Saved, Sealed, Preserved

{Hi.  My name is Tim Kincaid.  This essay is my sermon of 6/5/2022, Pentecost.  My dad added verses & Strongs numbers in the end ‘Translational Notes’ while editing it for his Bible Topic Exposition site.}

Smucker’s good!  “With a name like ‘Smucker’s’, it HAS to be good!”

Did you ever see the Smucker’s ‘Happy Birthday’ greetings on TV?  Smucker’s recently was wishing a happy 105th birthday to some really old person.

Smucker’s, as many of you know, is a brand of preserves or jam.  A TV show is used by Smucker’s preserves to congratulate centenarians, because those folks have been well-preserved through time.  Like the Smucker’s jarred fruit.

We children of God are the same way, in a sense.  We’ve been sealed, and are being saved and preserved for a future long existence into eternity!

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about birthdays, birthday gifts, and birthday presents/Presence.  God made His own Presence available to the church!

After Jesus died and rose again, around 30 AD or so, the upcoming Pentecost marked the birthday of the church.  Act 2:1-4 “When the day of Pentecost had come…they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”  At that event, Jesus’ original disciples received gifts of the Holy Spirit (HS).  Then Act 2:41 “There were added that day about 3,000 souls.”  And many more also would be added to their number.

The birthday gifts we give to others are sealed in wrappings to keep them looking new or from being damaged.  The true image is hidden from others who just see its outer package.  The gift has been concealed and sealed away inside wrappings.  This makes it more special.

Spiritual gifts from God are similar.  The new person we’re becoming isn’t immediately apparent to others.  We too are sealed.  And Rom 11:29 “God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable.”

The HS seals us until the redemption of our body (Ro.8:23), from sin’s consequences.  Eph 4:30 “Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”  Rev 7:3 “Do not harm the earth, the sea or the trees until we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads.”

We’re preserved for a future time.  Psa 116:6 “The Lord preserves the simple. I was brought low, and He saved me.”  Salvation involves preservation.  We’re saved from the power or consequences of sin and God’s wrath.  Also He rescues, delivers or saves us from difficulties during this life.

Salvation is pastpresentfuture.

Past: Eph 2:8 you have been saved.   2Ti 1:9 God has saved us.  Tit 3:5 God saved us.  In the past.

Present: 1Co 1:18 us who are being saved.  2Co 2:15 those who are being saved.  1Pe 4:18 if the righteous person is saved with difficulty.  In the present.

Future: Mrk 16:16 whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved.  Act 16:31 believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.  Rom 5:9-10 “We shall be saved from wrath through Him [Jesus]. We shall be saved by His life.”  In the future.

Preserve” in Old Testament (OT) verses: Jsh 24:17 “The Lord our God brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, and preserved us in all the way we journeyed.”  Psa 37:28 “For the Lord loves justice, and doesn’t forsake His saints. They are preserved forever.”  David supplicated to God against his enemies in Psa 86:2. “Preserve my life, for I am a godly man. You are my God.”  Psa 97:10 “The Lord preserves the souls of His saints.”  Psa 145:20 “The Lord preserves all who love Him.”  Pro 4:6 “Do not forsake wisdom, and she shall preserve you.”

Preserve” in New Testament (NT) verses: 2Pe 2:5 “God did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah.”  1Th 5:23 Youngs Literal Translation “May your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved unblameably in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  Jude 1 KJV “Jude, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ.”

What is involved in sealing and preserving a jar of Smucker’s Jam?  There’s just a few simple steps: #1 Add salt & sugar to the fruit.  #2 Combine those ingredients with water; heat & bring to a boil.  #3 Transfer the fruit mixture to a new clean jar; as it cools, the lid seals; store it.

Taking a closer look at this process, we see similarities to the work God does in the Christian life.

#1 Add salt & sugar to the fruit.  Believers are seasoned with salt, a preservative.  Mrk 9:50 “Salt is good; but if the salt should lose its flavor, how can you make it salty? Have salt in yourselves.”  The apostle Paul wrote in 2Co 2:15, “We are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in those who are being saved and among those who are perishing”.

