Genesis Principles Predate Moses

Several years ago I asked the Lord…How can we know which of His principles/laws apply to us today?

God impressed on me to look in His word prior to Moses to see which principles of God are evident that far back.  In the book of GenesisBefore there was the nation of ancient Israel.  Before there was any Old Covenant (OC) or New Covenant (NC).  The name “Moses” doesn’t appear until Ex.2:10.

So I searched Genesis for (timeless) righteous principles of God…which we see carried-over into the OC in Exodus, and also apply to us Christians today and eventually to all mankind.

Predating Moses…God’s righteous standards for mankind and the Kingdom of God, and even glimpses of Christ’s gospel, are seen in the book of Genesis.  As we read between the lines of narrative, Genesis reflects examples of how to honor God and love our neighbor; how to live our lives, and how not to.  Lessons that apply to Christian living.

Reformed Church theologian Albertus Pieters’ Notes On Genesis “Whoever has learned the Genesis stories has learned all the chief things that can be known about God (apart from the incarnation of God in Christ)…of permanent institutions for the well-being of mankind; we have here the institution of the Sabbath, marriage, government, and worship.”  There’s much revealed between the lines of Genesis!

Genesis was written/compiled by Moses, inspired by the Holy Spirit (2Ti.3:16).  It tells of ancient gentiles.  Some of them applied God’s ways, while others violated principles of God and His Kingdom.

The Lord said of the gentile Abraham in Ge.26:5, “Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws”.  Also Wisdom of Sirach 44:20 KJV 1611 edition “Abraham kept the law of the Most High.”  Abraham was obedient to the Lord.  To be so consecrated in obedience, he surely had much faith/belief in God!  Jesus said to Jews who opposed Him in Jn.8:39, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham”.  Abraham the non-Jew applied God’s principles & laws, present in Genesis.  Long before Moses (400 years)!  Also ref the topic “Abraham Obeyed Which Commandments?”.

James Bruckner Implied Law in the Abraham Narrative, p.67Genesis is embedded with law.”

Later, God had Moses define, describe, elaborate on, and add to those godly moral principles/laws via codified injunctions.  Moses did so in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.

The Old Covenant for Israel/Jews contained God’s moral precepts & laws existing in Genesis, which Abraham obeyed.  But added for Israel were pilgrim feasts, tabernacle/temple rituals, sin & guilt offerings, etc.  (see “Added in the Old Covenant”.)  We read of no regularly recurring animal sacrifices prior to Moses/Israel.

However, in Genesis there’s no nation of Israel!  The first Jew (Judah) isn’t even born until Ge.29:35!

So the acts we read the gentiles in Genesis doing/not doing relate to principles of conduct for mankind in general (not solely for Jews)…predating by centuries the Old Covenant Law of Moses for Israel.

Doug Ward The Law of God in the Book of Genesis “This beginning portion of the Bible has quite a lot to say about legal matters. However, it often addresses these matters indirectly rather than in the form of explicit commands.”  There are laws of God present in Genesis between the lines.  cf. Ro.4:15, 5:12-13.

Here I’ll go through the book of Genesis, noting God’s principles revealed in it.  Again, Genesis reflects the Lord’s guidelines for man before there was a nation of Israel.  As we read Genesis, we’ll see actions, both good and bad, righteous and unrighteous…done by those ancient gentiles and non-Jews.

(As an exercise or for reference, you might divide a sheet of paper into two columns.  On the left side, list things/actions to AVOID.  On the right side, list things/actions that are scripturally right to DO.)

Ge.1:11-12 “Plants and trees bearing seed after their kind.”  From creation, kind is to produce kind in biogenesis (cf. v.21, 24).  Vegetation which may be eaten.  Hybrid crops weren’t authorized, nor are GMOs.  Genetically Modified Organisms pose yet unknown health risks; they may also affect allergies.

Ge.1:29 “I have given you every seed-bearing plant that is on the surface of the earth, and every tree which has fruit with seeds. It shall be food for you.”  Seed-bearing land crops are for food.  These do photosynthesis.  These aren’t funguses or algae/seaweed.  Mushrooms are a fungus e.g.; they live on rot.  Some mushrooms are carcinogenic.

Ge.1:27-28 “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Have dominion.”  God gives to man the mandate to beget children (if physically able), and maintain the environment of the earth.

Ge.2:2-3 “God ceased [or rested, shabáth Hebrew] on the 7th day from all His work. God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it.”  It’s the first thing God made holy!  The sabbath is created for man, Mk.2:27.  Sabbath day rest is the recurring weekly sign which identifies that God/Christ is the Creator.  see the series “Sabbath 7th Day”.

Ge.2:17 “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. For in the day you eat it you shall surely die.”  To disobey God will result in death (cf. 3:6, 24).  God is to be obeyed.  see “Life and Death – for Saints” and “Tree Symbolism in Scripture”.

Ge.2:24-25 “A man shall join to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. They were both naked, the man and his wife.”  Marriage and sex between male & female is ordained.

