Who make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, to add sin to sin.”  Is.36:5-6 also.  2Ch.16:7-10 King Asa of Judah foolishly trusted his alliance with Syria, rather than trusting God.  Ezk.16:2, 33-39 of Judah’s disloyal lovers.  (2Ch.20:35-37 Jehoshaphát’s alliance was bad.)  Ezk.23:1-35 Israel & Judah played the harlot with other nations.  They yoked themselves to the heathen.  Christ sent them both into captivity!  Yokes with unbelievers are unequal, and have ended badly.  Like an ox yoked to a donkey, it doesn’t work.  Paul wrote in 2Co.6:14-15, “Don’t be unequally yoked to unbelievers”.

Our USA Constitution is dated “in the Year of Our Lord 1787” (ref it’s Article VII).  Some historians say this indicates the majority of its signers were Christians.  Jesus Christ is Lord!

Prior to the 1890s, the USA was a non-interventionist nation.  George Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796 expressed our policy of non-interventionism.  In Thomas Jefferson’s 1801 inaugural address, “Essential principles of our government…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none”.  The USA would engage in trade with other nations, but wouldn’t interfere in other nations’ wars.  The Constitution is non-interventionist, but isn’t isolationistPr.26:17 is a general principle…don’t meddle with strife not belonging to you.  Be non-interventionist.

Paul wrote in 2Co.10:3-4, “Though we walk in the flesh, we don’t wage war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare aren’t of the flesh.”  Matthew Poole Commentary 2Co.10:3 “The men of the world war for their honour and glory, or for revenge and satisfaction of their lusts, or for the enlarging of their territories and dominions; but we do not thus war after the flesh.”  Rather, the Christian is to put on the defensive spiritual armor of God (Ep.6:12-17).  The only offensive weapon is the figurative sword of the Spirit, the word of God.  Onward Christian Soldiers (1871) “Like a mighty army, moves the Church of God.”  That doesn’t refer to carnal warfare.

Whereas God will judge carnal wars of selfish or covetous imperialists (Hab.2:8-12).

Should a Christian support a wrong or evil war effort?  Paul wrote in Ep.5:11, “Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness”.  Ellicott Commentary Ep.5:11 “Keep no terms with them.”  McLaren’s Expositions “Notice the plain Christian duty of abstinence.”  Paul also wrote in 1Ti.5:22, “Do not share in the sins of others; keep yourself pure”.  Barnes Notes “In no way are we to participate in the sins of other people.”  Don’t participate on the side of evil in war either.  Pastor Chad Wagner “No government has the right to make its citizens kill other people who didn’t attack them.”  We can object or avoid war.

It would be sin for a Christian to defile his conscience (e.g. Ac.24:16, Ti.1:15).  “A conscientious objector is an ‘individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service.” (Wikipedia)  Based on scripture…a citizen’s conscience may not allow him to participate in a war of aggression or imperialism.  But it may allow him to fight in a war of self-defense.  God is the only true Lawgiver and Judge (Ja.4:12).  If there’s a conflict between obeying God and obeying human government, Peter said God is to be obeyed rather than men (Ac.5:29).  Obedience to God would have precedence over an ungodly military duty.  We don’t worship a human govt, be it democratic or dictatorial.  Noncombatant service may or may not be a conscience issue.

Do our leaders submit to God’s principles and to our Constitution?  If a govt cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the need to go to war, can an honest man fight for an untrustworthy govt policy?  We’re to conscientiously try to determine the justness of our govt’s laws & policy, based on God’s right principles.

Jesus said in Mt.5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers”.  When ancient Israel approached an enemy city, they were first to offer it terms of peace (De.20:10-11).  Justice and righteousness result in peace (Is.32:16-18).  A fruit of God’s Spirit is peace (Ga.5:22).

Opinions vary about the justness of USA govt decisions to join in modern wars.  We abandoned neutrality in 1917 to enter WW1.  We entered WW2 after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.  Statistics show that unemployment was even higher in 1939 than in 1931.  It’s said that in 1941 President FDR was looking for a way to get into WW2 (war preparations hiring lowers unemployment).  He allowed the Japanese oil supply to be cut off.  Did this goad Japan into an act of aggression?  Japan retaliated by attacking Pearl Harbor.