#2 Combine the ingredients with water; heat & bring to a boil.  The apostle Peter said in Act 2:38, “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.  Believers are immersed in water at baptism.  Act 8:38 “Both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he [Philip] baptized him.”

After combining with water, the fruit mixture must be heated or tried.  Mrk 9:49 “Everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.”  John the Baptist had said in Mat 3:11, “I baptize you with water for repentance, but He [Jesus] who is coming after me is mightier than I. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Fire can be symbolic of personal trials.  Peter wrote to scattered Christians in 1Pe 4:11-12. “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may rejoice with exceeding joy.”  Trials can be for our ultimate good!

#3 Transfer the ingredients to a new, clean jar; let it cool & seal; then store it.  Jesus stated in Mat 9:17, “Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst, the wine is spilled, and the skins are ruined. Instead, store new wine in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”  We’re becoming like new.

Paul wrote in 2Co 1:22, “God, who also has sealed us and given us the down payment of the Spirit in our hearts”.  And Eph 1:13 “In Him [Christ], you also, having heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom also having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”

Eph 2:20 Christ’s church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone.  2Ti 2:19 “The foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, ‘The Lord knows those who are His.”  God knows His elect.

Once God sets a seal on something or someone, only God/Jesus can open or break that seal.  Rev 5:2 “I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals?”  v.5 “Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed.”  v.9 “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals. For You were slain and with Your blood did purchase for God persons from every tongue, people, and nation.”  None but the Lord can break His seal.

Eph 2:7-8 “In order that in the ages to come He [God] might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you are saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.”  The faith to believe in Him is a gift from God (1Co 12:9).

So who has a preference; which jam or jelly is the best?  Do you have a favorite fruit preserve?  Grape, strawberry, peach, etc.  God has created so many varieties…all are good in their own way.

In Joh 15:1-11, Jesus said He is the vine and we are the (figurative) branches.  His Father prunes us branches so we can continue to bear fruit.  v.2 “He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.”

All converts receive the same Holy Spirit, and we are to bear the fruit of the Spirit (ref Gal 5:22-23).  1Co 12:13 “By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, and all were made to drink that one Spirit.”

The God-given gifts of the Spirit perform a variety of different functions, as we bear fruit for the Lord.  Again, there are different varieties of fruit in Smucker’s Jam.

In his letters, Paul listed several gifts of the Spirit.  1Co 12:8-11 “To one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healing, to another works of power [miracles], to another prophecy, to another the discerning of spirits, to another kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. There is only one Spirit who does all these things by giving what God wants to give to each person.”  God, not we ourselves, determines which gifts and functions are given to whom.

Continuing in 1Co 12:28-30. “God has appointed in the church: 1st apostles, 2nd prophets, 3rd teachers, then miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various tongues. All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets…aren’t teachers, aren’t workers of miracles. All don’t have gifts of healings…all don’t speak with tongues, or interpret.”  Christians are talented, having received diversified gifts.

Paul listed more spiritual gifts in Rom 12:4-8, 13. “Just as we have many members in one body and all the members don’t have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.”  Here Paul includes serving, exhorting, giving, contributing to others’ needs, hospitality, etc.  (see my dad’s topic, “Spiritual Gifts and ‘Tongues”.)

Jesus gifted His apostles/disciples.  But earlier they’d argued about who among them was best.  Mrk 9:34-35 “On the journey they’d disputed one with another about which of them was the greatest.”  Jesus sat down with His disciples and taught them a lesson in humility; that true greatness is through service/ministering to others.

It’s not that one person is any better than another.  1Co 12:12-27 “The eye cannot say to the hand ‘I have no need of you’. Or the head say to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.”  What if the body began to argue with itself about which bodyparts are greater?  No, not that.  Rather, we’re to appreciate one another.

What’s important is that we thankfully receive God’s gift(s) for us.

And we’re sealed with His Spirit.  After that Passover when Jesus died and arose, His disciples waited and waited…for 50 days.  They waited to receive His promise of the Spirit (Luk 24:49; Act 1:4, 8).