Ge.4:4 “Abel offered the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions.”  This righteous gentile Abel (He.11:4) didn’t eat the fat portions.  Fat (and organ meats) wasn’t authorized for human consumption (ref Le.3:3-5, 17).  Eating fat is unhealthy.  see “Unclean verses Clean Food”.

Ge.4:8 “Cain killed his brother Abel.”  Murder is a crime.  We all know that.  Here, long prior to Mt Sinai and the codified law given to Moses/Israel.  (also see “War & Killing and the Bible Christian”.)

Ge.4:14-15 “The Lord said, ‘Whoever kills Cain, will suffer vengeance sevenfold’. The Lord set a sign for Cain, lest any finding him should smite him.”  Personal vengeance isn’t allowed (legal authorities determine who executes God’s vengeance, e.g. Ge.9:6 & De.17:6-11.  see “Governmental Loyalty for Christians”.)

Ge.5:22 “Enoch walked with God.”  The faithful (non-Jew) Enoch’s life pleased God, He.11:5.

Ge.7:1-3 “Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and his mate; one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and his mate.”  The gentile Noah knew clean & unclean creatures differed.  God didn’t approve the unclean for sacrifice or as food; some are carcinogenic.  (Clean wild animals weren’t used for godly sacrifices…the six extra pairs of clean wild animals were for food!)  Ge.8:20-21 thanksgiving worship towards the Lord is done by Noah (through sacrifice).

Ge.9:3 “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you, as the green plants.”  However, as some green plants are poisonous, some moving creatures are unclean/harmful.  The only creatures for “food” are (clean) moving/live creatures, properly bled.  Not creatures which die of themselves (“strangled”, Ac.15:29 KJV), not carrion or road kill, which attract parasites.  see “Acts 15 – Four Prohibitions”.

Ge.9:4 “You shall not eat the flesh with the life, the blood.”  God forbad blood as “food” (cf. Le.3:17, Ac.15:29).  “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” (Le.17:11)  Blood transmits disease.  Drinking blood is toxic to our system.

Ge.9:5-6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed.”  A human justice system with governing law courts, even to include capital punishment, God authorized. (ref De.17:6-11, Ro.13:1-4.)

Ge.9:20-23 “Noah began farming and planted a vineyard. He became drunk.”  Farming and vineyards are fine.  But drunkenness/intoxication has bad consequences (cf. Pr.20:1).

Ge.9:24-26 “When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him.”  Dishonoring a parent or grandparent is wrong.

Ge.12:14-20 Pharoah.  Adultery is very wrong (cf. 20:1-18).  Adultery occurs when a married/betrothed woman has sexual relations with a man not her husband/fiancée.  see “Sexual Sins, Harlotry, Rape”.

Ge.13:13 “The men of Sodom were wicked, sinners against the Lord.”  Wicked sinners?!  Without law, there is no transgression/sin (Ro.4:15).  Evidently there was law and the transgression of it in Genesis!

Ge.14:18 “Melchisedek king of Salem brought out bread & wine; he was priest of the Most High God.”  Both king and priest.  This indicates there is no complete separation between state and church.  Here also is bread & wine, the forerunner of communion with Jesus.  (ref He.7:17 Jesus is priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.)  see “Melchisedek Order Priesthood” and “Bread and Wine in the Church”.

Ge.14:20 “Abram gave him [Melchisedek] a tenth of all.”  Tithing to God’s representative of church and state is done by the gentile Abram, the father of the faithful, Ro.4:16.  (cf. Ge.28:22 God hadn’t raised taxes in Jacob’s day; His rate is still just 10%.)  see “Tithe to Church and State”.

Ge.15:16 “The iniquity of the Amorites isn’t yet full.”  But if God didn’t have moral law in Genesis, they wouldn’t be guilty of iniquity.  Paul wrote, “Without law there’s no transgression”, Ro.5:12-13.

Ge.19:4-11 the men of Sodom said to Lot, “Where are the men [angels] who came to visit you tonight? Send them out so we can have sex with them’….Lot said to them, ‘Please don’t act so wickedly.”  Same-sex intercourse is wickedness (as is beastiality, sex with a different kind)!

Ge.20:7, 17-18 “Abraham prayed to God.”  Ge.25:21 so did Isaac.  Ge.24:63 Isaac meditated.  Prayer and meditation to God are good practices.

Ge.21:9-10, 14 Abraham sent away Hagár his wife (ref Ge.16:3) and their son Ishmaél.  Divorce may be done for just cause, as when continual disrespect/mockery or physical abuse is present. (cf. De.24:1)

Ge.25:8-10 “His sons buried him [Abraham].”  Isaac & Ishmael.  This reflects proper burial for the deceased.  Also seen in this passage is sons honoring their parents (ref Ex.20:12, Ep.6:2).

Ge.27:11-13, 19 Jacob lied to Isaac.  Lying is usually wrong; so is deception and notably false witness.  (cf. 27:34-36, 37:31-33, 39:14, 20, Ex.20:16, Col.3:9, Ac.5:1-11.)  see “Lying – Ananias & Sapphira”.

Ge.30:1-13 lists the four wives of Jacob (v.4), and their offspring.  Having plural wives simultaneously isn’t morally wrong, if they’re adequately provided for.  Jacob/Israel wasn’t an adulterer!  (see “Polygyny – Lawful in God’s Eyes?”.)