James Perloff Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not “Comprehensive research has shown not only that Washington knew in advance of the attack, but that it deliberately withheld its foreknowledge from our commanders in Hawaii in the hope that the ‘surprise’ attack would catapult the U.S. into World War II. Oliver Lyttleton, British Minister of Production, stated in 1944: ‘Japan was provoked into attacking America at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history to say that America was forced into the war’. A pre-war Gallup poll showed 88 percent of Americans opposed U.S. involvement in the European war.”  What were the real reasons for our entry?  Later Japan was willing to make peace before we dropped atom bombs.  General Eisenhower opposed using the bomb…150,000 civilians died tragically!

The USA govt viewed the war in Vietnam as a means of preventing the spread of Communism.  Was our involvement in Vietnam a war of aggression to help France re-conquer Vietnam?  It’s said the early Tonkin Gulf incident was a phantom to boost public support for the war.  This long war lasted 15 years (1959-1975)…and we didn’t win!  Our economy was experiencing recession from 1957–1961; and a war can alleviate recession.  During the war years, citizens increasingly objected to us being in Vietnam.  By the year 2000, a Gallup poll indicated that 69% of citizens thought our involvement in the war had been a mistake.

“Money makes the world go ’round.”  The USA & Federal Reserve has so wanted the U.S. dollar to remain the world’s reserve currency!  But Iraq’s Saddam Hussein wanted to trade oil for euros, not petrodollars.  Some say this was a significant reason for our going to war with Iraq.  Libya’s Gaddafi wanted a goldbacked currency behind Libyan oil trade.  This too could’ve hurt the dollar.  Saddam and Gaddafi were eliminated, whatever the real reasons.  Conspiracy theorists say evil secret groups plan wars.

Rogue nations which forbid usury & derivatives are holdouts from USA & world banker organizations, and are taken down (militarily)…Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan (Iran in future?).  North Korea and Cuba are also holdouts.  Of note, Christ forbad usury among ancient Israelites (ref De.23:19, Ne.5:7, Ps.15:5).  see “Money (2) Biblical Honest Weights, Usury”.

Allan Turner op. cit. “The prudent soldier who fights for what he believes in, but later discovers that the real reason for the war was obscured by lies…is not guilty!”  The media may present conflicting info regarding war issues.  Real reasons for going to war can be difficult to sort out.  Young Christians of military age aren’t statesmen who may know what’s going on behind the scenes.  Dedicated young men have been wounded or gave their lives in war to support a cause they believed in.  They’re to be respected.  I’m for being rightly patriotic to our country, while not engaging in misguided patriotism to wrong principles!

Modern America elects interventionist presidents (whereas our founders were non-interventionist).  The USA tries to force usurious secular Western values on non-Western nations!  We give foreign aid to nations who are each other’s enemies.  And we have favorites.  That causes much resentment internationally.  There are even nations which hate the USA who gives them aid!  As ancient Israel and its “lovers”, being unequally yoked to heathen or anti-Christ nations has led to dangerous problems.

Was the American Revolution a violation of God’s principles?  Some historians think the American Revolution was a war of self-defense.  (Ne.4:7-21 reflects self-defense.)  That Britain had attacked America, not vice-versa?  The American colonists’ formal appeals for peaceful reconciliation were met with militarism, violations of British Common Law.  The colonists didn’t want anarchy.  Colonial charters established self-rule under the British monarchy.  They resisted British Parliament (“taxation without representation”) as being a seeming invader, but not initially in revolution.  The Revolution was a response to the: 1770 Boston Massacre, 1774 Boston Tea Party & its aftermath, 1775 attacks on Concord & Lexington and the Williamsburg gunpowder incident.  Freedom from oppression won out!

Moving forward, in the American Civil War of the 1860s, there were Christians from the North fighting against other Christians from the South…a great tragedy for our country!