In our life, we too wait on the Lord.  With God, gratification isn’t always instant.  Also, receiving our desires from God can be a process that takes time.  Patience too, is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22).

But what’s a few months or years when He’s sealed you and is preserving you for an eternity that lasts forever?!  That’s going to be a wonderful time, though we don’t really know yet what it will be like.

We now see through a glass (‘jar’) dimly, 1Co 13:12.  Yet we can be confidant!  We who are in Christ, who’ve been baptized, received His Holy Spirit, and sealed…for us it’s going to be really good!  Smucker’s good.

Until then, we too can take heart from 2Ti 4:18 KJV. “The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and save [preserve KJV] me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!”

{{Translational Notes: The OT Greek Septúagint/LXX and NT term for “saved” is sózo Strongs g4982.  ref Psa 116:6; Eph 2:8; 2Ti 1:9, 4:18; Tit 3:5; 1Co 1:18; 2Co 2:15; 1Pe 4:18; Mrk 16:16; Act 16:31; Rom 5:9-10.  The Greek verb rendered “sealed” is sphragízo g4972.  It occurs 27 times in the NT.  ref 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13, 4:30; Rev 7:3.  The Greek term rendered “seal” is the noun sphragís g4973.  ref 2Ti 2:19; Rev 5:2, 5, 9.  The OT Hebrew term rendered “preserve” is shamár h8104.  ref Jsh 24:17; Psa 37:28, 86:2, 97:10, 145:20; Pro 4:6.  The Greek term rendered “preserved” in 2Pe 2:5 is phulásso g5442.  The term rendered “preserved” in 1Th 5:23 & Jude 1 KJV is tereotarého g5083 (or “kept”).  The Greek term rendered “gift” is chárisma g5486.  ref Rom 11:29, 12:6; 1Co 12:4, 9, 28-31. – BTE}}

Universal Christian Salvation (2)

This topic is the continuation of “Universal Christian Salvation (1)”.  The Bible verses addressed in Part 1 won’t be repeated here in Part 2.  Part 1 should be read first.

Universalism or universal Christian Reconciliation is the belief that all or most humans will ultimately be reconciled to God, saved through Jesus.  (It isn’t pluralism; all mans’ religions aren’t from God.)  Two disparate beliefs of Christians are…Eternal Conscious Torment in hell-fire, held by Calvinists & Arminianists…and Annihilationism extinction.  see brief explanations in Part 1.

A person who knows their Bible may cite isolated verses which seem to support any or all of those three main beliefs!  Yet God is love (1Jn.4:8).  Which belief best reflects God’s character, His love & justice?

In Part 1, we began examining pertinent passages in the New Testament (NT) and the Old Testament (OT) Septúagint/LXX which contain the Greek term for “all”…“pas” (Strongs g3956).  This term “pas” occurs 1,240 times in the NT.  Continuing with other pertinent verses containing the word “all” (pas):

In scripture, “all” (pas g3956) can mean ‘each & every’ man, without limits.  e.g. in Ac.1:24, 17:25, Ro.3:23, He.12:23…“all” means ‘each & every’.  But “all” doesn’t always mean ‘each & every’.  (see Part 1).  However, “all” rarely means only ‘some’ (unless exaggeration to prove a point was in view).  And “all” doesn’t mean the minority of the class referred to.  At the least, “all” indicates the majority.

Ro.11:32 Aramaic Bible “God has shut every [g3956] person into disobedience, so that He shall have mercy upon every [g3956] person.”  Here, all Jews and gentiles in parallel.  As all have disobeyed God, all shall eventually receive mercy.  Meyer NT Commentary Ro.11:32 “The totality, namely, all Jews and gentiles jointly and severally.”  Every person.  Barnes Notes Ro.11:32All are represented as in prison [under sin], confined by God, to be liberated only in His own way and time.”  Pulpit Commentary “Certainly the prospect of a universal triumph of the gospel…carries with it to his [Paul’s] mind further glories of universal salvation for all.”  As disobedience is universal…mercy is universal.  In parallel.