Ge.31:33 Jacob’s four wives had separate tents.  (However, having plural wives in most of today’s western world isn’t customary and isn’t recommended.)  Sexual orgies aren’t God’s way.

Ge.31:19 “Rachel stole the household idols that were her father’s.”  Stealing is wrong.  We know that.  Also, idolatry and having other gods is wrong (cf. Jsh.24:2)!

Ge.31:34-35 Labán wouldn’t search the saddlebags upon which Rachel sat during her period.  Again, blood transmits disease.  Contact with human uncleanness and sex during menstruation is to be avoided (ref Le.15:20, 20:18, Ac.21:25).  Menstrual sex can cause tubal pregnancy and cervical cancer.

Ge.31:32 “Anyone you find your gods with shall not live.”  Jacob was talking to Laban, Rachel’s father.  Speaking curses upon someone can have dire consequences…Rachel died young (Ge.35:16-19).

Ge.31:42 “The God of Abraham, the God of my father.”  The true God is noted here by Jacob.

Ge.34:1-2, 24-26, 30 Dinah.  Rape/seduction (not mutual consent or elopement) is wrong; violations may be a capital offense.  (see “Sexual Sins, Harlotry, Rape”.)  v.15-30 covenant-breaking is wrong.  (Here by Jacob’s sons; Shechemites did become physically circumcised.)

Ge.35:22 “Reuben lay with Bilháh his father’s concubine.”  She’s a secondary wife of Jacob, Ge.30:4.  Dishonoring your father is sin.  Sex with father’s wife is a wrong form of incest, Le.18:8 & 1Co.5:1.

{Sidelight: Yet lesser incest such as marrying your sister wasn’t disallowed.  Kindred endogamy was necessary for reproduction and environmental caretaking, as per Ge.1:28 & Ge.9:1.  However, it’s said that when Abrám married Sarah (his niece or half-sister), Ge.20:11-12, the gene pool was still deep and the risk of birth defects was less.  (Later, when the risk became greater, this too is prohibited, Le.18:9.)}

Ge.37:5-9 “Joseph had another dream.” (fulfilled in Ge.42:6.)  This shows that God gives valid dreams.

Ge.37:27-28 Joseph’s brothers sold him to traders.  Kidnapping is very wrong (cf. Ex.21:16).  Also, selling one into slavery against his will was evil (cf. Ge.50:20).

Ge.38:7-10 refusing to father a son for a deceased brother’s widow was a form of cruelty to women (the weaker sex).  A son would care for his mother in her old age.  Also seen here is wrong coveting.

Ge.39:7-12 adultery is a “great evil” (v.9).  Again, God’s moral laws existed in Genesis.  In this passage, a married woman tried to rape Joseph.  He knew adultery was sin (prior to the law of Moses).

Ge.45:4-15 Joseph and his brothers reconcile.  Forgiveness is seen; also respect and love of family.

Ge.48:5-6 from Jacob’s example, we see that inheritances for children/grandchildren are good.

Ge.50:21 “I will provide for you and your little ones.”  Joseph takes into account the welfare of others.

Ge.50:24-26 reflects honoring the memory of the deceased (Joseph, fulfilled in Jsh.24:32).

Even hints & prophecies of the Savior and the gospel predate Moses.  Ge.3:15 indicates the seed of the woman (not of the man) eventually would crush the serpent’s head…the future virgin birth of Christ the Lord is implied.  Also Ge.22:8, the Lord Himself to be the lamb/sacrifice.  That will be Jesus.

Also, 1Pe.3:20-21 relates baptism for Christian converts to the Genesis Flood (Ge.6–8).  By means of flood waters, Noah was saved from the evil so prevalent around him.  Peter ties this to the water of baptism saving believers, in the sense of figuratively cleansing their conscience.

Bruckner op. cit., p. 205 wrote, seen in Genesis is “…a full range of law implied and functioning from the beginning”.  Indicative of this are the three dozen godly principles I’ve noted in this topic survey.

These principles/laws are universal from Creation regarding gentiles; they predate Moses, the OC and the NC!  Since they are universal…Christians of all nations should ordinarily adhere to most today!

In Genesis we read of Godfearers who obeyed the Lord…non-Jewish men such as Abraham (Ge.22:12) and Joseph (Ge.42:18).  Job too was a Godfearer (Jb.1:8).  That was prior to the OC law for Israel, later codified in Exodus.  (also cf. Ac.10:1-2 Cornelius the gentile Godfearer.)

However, absent from Genesis (but part of the Levitical OC for Israel) were tabernacle procedures & ceremonies: e.g. sin/guilt offerings, pilgrim feasts, various washings.  Any such rituals aren’t seen or recorded by Moses in Genesis regarding righteous gentiles and non-Jews of old.

Yet God had moral laws from the beginning, in Genesis.  1Jn.3:8 “The devil sins from the beginning.”

This concludes our survey of God’s moral principles/laws seen in the book of Genesis.  The principles predate Moses’ later codification and they transcend the OC.