In wars between peoples and nations today, there are Christian brothers fighting each other!  In the present day Syria civil war, Christians are fighting Christians.  Also Arab Christians in the Middle East fight Israeli Jewish Christians!  (On the other side of the coin, the Israeli govt wants Arab Christians in Israel to enlist in Israel’s military, the IDF).

Concluding, Paul wrote in 1Ti.2:2, “…That you may live a quiet and peaceable life”.  Supporting wars of aggression and selfish imperialism is wrong.  Again, peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Ga.5:22).  As the song goes, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me”.  The word of the Lord in Is.2:1-4, “They will turn their swords into plowshares. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.”  Eventually carnal warfare will be a thing of the past.  God’s lawful principles and peace will be known by all nations!  May the Lord hasten that day…Shalom!

Governmental Loyalty for Christians

We know from the Bible that Christians are to obey God.  But does God expect us to obey our human rulers?  Also, if there’s a conflict between obeying God and our government’s laws, what should we do?

Way back in the days of Noah, God prescribed courts of law (Ge.9:5-6).  Law courts are a function of government (govt).  The right of vengeance, revenge or retaliation, belongs to the Lord. “Vengeance is Mine” (De.32:35).  Personal vengeance isn’t to be taken by the individual.  Ro.12:19 “Avenge not yourselves.”  Judges or the state or ruler should exercise God’s vengeance & justice on His behalf.  For God’s vengeance and true justice to be carried out, God’s principles of right and wrong must be used.  Using principles from the forbidden tree of good and evil (Ge.2–3) results in uneven, unfair, ‘justice’.

Christ established His theocracy in ancient Israel. (see “Jesus Was The Old Testament God”.)  He made known His laws and true ethical principles to Moses/Israel.  They’re based upon love to God and love to neighbor…De.6:5 and Le.19:18.  Law courts were among Christ’s guidelines, De.17:8-11.  The tribe of Levi served as the religious leaders (the clan of Aaron) and as govt judges & administrators.  Israel’s was the only govt then with detailed knowledge of God’s moral principles and sense of justice.

Other peoples & nations had rulers whose laws and policies were a mixture of good and evil.  Yet God isn’t an anarchist.  He’d authorized govt to regulate societies and bring order from chaos.

Early-on when Adam defected from God, man’s dominion on earth was given or delivered to satan by default, Lk.4:5-7 & Mt.12:26.  Satan is the unseen influence upon rulers and govt.  (also see “Kingdom of God”.)  Da.2:20-21, 37 yet Godremoves kings and sets up kings”.  God gave sovereignty to King Nebuchadnézzar of Babylon.  Previously, the Lord selected Hazaél to be king of Syria (1Ki.19:15).

The Most High is Ruler over all of mankind (and satan); and God bestows govt on who He wills.  Da.4:17 God may allow an evil ruler (“the lowliest of men”) as a form of judgment or chastisement for wrongs a nation committed.  Pr.28:15-16 “Like a roaring lion or a hungry bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people. A leader who lacks judgment is a great oppressor.”  Jesus said to Pilate the governor in Jn.19:11, “You would have no authority against Me, unless it were given you from above”.  The Roman state possessed delegated authority from God.

Yet not all rulers are God-appointed!  Ho.8:3-4 “Israel has rejected the good. They have set up kings, but not by Me; they have appointed rulers.”  (All kings of the northern kingdom of Israel were bad.)

Although ancient Israel knew of the Lord’s principles, Israel didn’t obey them.  Most Israelites didn’t have God’s Holy Spirit (HS).  The HS writes God’s laws on the hearts & minds of Christians (He.8:10).  We internalize His moral principles, and obedience to God is possible.  We must want to obey God.

Christians with the HS are sons of God.  Paul wrote in Ro.8:14, “All who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God”.  According to Peter, obedience to God is a requirement to have the HS.  Peter said in Ac.5:32, “The Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him”.  Here the Greek term for obey is peitharchéoStrongs g3980.  It occurs four times (Ac.5:29, 32, 27:21; Ti.3:1) in the New Testament (NT), and means ‘to obey a superior’.  To be persuaded the superior should be obeyed.  In Ac.5:32, the Superior is God Himself.  1Esdras 8:94 (Septúagint/LXX and KJV 1611 edition) “As many as do obey [g3980] the law of the Lord.”  God’s principles are to be obeyed.