In Ro.11:26, Paul writes that in time “All [g3956] Israel shall be saved”. (cf. Is.45:25)  That’s quite an assertion!  Grotius said it was “a maxim among the Jews that every Israelite should have a part in the future age”.  Gill Exposition Ho.1:10 “The Jews will be converted, and all Israel saved, Rom.11:25.”  Meyer NT Commentary Ro.11:26All Israelites who up to that time shall still be unconverted, will then be converted to salvation.”  But that time isn’t fulfilled yet; it’s into the future.

Peter preached to the Jews at Jerusalem in Ac.3:26. “God raised up His Son Jesus and sent Him to you first, blessing you, by turning every one [g1538 hékastos] of you from your wicked ways.”  But every Israelite hasn’t yet believed, repented, and become converted to salvation.  “All Israel” isn’t saved yet.

1Co.15:22 NASB “For as in Adam all [g3956] die, so also in Christ shall all [g3956] be made alive [g2227].”  Surely, we all die.  Dr. Spiros Zódiates says of the Greek term translated “made alive” (KJV “quicken”) g2227, “Generally used in reference to salvation”.  Family NT Notes 1Co.15:22 “He shall raise to life the whole human family.”  Pulpit Commentary “It is so impossible to understand the phrase, ‘shall all be made alive’, of a resurrection of endless torments.”  This parallel “all” doesn’t allow for an eternal hell-fire.  1Co.15:23 “But each in his own order.”  Not until each believes and repents.

Mt.18:14 “It is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”  All humans are children of God, the Father of spirits (He.12:9).  This includes the mentally disabled.  Bengel’s Gnomen Mt.18:14 “We ought to subserve the Divine will in caring for the salvation of all. The universal desire on God’s part to bestow it [salvation].”  Pulpit Commentary “It is inconceivable that anyone can hold the doctrine of the eternal reprobation of certain souls [Calvinism & Arminianism].”

Lk.3:6 “All [g3956] humanity shall see the salvation of God.”  Here Luke quotes Is.40:5 from the old Greek version (which became our Septuagint/LXX).  Cambridge Bible Note Lk.3:6 “The blessedness and universality of the gospel.”  JFB Commentary Lk.3:6 “Every obstruction shall be so removed as to reveal to the whole world the Salvation of God in Him whose name is the ‘Savior’ [Jesus].”  (cf. Lk.2:30-32, Ac.13:47.)  In time, no one will be without opportunity for salvation through belief in Jesus.

But how will the 14-year-old girl who died in an auto accident without knowing God see the “salvation of God”?  Or how will the Eskimo who lived and died in 100 AD without ever even hearing the name of “Jesus” see the “salvation of God”?  The Lord has His ways!  He is just & fair, no respecter of persons.

Jesus stipulated in Jn.6:44-45, “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him. As it is written in the Prophets [Is.54:13], ‘They shall all [g3956] be taught by God.”  All.  The inducement to come to Jesus is God’s doingGill Exposition Jn.6:44 “They [men] have neither power nor will of themselves.”  (Ro.6:16 “It doesn’t depend on human will or effort, but on God who shows mercy.”  That’s not Arminianism.)  Jn.6:65 “No one can come to Me, unless the Father has enabled him.”  We become enlightened and drawn via God’s Holy Spirit.  Expositor’s Greek Testament Jn.6:65 “All that brings men to Christ is the Father’s gift.”  But does God choose to never draw some men, wanting them instead to burn in hell forever?  Would that reflect love/impartiality, not respecting persons (Ac.10:34)?

Rather, Jn.12:32 “If I am lifted up above the earth, I will make everyone [g3956 pas] want to come to Me.”  Eventually, that is.  (May it involve living more than one physical life?)  Pulpit Commentary Jn.12:32 “The attraction of the cross of Christ will prove to be the mightiest and most sovereign motive ever brought to bear on the human will, when wielded by the Holy Spirit as a revelation.”  It was Father God’s will that Jesus die on a cross (Mt.26:39), for all.