The topic “Ten Commandments in Genesis & Job” focuses specifically on the Decalogue/Testimony, as seen prior to Moses and the Old Covenant for Israel.

Two Covenants – Heart of the Matter

The heart is used figuratively in the Bible as man’s moral, emotional and sometimes intellectual center.  Jesus said emphatically in Mt.22:37, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind”.  Jesus was quoting De.6:5 of the Old Covenant (OC).  In this topic, we’ll look at the Old Covenant and the New Covenant (NC), in relation to the heart.

Our Bible forms an integrated whole, a standard for the church.  2Ti.3:16 all scripture is given by the inspiration of God.  Yet Christians and others overlook some of God’s (enduring) principles, because they were cited in the OC.  Many speak of the OC with disdain, not considering that moral principles therein were evident in Genesis for gentiles…and that was before there ever was a nation of Israel or an OC!  see the topics, “Added in the Old Covenant” and “Genesis Principles Predate Moses”.

Most of ancient Israel didn’t like the laws of God.  Neither do some NC Christians.  In that regard, it seems these Christians somewhat resemble the mindset of OC Israelites/Jews!  They dislike, or ignore, or may even be hostile towards some of God’s written laws (purposed for the good of society)!

There is only One true Lawgiver.  Ja.4:12 “There is one Lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy.”  God the Lawgiver had His morality and justice recorded for humanity and the Kingdom of God!

But from the beginning, man opted to establish his own laws and ways, thinking that man of himself innately knows right from wrong.  But a just determination of good & evil is a prerogative solely of God the Lawgiver, not man.  If man tries to ascertain what’s good vs evil on his own, he does so from the wrong tree of the knowledge of good & evil.  ref Ge.3:3-6.  (see “Tree Symbolism in Scripture”.)

God’s theocracy of ancient Israel was given His just laws.  Moses asked the rhetorical question in De.4:7. “What great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God?”  None.  No other nation on the face of the earth!  Old Testament (OT) Israel was given God’s very own principles of morality and His commandments.  Le.22:31 “You shall keep My commandments and do them; I Am the Lord.”  God isn’t unfair.  He didn’t require the ancient nation He loved to do that which wasn’t doable!  God’s commandments are doable!  But their heart wasn’t in it.

Who specifically gave God’s divine laws to Moses/Israel?  Jesus said that no human in OT times had heard Father God’s voice or seen His form.  ref Jn.1:1, 14, 18, 5:37, 6:46.  John indicated it was Jesus the Word of God who the Jewish prophet Isaiah had seen in vision on the Throne! (cf. Is.6:1-ff with Jn.12:41-44.)  De.32:3-4 “Ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock! His work is perfect.”  The Rock of Israel, who went with them in the wilderness…“That Rock was Christ”, according to Paul (1Co.10:4)!  It was Christ who’d personally visited Abraham (Gen.18).  It was Christ who spoke to Moses, gave Israel the Decalogue (Ex.20), and then established the OC (ref Ex.24:1-8).  Moses and the elders of Israel saw the preincarnate Christ (Ex.24:9-12)!  also ref the topic “Jesus Was The Old Testament God”.

Orthodox Study Bible, p.652, quotes church historian Eusebius writing about OT saints. “It is obvious that they knew God’s Christ Himself, since He appeared to Abraham, instructed Isaac, spoke to Jacob, conversed freely with Moses and the Prophets who came later.”  Christ/the Word was the God who spoke with mankind in the OT!  And He.13:8…“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

During their OT history, Israel rebelled against Christ the Lord and His laws, and later corrupted God’s precepts with their own man-made religious traditions.  Je.17:9 “The heart of man is deceitful above all, and corrupt.”  The human heart is deceitful.  Most of ancient Israel didn’t have the Holy Spirit (HS).  So under the OC, the HS wasn’t impressing God’s principles on their hearts.  The last verse of the book of Judges sums it up.  Jg.21:25 “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  Apart from God’s laws, man does what seems right in their own conscience or circumstances…an ancient form of humanism.

(Some Christians seem to do this too, yet may attribute their actions to the HS leading them…as if Christ or the HS isn’t consistent, and contradicts God’s written word or moral principles from the OT!)

As a result, God sent disobedient Israel and Judah into captivity…for bloodshed, idolatry, incest, usury, sabbath-breaking, oppressing the weak, etc. (ref Ezk.22:1-16).  The law of God wasn’t in their heart.

Some from the southern kingdom of Judah later returned to the Holy Land.  These Jews wrote selected OT verses in small boxes or phylácteries.  They literally strapped them to the arm & forehead.  De.6:4-9 “Hear O Israel! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. These words shall be on your heart. And you shall bind them on your hand.”  But their literal practice became a pretense; they did it mostly to impress others.  Jesus said in Mt.23:2-5, “The scribes and Pharisees…do all their deeds to be noticed by men, for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.”  (De.6:8 a literal physical binding of scriptures in phylactery or téfillin boxes wasn’t the meaning of the verses anyway.  For example, Pr.3:3 & 7:2-3, “binding” God’s commandments on necks, fingers and heartswas metaphorical only, not to be taken literally.  They weren’t to tie them onto the fingers!)