Not only God and His principles are to be obeyed.  Ti.3:1 “Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey [g3980] them.”  Paul said for Titus to remind those on Crete to obey human rulers.  So both God and (right) human rulers/government laws in general are to be obeyed.

But should a Christian’s citizenship duty have precedence over his duty to obey God?  Peter said in Ac.5:27-29, “We must obey [g3980] God rather than men”.  When there’s a conflict between obeying God’s principles/instructions, and those of the human govt or ruler…Peter was persuaded that God the Higher Authority must be obeyed!  Peter & John told the rulers in Ac.4:19-21, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge”.  The authorities threatened them and let them go.  (But later in Ac.12:1-3, they killed John’s brother James and arrested Peter.)

So Peter said obedience to God has priority over obedience to men.  Peter also said to submit to rulers.  1Pe.2:13-18 “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every institution of man, whether to the king, or to governors….Honor all men; honor the king. Servants submit to your masters.”  Here the Greek verb for submit is hupotásso g5293.  It occurs 40 times in the NT.  But submit (g5293) to authority doesn’t always mean obey!  Greek Bible scholar Spiros Zódiates “Originally it showed one’s relation to superiors. The verb doesn’t immediately carry with it the thought of obedience.”  e.g. Paul told the church in Ep.5:21, “Submit [g5293] to one another in the fear of God”.  Not always ‘obey’ each other.  And 1Pe.5:5 “You younger, submit [g5293] yourselves to the elder.”

Paul wrote in Ro.13:1-5, “Let every soul submit [g5293] to the governing authority….But if you do what is evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a servant of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who does evil.”  Subjection to rulers is a general principle.  Capital crimes can result in capital punishment from govt officials (some officials may even be Christians).

A ruler should be just, acting as God’s servant to rightfully maintain law & order.  The ruler shouldn’t be corrupt nor terrorizing good works nor promoting evil or criminality.  In Ro.13, ca 57 AD, Paul isn’t discussing evil rulers like Nero.  Jesus wouldn’t approve for a Christian to serve as a (military) hit man for an evil regime, e.g.  (see the topic “War & Killing and the Bible Christian”.)  If a govt wants us to perpetrate evil on its behalf, we’re to obey God’s right principles instead (Ac.5:29).  However, in return, we may have to submit to punishment the govt could administer to us.

In Ro.13:6-8, Paul addressed paying taxes.  Jesus said in Mt.22:21, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”.  The tithe system in God’s theocracy of ancient Israel went to both church and state. (see “Tithe to Church and State”.)  Human govts and policies aren’t all good.  What if an oppressive tax results in one’s family suffering hunger?  We’re to love one another (Ro.13:8).  Ought unjust taxes be paid to anyone?  That’s a personal decision in each situation.  Nations’ tax rates vary.  The Boston Tea Party of 1773 protested British taxation.  But there can be consequences for the delinquent taxpayer.

In Ro.13:1-ff, perhaps Paul is somewhat protective or defensive, not wanting Christians to risk being expelled from Rome, as Jews were in 19 AD & 49 AD (Ac.18:2 under Emperor Claudius).  Paul wrote general guidelines in Ro.13.  Surely Jesus wouldn’t have given blanket approval to evil Nero’s current rule (54–68 AD)!  Submit doesn’t always mean obey.  Disobeying God to obey a government’s evil is ungodly.

Jesus submitted to His captors (e.g. Is.53:7, 1Pe.2:23), though He’d committed no crime.  Jesus said in Mt.5:38-39, “You have heard, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. But I say to you, don’t resist an evildoer.”  The “eye for an eye” is the lex taliónis principle (e.g. Le.24:19-20), retribution or retaliation via the courts commensurate with the crime.  Don’t take personal vengeance, even when the Roman justice system was unjust vis-à-vis the principles of justice which Christ gave to ancient Israel.