Ac.17:30-31 “The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all [g3956] everywhere to repent…having raised Him [Jesus] from the dead.”  If God was to condemn to eternal torment in hell-fire the ignorant masses who lived before Jesus walked the earth…such condemnation would contradict “God overlooked”!  Meyer NT Commentary Ac.17:30 “Heathenism is based on ignorance.”  Cambridge Bible Ac.17:30 “God hasn’t imputed to men the errors they committed in ignorance.”  Is everlasting torment in a hell a just & fair punishment for ignorance?  Yet God can enable all to repent, in His time.

And not only the masses of gentiles historically who didn’t know God.  Again, “All Israel shall be saved” (Ro.11:26)!  Descendants from all 12 tribes (Ja.1:1) of Israel too, including the Jewish people.  Alfred Edersheim The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, p.116 “In view of Isa.53 and other passages…the Messiah is represented as willingly taking upon Himself all these sufferings, on condition that all Israel – the living, the dead, and those yet unborn – should be saved.”

Ro.14:11 “It is written [Is.45:23], ‘As surely as I live’, says the Lord, ‘Every [g3956] knee will bow to Me and every [g3956] tongue shall confess to God.”  Yes, surely God does live…therefore every human will come to acknowledge Him and bow in worship!  Gill Exposition Ro.14:11Everyone that has a tongue.”  Meyer NT Commentary “The correct explanation is: every tongue shall praise God (as the Judge), and therewith submit to His judicial authority.”  No tongues are left in hell-fire cursing God.

The Lord doesn’t force people to honor and worship Him, against their will.  They’ll do so of their own free will.

He.2:8-9 “You [Father God] have put all [g3956] things in subjection under His [the Son of Man’s, v.6] feet. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to Him. But we see Jesus…that He might taste death for every [g3956] man.”  JFB Commentary He.2:9 “His death [is] applicable for every individual man.”  Meyer NT Commentary He.2:9 “Distinctly to bring out the thought that Christ died on behalf of each single individual among men, not merely for mankind as a totality.”  Barnes Notes He.2:9 “How could words affirm more clearly that the atonement made by the Lord Jesus was unlimited in its nature and design? The advocates of the doctrine of limited atonement [e.g. Calvinists] cannot thus use scripture language to express their belief.”  Christ’s atoning death isn’t limited to God’s elect in this age alone.

1Co.15:28 “When all [g3956] things shall have been subjected to Him [the Son], then the Son Himself will be subjected to the One [Father God] who subjected all [g3956] things to Him [the Son], that God may be all in all [g3956].”  Totality.  In the final consummation, all will be reconciled and bow to God…“all in all”.  (And Jesus the Son too will still be in subjection to His Father’s greater authority, cf. 1Co.11:3.)  Benson Commentary 1Co.15:28 “The Godhead…may be over all beings, in all places, and the immediate object of their worship and service.”  Pulpit Commentary 1Co.15:28 “It is quite an easy matter for commentators to say that the scope of the words ‘must be confined to believers’, if they chose to make ‘all’ mean ‘some’. I confine myself to…‘All things’, and therefore all men, without any interruption.”  No rebels.  It seems that “all” here, at the very least, indicates the vast majority!

Col.1:19-20 “Through Him [Jesus the Son] to reconcile all [g3956] things to Himself [God]…whether things on earth or in heaven.”  Cambridge Bible Col.1:20 “The human and angelic ‘worlds’ are the objects of the ‘reconciliation’ in view here.”  Vincent Word Studies Col.1:20 “Must be taken in the same sense as in Col.1:16-18, the whole universe, material and spiritual.”  Meyer NT Commentary Col.1:20 “The only sense therefore is, that the entire universe has been reconciled with God through Christ.”

Ti.2:11 “The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all [g3956] men.”  God most graciously sacrificed His Son Jesus.  Barnes Notes Ti.2:11None were excluded from the offer; that provision had been made for all.”  Benson Commentary “It concerns all persons, in whatever situation or condition.”  Expositor’s Greek Testament “The all-embracing scope of the saving grace of God.”  In time, will all persons who ever lived hear this good news and have opportunity for God’s salvation?