Jesus called them hypocrites (or stage actors) in Mk.7:6. “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”  Most Jews who returned from captivity didn’t “write” upon their hearts the principles of God, which Christ and the HS had given Moses.  Jesus accused Jews who opposed Him in Jn.7:19. “None of you carries out the Law.”  They disliked Christ’s OT laws.  Those Jews considered God’s written commandments a burden.  But 1Jn.5:3 “This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.”  According to John, real love involves keeping God’s commandments…and they’re not a burden!  (see “Love – Godly Love”.)

However, there was a minority of OC Israelites who honored and even loved God’s written principles, and desired to obey them.  King David was such a man.  Ac.13:22 (quoting 1Sm.13:14) David is called “a man after God’s own heart”!  1Ki.11:34 “David observed My commandments and My statutes.”  Only in the matter of Bathsheba/Uriah did David turn aside from what God commanded him.  1Ki.15:5 “David did what was right in the sight of the Lord.”  David made mistakes, a few very serious, but his overall intent was to obey the Lord.  [Note: Mic.5:2 is a prophecy of Bethlehem, David’s birthplace (1Sm.20:6, 17:58) and Jesus’ birthplace.  Lk.2:4 the family ancestry was there.  Mt.9:27 Jesus is the son of David!]

David’s name appears over 1,100 times in the Bible.  Interestingly, both the first and the final name mentioned in the New Testament (NT), except for “Jesus”…is “David” (in Mt.1:1 and Re.22:16)!

In some respects, David was a forerunner of real NC Christians!  1Sm.16:13 the HS was mightily on David from that day when Samuel anointed him!  Jesus said in Mk.12:35-36, “David himself said in the Holy Spirit….”  The following two verses, written by David, reflect how he viewed Christ’s principles and laws: Ps.19:7-8 “The law of the Lord is perfect”.  Ps.40:8 “Thy law [toráh Strongs h8451, Hebrew] is within my heart.”  The HS figuratively wrote God’s laws on David’s heart.

Therefore we might call David a prototype of He.8:8-11 (prophesied in Je.31:33-34). “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel’, says the Lord. ‘I will put My laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. All shall know Me.”  In the NC, God writes His laws upon human hearts.

God made the NC with Israel and Judah…other Christians are grafted-in, according to Paul.  ref Ro.11:13, 17, 23-27 all of ‘spiritual’ Israel will be saved, via the NC (not via Judaism).  As God’s laws are being written on our hearts in the inner man, we shouldn’t habitually sin.  We should be able to say with David, “Thy law is in my heart” (Ps.40:8).

Similar to Je.31:33 (Je.38:33 LXX), is Ezk.36:26-27. “I will give you a new heart…I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and observe My ordinances.”  Real Spirit-filled Christians allow God to write His laws and principles on their hearts & minds!  The apostle Paul said in Ro.3:31 e.g., “Do we nullify the Law through faith? God forbid! We establish the Law”.

David wrote of the righteous man in Ps.37:31. “The law of God is in his heart; his steps do not slide.”  David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Paul essentially are saying the same thing in the verses quoted.  Paul wrote in Ro.7:12-14, “The law is holy, and the commandment is holy, just and good. We know that the law is spiritual.”  Yes, the Holy Spirit had given it to Moses.  Paul goes on in v.22-25, “I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man….I myself with my mind am serving the law of God.”  According to the NC (He.8:10), God was writing His laws upon the apostles’ minds and hearts too.  2Co.3:3 Christ’s moral laws are no longer written on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts.

Other ways of describing the heart on which God can write His laws are…a new heart (Ezk.36:26), an exchanged heart, a circumcised heart.  These are interchangeable terms for that heart which is willing to obey the Lord.  De.30:6 was Moses’ prophecy of a future (non-physical) heart circumcision which God would do (to the hearts of both men and women).  Paul wrote in Ro.2:29, “Circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit”.  Not the physical circumcision operation of the foreskin done by men.  Col.2:11 “In Him you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands.”  God does it (this fulfills De.30:6).  These persons will allow God’s principles to be written on their heart by the HS.  (see the topics “Circumcision in the Bible” and “Holy Spirit-Filled”.)

Ten years ago I had the opportunity to hear a Christian speaker from Mozambique.  This man had reportedly resurrected a dozen people from the dead in the name of Jesus!  He related to us a vision he’d received.  In the vision, he was shown people with trees growing out of their heads!  He said the Lord told him the vision represented modern society (including the church) partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil (Gen.3:6)!  Even the church appears humanistic, many churchgoers attaching Jesus’ Name to that wrong tree, not desiring God the Lawgiver’s definition of good & evil on His terms.

On another occasion, a pastor from Uganda was invited to speak at a church in my city.  He told of closing himself off for three days in his room to seek the Lord for the topic.  He said God told him to address Ezk.22:26. “Her priests have violated My law, they make no distinction between the holy and the profane, or between the unclean and the clean; and they hide their eyes from My sabbaths.”  That visiting pastor spoke courageously!  But his sermon was hard for some to hear.