{Sidelight: Mt.5:40-42 “If anyone will sue you and wants to take your shirt, let him have your cloak also. Whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and don’t deny him who wants to borrow from you.”  That, even though Christ had told Israel to return before sunset a cloak which was taken as a pledge/collateral (Ex.22:26-27).  Roman military law allowed a soldier to compel a civilian to carry his 65–85 lb pack (only) one mile.  In De.15:7-9, Christ instructed Israelites to give or lend to one’s poorer neighbor.  De.23:19 the lender wasn’t to charge interest.  Lk.6:34-35 “Do good and lend, expecting nothing in return.”  Not usury.  Mt.6:12 as we forgive our debtors (a debt was suspended during the 7th year of release, De.15:1-2, 9).  Unlike Rome…God is generous, just and fair!}

Ro.12:18-19 “If possible, live at peace. Don’t avenge yourselves, beloved, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”  Again, judges or the state should exercise God’s right justice & vengeance for Him.  In Ex.22:8-9, judges are even termed “elohím” (“God” h430, Hebrew), since they’re to render God’s verdict.  Ps.82:1-4 courts of judges/elohim (h430) should be backed by God’s just principles.  The individual or family isn’t authorized to take the law into their own hands.

God’s morality and justice system differs from that of Roman emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero.  But Jesus, Peter, Paul weren’t anarchists.  Is.33:22 “The Lord is our judge, The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us.”  God performs all three functions of govt; judicial, legislative, executive.  He is for right law & order.  Christ had given just laws to ancient Israel.

Jesus said in Mt.23:23, justice and mercy are weightier provisions of the law!  Not ceremonial matters (which were performed at or brought to the temple).  Yet an oft-repeated topic of TV evangelists is donating money or tithing!  And there are Hebrew roots groups which emphasize (or argue) ceremonial temple feasts and the calendar, more than God’s justice!  Mic.6:8 “What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God?”  Justice and mercy are priorities.

God’s principles are the true standard.  Ja.4:12a Weymouth “The only real Lawgiver and Judge is He who is able to save and to destroy.”  Philo wrote in the 1st century AD, On the Life of Moses 2, p.495 “The same Being was the Father and Creator of the world, and likewise the Lawgiver of truth.”  Only God is completely justHuman govt laws are just to the extent they are based, at least in principle, upon God’s moral laws.

The Body of Liberties, dated 1641, was the first legal code in America.  In colonial Massachusetts, that code enacted as law some of Christ’s law which He’d given to Moses/Israel.  Before the American Revolution, Jonathan Mayhew (1720–1766) in When Is Resistance a Duty? preached there is a higher law than any government’s law!  Loyalty to God has priority.

What options might Christians or a people who are being oppressed by an unjust ruler or govt have?  It may be too difficult or impossible to defect, leave the country.  (The American Revolution succeeded.)

There’s civil disobedience or resistance to unjust rule/laws.  Ex.1:15-20 “The midwives feared God and didn’t do what the king of Egypt commanded them. So God did good to the midwives.”  Prior to ancient Israel’s exodus, those midwives were rewarded by God for their civil disobedience to Pharaoh.

1Ki.18:17-ff Elijah openly challenged Aháb, the king of Israel in the north.  Da.1:8, 15-20 young Daniel was at the court of Babylon.  He refused to disobey Christ’s dietary laws or drink wine to idol gods; yet ten days later King Nebuchadnezzar elevated him to a position.  But resistance may be punished.

Da.3:14-19 Daniel’s three friends refused to obey Nebuchadnezzar; they wouldn’t commit idolatry.  As a consequence, the king had them thrown into a furnace of fire.  (God protected them.)  As was already noted, Peter was willing to go to jail, rather than quit teaching in Jesus’ name (Ac.5:27-29).

The medieval law of jus prímae nóctis gave the noble or feudal lord the right to sleep with peasant brides of the manor the first night.  Roman chieftains had also practiced this adultery.  Should Christian newlyweds have obeyed that decree…or resisted?  The hero of the movie Braveheart supposedly engaged in an illegal secret marriage (having no document), attempting to circumvent that evil decree.