He.8:11 “They shall not teach each one his countryman, and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all [g3956] will know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.”  This is to result from the New Covenant and the indwelling Holy Spirit.  Barnes Notes He.8:11 “It does not mean that all persons, in all lands, would know the Lord – though the time will come when that will be true.”  That time is still yet to come.  To date, only some have known the Lord (via the Holy Spirit).

Php.2:10-11 “At the name of Jesus everyone [g3956] in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will bow the knee. And every [g3956] tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  This indicates universality!  cf. 1Pe.3:19Geneva Bible Php.2:10 “All creatures will at length be subject to Christ.”  Meyer NT Commentary Php.2:10 “The bowing of the knee represents adoration.”  Cambridge Bible Php.2:10 “Created existence, in its heights and depths…being said to worship.”  Pulpit Commentary Php.2:10 “All Creation…uniting in the universal adoration.”  Ellicott Commentary Php.2:11 “The acknowledgement of universal Lordship and majesty.”  Yet some have died cursing God.

The apostle John envisioned in Re.5:11-14, “And every [g3956] created thing – which is in heaven, on the earth, under the earth, in the sea, and all [g3956] that are in them – I heard saying ‘To the One who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb [Jesus], be blessing and honor and glory and dominion to the ages of the ages. Amen.”  Bengel’s Gnomen Re.5:13 “The harmonious song of all the inhabitants whom the four quarters of the universe contain.”  Pulpit Commentary Re.5:13All animated creation now joins in the ascription of praise.”  Robertson’s NT Word Pictures Re.5:13 “No created thing is left out.”

So this is total.  All will give honor and praise to the Lord.  Again, this is done of their own free will.  There are none left in a “hell” agony, resisting God!

John also envisioned in Re.21:1, 4, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and earth had ceased to exist. He [God] shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death will not exist any more; or mourning or crying or pain; for the former things have ceased to exist.”  There’s no cries of pain & torment from a hell-fire!  (also ref the two-part topic, “Gehenna”.)  Gill Exposition Re.21:4 “There will be nothing to afflict the mind.”  The gates of Hades will not be able to stand (Mt.16:18)!

Can we believe…no more crying or pain will exist?!  According to Bible scholar F.F. Bruce, “Eternal conscious torment is incompatible with the revealed character of God.”

John did write of a “second death” (Re.2:11, 20:6, 14, 21:8).  Jewish Targums refer to a second death as annihilation for the very few who remain incorrigibly wicked, after all is said & done.  see “Gehenna”.

According to the old religious periodical Manford’s Monthly Magazine, Abraham Lincoln said in regards to eternal punishment: “If God be a just God, all will be saved or none.”  Lincoln appointed a universalist minister as a U.S. Army Chaplain during the Civil War.  Protestant ministers objected because the man believed in the salvation of all souls, that even the Confederate rebels would be saved!  Lincoln’s response was…if that be so, then he deserved to be a Chaplain in the U.S. Army.” (ref Nelson Simonson Dictionary of Unitarian & Universalist Biography.)

William J. Wolf The Almost Chosen People, p.105-106 “Describing a theological discussion in 1858 in Lincoln’s office. He…cornered his interrogators and left no room to doubt or question his soundness on the atonement of Christ, and salvation finally of all men. He didn’t pretend to know when that event would be consummated, but that it would be the ultimate result, that Christ must reign…over all.”

How can God bring to pass the salvation of most all individuals who ever lived, via the sacrifice of Jesus?  Historically, many or most people lived & died without believing in Jesus, or never hearing His name!  Such as the multitudes of gentiles who lived in BC times, before Jesus’ incarnation.  They didn’t believe and repent, two requirements for salvation (Mk.16:16; Jn.3:18, 36; Lk.13:3; Ac.2:38, 16:31).

Yet God is able to bring to pass all things, according to His will, His word!  Universal Salvation is great news concerning our ancestors, family members, friends & loved ones who died unconverted/unsaved!  Their ultimate fate wouldn’t be eternal torment in hell-fire!  So, it goes without saying, we Christians should hope that Universal Reconciliation for all through Jesus will eventually become a reality.