Is.8:20 “To the law and to the testimony [the Decalogue, Ex.31:18]! If they don’t speak according to this word, it is because they have no light.”  Too many Christians (perhaps unknowingly) are attaching Christ’s Name to man’s laws and justice system from the wrong tree of humanism…as if man is God.

It can feel more comfortable to be religious or follow denominational traditions which may not honor God’s written word.  That’s what the majority of OC Israel/Judah did, and the Pharisees did in Jesus’ day.  Paul wrote of them in Ga.6:13. “Those who are circumcised [physically] don’t even keep the law.”  Those Jewish religious leaders who contended with Jesus weren’t keeping God’s written laws.  Mt.15:18 “The things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart.”  The scribes & Pharisees who spoke against Jesus…God’s written principles weren’t on their hearts.  (Jesus was law-abiding).

Let’s us not be pharisaic NC Christians by resembling OC Israelites/Jews that disrespected God’s laws.  Sectarian church traditions or the views of so-called church ‘fathers’ (e.g. some Roman Catholic Church tradition) shouldn’t be placed above the written word of God.  That practice can also be a cause of division in the Body of Christ.  (also see “Doctrinal Disunity Impacts Evangelism”.)

The Lord exclaimed in De.5:29, “Oh, that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever”!  But such a heart wasn’t in most of those OC Israelites, and they failed to be a right example to the nations.

In conclusion…God saves the upright in heart (Ps.7:10).  We too can be real NC (grafted-in) Christians, having God’s righteous moral principles written on our hearts and minds!  And they’re not burdensome (1Jn.5:3).  And as the gospel spreads, obedient NC Christians will reflect the righteousness and true heartfelt love of God to the world!  To God be the glory!!

Kingdom of God

For millennia mankind has sought a place or condition of ideal life.  Three fabled sites were: 1) The mythological Elysian Fields, “any place or condition of ideal bliss or complete happiness”.  2) The fictional Shangri-La, a Himalayan hidden paradise or utopia.  3) The Fountain of Youth, Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon is said to have searched Florida in 1513 AD for a “legendary spring which if discovered would restore youth to its drinker”.

The ideal life and message of the Bible is the Kingdom of God (KOG), and Kingdom values.  The four gospels contain 100 references to the KOG!  And the Holy Bible has been called the Constitution of the KOG.  What is the KOG, this Kingdom or government (govt) of God?

Father God is the King of heaven.  Heaven is His domain.  A kingdom is the king dom-ain.  A king extends his rule by colonizing.  Earth is God’s colony, in a sense.  God said in Ge.1:26-28, “Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over all the earth”.  Humanity is to rule over the earth.  Mankind, made in God’s image & likeness, was given bodily legal authority on earth.  Man was given the mandate to have dominion and be resource managers over colony earth.  Man is given rulership of earth, not ownership.  (Ps.24:1 the earth is the Lord’s.)

Divine guidance to rule and transmit the Lord’s Kingdom culture & values to the raw colony would come from God via the Holy Spirit (HS).  As Christian author Myles Munroe puts it in Rediscovering the Kingdom, p.43, “God’s original purpose and intent was to rule that which is seen (the visible world) through that which is unseen (the invisible world).  He would do this through the unseen (the Spirit of God in man), living in the unseen (the spirit of man) and living in the seen (man’s physical body) on the scene (the earth)”.

Myles Munroe refers to the HS as the Governor.  Man with his human spirit would rule God’s colony as local lieutenant or vice-governors or viceroys, through the influence of the governing HS.

But…Ge.3:1-6 man disobeyed God by eating the forbidden tree that gave them determination of good & evil!  Man wanted to choose by himself what’s right & wrong, making his own laws…as if man is God!  (There is only One true Lawgiver, Ja.4:12.)  Man’s method, apart from the Spirit of God, is humanism; exercising dominion through man’s own laws/purposes.  (see the topic “Tree Symbolism in Scripture”.)

Adam & Eve made a type of ‘declaration of independence’ from God; an act of treason!  They disobeyed the sovereign God, were separated from the HS (and Tree of Life), and became disqualified as God’s vice-governors…defecting and handing colony rule to satan via the Kingdom of Man.  Colony governance as an extension of God’s ruleceased.  Colony rule wouldn’t reflect the KOG.

The governing HS was ‘recalled’ by God.  Heavenly host “powers” (e.g. 1Pe.3:22) would direct human kings.  Some future rulers would be more like governors of vice; not vice-governors for the HS God.

But God determined to restore His purposed KOG to mankind!  History chronicles the process of restoration of the KOG; it’s called His-story.  God began the process with Abraham, then Jacob/Israel.

All false religions (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, etc.) are a mixture of good & evil values and principles; man’s humanistic substitute or counterfeit for the KOG.

Ancient Egypt was a kingdom of man, with pagan gods.  The Lord YHVH extracted Israel to become His holy kingdom of priests (Ex.19:4-6, De.32:8-9 Septúagint).  Ca 1600 BC, Christ gave His laws for His kingdom to Moses/Israel.  The exodus and God’s laws are in the Péntateuch; e.g. De.4:7-9, 34-35.