The person who resists or (civilly) disobeys an unjust law/decree of men, or who obeys an opposing just principle of God, may have to remain and submit to consequences for his or her action…punishment.

Ac.22:24-29 Paul, a Roman citizen, appealed to Roman law for his own defense.  Paul wasn’t violent then, yet he resisted illegal mistreatment.  Ac.16:36-39 Paul knew and asserted his rights under Roman law, and in so doing he was submitting to the govt system (ref Ro.13:1).

However, Paul wrote to the church in 1Co.6:1, “Does any of you who has a case against another dare to go to court before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?”  v.4-8 Paul admonished brethren to utilize church(/synagogue) courts or tribunals first, instead of secular courts.  (But later, beware the Catholic Inquisition!)

Whose laws are just?  Those of…Mr. Obama, Israel’s Netanyahu, Germany’s Angela Merkel, Russia’s Putin, Cuba’s Castro, Iran’s Ayatóllah Khaménei, the IRS?  Since God is the Lawgiver…the only truly just laws are laws based, at least in principle, on His!  Today USA law is based on: God’s morality, Greco-Roman law, historical Roman Catholic Church dogma, the Constitution, party politics, etc.  By comparing the laws of one’s govt to God’s principles, citizens may determine the justness of the govt.

Patriotism towards an unjust or tyrannical govt or some of its actions…can be a form of idolatry!

Christians or peoples may seek to become free from an unjust tyrant.  Ex.6:6-7 “I AM the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the oppressions of the Egyptians.”  Rather than ancient Israel continuing to submit to bondage, God freed them from Egypt by means of divine plagues!  Peoples have revolted.

Paul addressed slavery in 1Co.7:21-23. “Were you called while a slave? Don’t worry about it; but if you are able to become free, do that. You were bought with a price; don’t become slaves of men.”  Slaves comprised approximately 33% of the Roman Empire populace.  Paul exhorted Christian slaves to seek freedom.  We should let God guide our life; we shouldn’t be controlled by, or in bondage to, men.  Some slaves attempted to flee to the countryside.  The slave revolt led by Spartacus the gladiator occurred in 73 BC.

Slavery in ancient Israel was more often bond servitude.  The fugitive law is De.23:15-16. “You shall not hand over to his master a servant who has escaped to you.”  (Unlike our 1850 Fugitive Slave Act.  cf. 1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin.)  e.g. 1Sa.30:13-15 the Egyptian who was servant to an Amalekite didn’t want David to return him to his master.  In the NT letter to Philémon, Paul gave shelter to Onésimus (v.13).  Even under Roman rule, Paul needn’t return him as a fugitive.

David was a man after God’s own heart (Ac.13:22).  He said God’s law was upright/complete (Ps.19:7).   Ps.18:17-24 David had valued God’s injunctions…the Lord delivered him from King Saul.

God is for individual freedom, within govt structure.  Christ’s theocracy in ancient Israel is a prototype.  Kingdom of God govt is based upon love to God and love to neighbor.  Our individual ability to love & serve others depends on our response to the HS within, and our personal health & energy level.

Again, God’s laws have precedence over contradictory laws of man.  Php.3:20 “Our citizenship is in heaven.”  Christians have dual citizenship, a heavenly and an earthly.  Our loyalty is first to God.

Also there’s a place for civil disobedience, and even obtaining total freedom from tyranny/unjust rule.  Citizens who disobey ungodly govt principles, but don’t defect…may have to submit to punishment.

John wrote in 1Jn.5:19, “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one”.  Satan impacts kingdoms of man.  Mankind has eaten from the wrong tree, a mixture of good & evil.  Some of man’s statutes are good, others are bad.  Blind patriotism and chronyism exists.  The HS knows true principles & justice.

It was a blessing to grow up in this country, compared to conditions in some other nations.  Yet the saints of God seek a “better country” (He.11:14-16).  Re.11:15 “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord; and He shall reign forever.”  Worldly kingdoms of man are delivered to Jesus.  He’s the completely just King of kings (Re.19:16)!  In the meantime, humanity will experience decadent govts to varying degrees.  Lord Jesus…Thy Kingdom come!