To explore how God might bring to pass the salvation of most everyone who ever lived, see the topic “Rebirth to Physical Life”.

Universal Christian Salvation (1)

All of us Christians have ancestors, friends, and loved ones who died unconverted.  They may (or may not) have been generally good people…but they didn’t believe ‘Jesus saves’.  Are they doomed to an eternity of torment in hell-fire?  This topic seeks to satisfactorily answer that question, that dilemma.

Nancy Evans Bush Dancing Past the Dark, p.82-83 “As simply a place for the dead, the idea of an underworld has existed as long as there have been societies. Many of the underworlds look remarkably similar, their function as a place of punishment…eternal punishment is a concept only within some sects of Christianity.”  (Also there are Islamic scholars who believe in an eternal hell/jahannam.)

There are three main Christian beliefs regarding the ultimate destiny of erring humans: #1 Eternal Conscious Torment in hell-fire; #2 Annihilationism; #3 Universal Reconciliation/Salvation.  This topic focuses on Universal Reconciliation through Christ Jesus, that is, Christianity.  Protestant views….

Calvinism is a Protestant theology named after the Swiss reformer John Calvin (1509–1564).  Calvinists think that God doesn’t desire to reconcile or save all of humanity, because God elected to save only a few.  They think most humans are predestined by God to receive eternal conscious torment/punishment in hell-fire (#1).  This seems sadistic.  (also ref the two-part topic, “Gehenna”.)

Arminianism is a Protestant theology named after the Dutch theologian Jacóbus Armínius (1560–1609).  It is today’s most common Christian view.  Arminians think that God wills for all people to be saved through Jesus.  But they think that God is unable to save or reconcile most of humanity, because God won’t infringe on the free will He gave to mankind.  Arminianism thinks that a man may freely choose to accept or reject God.  And those who reject God will then be tortured forever in hell-fire (#1).

Annihilationism (#2) is the belief that the wicked who don’t know God will perish, ceasing to exist.  It is also called Conditional Immortality; the fate of the wicked isn’t eternal life in hell-fire torment.

Universalism or universal Christian Reconciliation is the belief that all or most humans will ultimately be reconciled to God, saved through Jesus (#3).  This may involve living more than one physical life.

However, Christian Universalism doesn’t mean that false religions (e.g. New Age) are of God, or that sin is okay!  Jesus declared in Jn.14:6, “I Am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  Ac.4:12 Peter said of Jesus, “There is no other name under heaven…by which we must be saved.”  According to the New Testament, Jesus is the only way to (universal) salvation!

A person who knows their Bible may cite isolated verses which seem to support any or all of those three main beliefs!  Yet God is love (1Jn.4:8).  Which belief best reflects God’s character, His love & justice?

New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, v.12, p.96 (quoted in Bob Evely At the End of the Ages, p.113). “In the first five or six centuries of Christianity, there were six theological schools; of which four (Alexandria, Antioch, Caesárea, and Edessa-Nísibis) were Universalist, one (Ephesus) accepted [annihilationist] conditional immortality, one (Carthage or Rome) taught [hell-fire] endless punishment of the wicked.”  From approximately 170–430 AD…four schools believed in Christian universalism, one school believed in annihilationism, one school believed in eternal conscious torment.

Let’s examine Bible verses supporting Christian Universalism; most people will eventually be saved.

In the New Testament (NT) and in the Old Testament (OT) Septúagint/LXX, the Greek term for “all” is “pas” (Strongs g3956).  This term “pas” occurs 1,240 times in the NT, and 7,000 times in the LXX.  Following are representative verses containing the word “all”/“pas”.

The Greek term pas can mean each & every (person).  In Ep.4:6 e.g., the apostle Paul asserted that there is “One God and Father of all [pas g3956], who is above all [pas g3956].”  Here, “all” indicates ‘each & every’; all are below Father God.  Ellicott Commentary Ep.4:6 “The word ‘all’ must be taken as applying to all God’s rational creatures, made in His image (and indeed even to all His creatures).”  Also 2Co.5:10 “We must all (pas g3956] be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ.”  Everyone must.  Barnes Notes 2Co.5:10 “All’ – None shall escape by being unknown.”