From the time of Moses, God’s holy nation of Israel was a theocracy administered by judges and tribal local govt.  But Israel didn’t want to follow God’s ways from their heart.  So the Lord gave them a human king, as other nations had (1Sm.8:6-7).  With a king it became a monarchy.  Then Israel represented the Kingdom of YHVH with a human king (1Ch.28:5).  A Davidic dynasty was promised by an oath (Ps.89:35-37).  see the topic “Jesus’ Genealogy”.

The Israelite people didn’t become good representatives or examples for other nations.  Instead, they disobeyed and broke their covenant with YHVH.  So He sent away the northern Israel into captivity to Assyria (721 BC), and the southern Judah to the Babylon of Nebuchadnézzar (597 BC).

Da.2:31-45 the dream of king Nebuchadnezzar was a Kingdom of Man statue of gentile kingdoms of man (e.g. Da.8:20-21), which God would eventually crush!  Daniel prophesied in Da.7:13-14, “The Son of Man was given dominion, glory and a Kingdom”.  The future apocalyptic Son of Man would be given dominion in the Kingdom of God.  Da.9:24-25 at the set time, the Son of Man was to reintroduce the KOG to replace the kingdoms of man.  Is.9:6-7 He is to sit on David’s throne (of Israel, not Judah…ref 1Ki.2:4, 8:25, 9:5; 2Ki.10:30).

Lk.1:31-33 “The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.”  Jesus is to be King in the KOG, on David’s throne.  Also ref Jn.18:37.  Jesus had to come as a human in order to have legal authority on earth (cf. Ge.1:26)!  Authority had been satan’s by default from Genesis 3.  The devil said in Lk.4:5-8, “It has been handed over to me”.  Mt.12:26-28 satan rules in the kingdom of man.

Now, the KOG restoration process continues after its earthly King was born as a man.  Yet not all that much is heard from pulpits these days about the KOG; their emphasis is more on personal salvation.

But in Mark’s gospel, Jesus’ first preaching was about the KOG!  Mk.1:14-15 “Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (cf. Da.9:24-26)  Expositor’s Greek Testament Mk.1:15 “This defines more precisely the gospel Jesus preaches. It is the gospel of the Kingdom of God.”  Vincent Word Studies Mk.1:15 “The period completed by the setting up of Messiah’s kingdom.”  Cambridge Bible “The great foreordained and predicted time of the Messiah.”  It was inaugurated with the appearance of Jesus the Messiah on earth.

Later, as Acts begins, the resurrected Jesus “spoke of things concerning the Kingdom of God” for 40 days (Ac.1:3).  And Acts ends with the apostle Paul proclaiming the KOG!  In Ac.28:23, 31 Paul was “preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Mt.25:34 the KOG had been prepared since the foundation, when the earth colony was undeveloped.

The following Bible passages identify or describe characteristics of the KOG (also called the Kingdom of Heaven).  A kingdom has: 1) a king, 2) a territory/realm, 3) laws, 4) subjects/citizens.

Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords.” (Re.19:16)  Jesus, who came as a Man, has dominion.  The KOG isn’t a voting democracy.  Rather, the King’s word is law!

The KOG is also the government of God.  Is.33:22 “The Lord is our Judge…our Lawgiver…our King.”  Christ heads the three branches of govt – judicial, legislative, executive.

Jesus said in Mt.6:9-10, “Pray in this way, ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.  The rule of God will extend from the realm of heaven to colony earth.  (The coming KOG isn’t something to be feared, else Jesus wouldn’t have said to pray for it!)

Mt.13:31-33 the kingdom of heaven/God is as a mustard seed and as leaven on the surface of colony earth.  Kingdom govt increases and spreads to all peoples & nations (cf. Da.7:14).  Is.9:7 SeptuagintHis government shall be great, and of His peace there is no end; upon the throne of David and upon His kingdom.”  Mt.5:19-20 Jesus refers to the least and the great citizens in the Kingdom.  (Mt.7:13-14 & Lk.18:17 the humble who are small in their own eyes are able to go through a “narrow gate”.)

Mt.28:18 the resurrected Jesus is given all authority by Father God.  Jesus is King of kings…Emperor.  There’s no clear separation between church & state in the KOG.  (Melchisedek is both priest & king, Ge.14:18. see the topic “Melchisedek Order Priesthood”.)

Ac.2:29-36 Jesus rules at His Father’s right hand in heaven (as the KOG increases), until all opposing kingdoms of man are subdued.  1Co.15:25 “He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” (ref Ge.1:28 dominion.)  Barnes Notes 1Co.15:25 “The mediatorial kingdom should continue until this great work is effected. He came to subdue all His enemies.”  Gill Exposition 1Co.15:25 “He is King of saints; He is made and declared to be both Lord and Christ; He is exalted at the right hand of God as a Prince, where He sits, rules and reigns.”  (also see “Heavenly Host Authorities and Powers”.)

Jesus died, arose, and sat down at the right hand of God in the heavenlies.  He.10:12-13 “From now on waiting until His enemies be made His footstool.”  Meyer NT Commentary He.10:13 “The destruction of the enemies of Christ is to be looked for even before His Parousía [coming].”  (also cf. Mt.22:44.)

David wrote in Ps.110:1, “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool”.  Treasury of David Ps.110:1 “Jesus is placed in the seat of power, dominion, and dignity, and is to sit there by divine appointment while Jehovah [Father God] fights for him, and lays every rebel beneath His feet. He sits there and will sit there despite all the raging of His adversaries, till they are all brought to utter shame by his putting His foot upon their necks. In this sitting He is our representative. The mediatorial [1Ti.2:5] kingdom will last until the last enemy shall be destroyed. The work of subduing the nations is now in the hand of the great God, who by His Providence will accomplish it to the glory of His Son; His word is pledged to it, and the session of His Son at His right hand is the guarantee thereof; therefore let us never fear as to the future.”  Nations come and go; over the centuries they rise and fall during the process.  Yet Christ will not fail!

The KOG is ‘already but not yet’, so to speak.  In other words, ‘God is now King…but He must become King’.  We don’t see KOG fullness yet.

After Jesus ascended to heaven, beginning in Acts 2 the governing HS was made available for all races of people.  Lk.12:32 “Don’t be afraid” refers to those chosen by the Father for Kingdom citizenship.  1Co.12:27 the church, filled with the governing HS, is figuratively Jesus’ “body” on colony earth.

It’s our calling to express the KOG in miniature.  Jn.14:17 “The Spirit abides in you and will be with you.”  Presently the KOG isn’t a sole physical locality.  Jesus said in Lk.17:20-21, “The Kingdom of God is within you”.  It’s not solely in a mountain, cave, ocean, Holy Land, Elysian Fields, Shangri-La, Fountain of Youth, etc.  Rather, the KOG is extant through the influence of the indwelling HS.  Ro.14:17 “The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

The Kingdom reflects God’s righteousness (Ps.119:172) and justice, which is being written upon the hearts of new covenant Christians.  He.8:10 “I will put My laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.”  Full conversion to Kingdom life is a lifelong process, as Kingdom laws & values become internalized within us (not just written on tablets of stone).  see “Two Covenants – Heart of the Matter”.  The KOG exists in yielded human hearts.

We might say the KOG is presently the HS Governor within people, within you & me!  Col.1:13 “He transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son.”  We’ve been transferred to the KOG and King Jesus, via the governing HS.

But not yet to glory.  1Th.2:12 God calls us to His own Kingdom and future glory.  Not then as mere flesh.  Ro.8:30 “Whom He called He also justified, and these He also glorified.”  Ja.2:5 while in our physical bodies, now we’re only heirs of Kingdom glory.  Our actual inheritance in Kingdom glory is yet future (Ep.5:5 “…an inheritance in the Kingdom of God”).

Mt.6:31-34 “Be not anxious. Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things [physical needs] shall be provided.”  The person who lacks adequate provision may not be putting the KOG or obedience to God as the first priority.  A King takes care of citizens for His Name’s sake!  Myles Munroe wrote, “We don’t seek the KOG because of its benefits, but its benefits come to us as we seek the Kingdom”!  Paul in 2Co.5:20, “We are ambassadors for Christ”.  Ambassadors are supported by the state/King!  God will provide our needs (Php.4:19)!  As ambassadors, we carry around the KOG within these bodies or mobile homes of the HS!

And there is still persecution affecting many living the Kingdom life worldwide (cf. Re.1:9).  In China, e.g.  The Pilgrims and Puritans came here to escape persecution, saying they were extending the KOG to the New World.  They enacted God’s laws in American colonies (cf. Mal.4:4).  ref Massachusetts Body of Liberties 1641.  (Ja.4:12 there’s One Lawgiver in the KOG; the King’s word is law.)

But God allows individuals to decide which kingdom we want to obey…the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Man (humanism).  Being a KOG citizen doesn’t only consist of attending church, while we obey the kingdom of man govt laws of one’s nation!  KOG govt is to be obeyed as a priority (Ac.5:29), while we have dual citizenship on earth (Php.3:20).  see “Governmental Loyalty for Christians”.

Let’s us have the heart of pilgrims by reflecting and spreading KOG culture & values in our lives and spheres of influence!  As Dr. Munroe said…regardless of where or whether we’re employed in a job or career(s), we’re deployed by God as Christian “soldiers” to the service and work of the KOG.  2Ti.2:3 “As a good soldier for Jesus Christ.”  Onward Christian Soldiers…He leads to Kingdom victory!

All enemies are to be eradicated.  Jesus’body” (which is us collectively) won’t fail…because He’s the Head!  Again Re.19:15-16, He’s the King of kings in the KOG!  Da.2:34, 45 Christ is the figurative Stone made without hands, Who will crush the warring self-serving kingdoms of man.  He will succeed!

Da.7:27 “The sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the saints of the Highest; His Kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.”  Jesus Christ is Lord!

So the saints should have an overcoming dominion mindset (Ge.1:26-28).  As Christians, we have a dominion mandate to reflect and proclaim the Kingdom of God!

Made in the image & likeness of God, we were given a dominion spirit within us.  Activating the royal Governor, the Holy Spirit, is key to living the Kingdom life…and to victory!  Glory to our Lord and King!