Some pertinent OT LXX verses with “all” (pas g3956): Ps.22:27-29 “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; all the families of the nations shall worship before Him…All who descend into the earth shall fall down before Him.”  All peoples who lived & died to eventually worship the Lord!  Clarke Commentary Ps.22:27-29Each family shall embrace it [the gospel] for their own salvation. They shall worship before Jesus the Savior. Every dying man shall put his trust in Christ.”  Benson Commentary Ps.22:29 “The whole human race.”  All die.  Gill Exposition Ps.22:29 “Who go down to the house of the grave’. Christ is Lord, both of the dead and living.”  Lord of all (Ac.10:36)!

Ps.65:2-3 “Praise becomes Thee, O God. To you all flesh shall come. You shall pardon our sins.”  Pulpit Commentary Ps.65:2 “In this Psalm the writer [David] is universalist, and embraces all mankind.”

Is.40:5 LXX “The glory of the Lord shall appear, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”  (Luke quotes this OT verse in Lk.3:6.)  Barnes Notes Is.40:5 “All human beings.”  This must be yet future.

Many or most people in history lived their lives without ever hearing the name of Jesus/Yeshúa.  (The only name by which there is salvation, according to Peter in Ac.4:12.)  Individuals who never heard His name or never knew the Lord’s way of life…would a loving & just God condemn them in their ignorance to endless torment in hell-fire?!  Is that really the kind of God we worship and serve?

The Lord foretold in Is.45:23 LXX, “By Myself I swear, My word has gone out of My mouth; that to Me every [g3956] knee shall bow, and every [g3956] tongue shall swear by God”.  God swore by Himself!  (cf. He.6:13 “When God made His promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself.”)  Ellicott Commentary Is.45:23 “The highest form of asseverátion.”  Benson Commentary “The highest and most solemn oath possible.”  Pulpit Commentary Is.45:23 “This universal turning to God.”  Poole Commentary “A posture of reverence and subjection.”  Is the Lord able to bring it to pass…will every knee bow and will every tongue swear allegiance to God?

Joel 2:28 LXX the Lord promised, “I will pour out My Spirit upon all [g3956] flesh”.  (Peter quotes this verse in Ac.2:17 when the Holy Spirit outpouring began at Pentecost.)  Cambridge Bible Jl.2:28 “The measure of spiritual illumination will be extended to all. ‘All flesh.”  JFB Commentary Jl.2:28 “The consequent conversion of the whole world (Isa.2:2, 11:9, 66:23; Ro.11:12, 15).”  Scriptures indicate every knee will then bow in worship to God.

However, the Greek term for “all”, pas g3956, doesn’t always mean ‘each & every’.  Mk.1:36-37 “Simon and his companions searched for Him [Jesus]. They found Him and said to Him, ‘The people are all [pas g3956] looking for You.”  Here, “all” doesn’t mean ‘each & every’.  Gill Exposition Mk.1:37 “Not all the men in the world, nor, all the inhabitants of Capernaúm [v.21], but a large number of them.”  Key is the context in which all/pas g3956 appears.

Jn.3:26 “He [Jesus’ disciples, Jn.4:1-2] is baptizing, and all are coming to Him.”  But not each & every person came for baptism.  Cambridge Bible Jn.3:26 “All’ – an exaggeration very natural in their excitement.”  Rather, ‘many are coming’ (as in the Aramaic Bible rendering) conveys the meaning.

Yet would a God whose character is love (1Jn.4:16) only elect a comparative few for salvation?!  What about the ignorant multitudes who lived in BC times, before Jesus incarnated in the 1st century AD?

Paul wrote in Ro.3:23, “All have sinned”.  Here, “all” does include each & every adult (except Jesus – 1Pe.2:22, 2Co.5:21).  Meyer NT Commentary “The sinning of every man is presented as a historical fact.”  And Ro.6:23 “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.”

Lk.13:3 Jesus warned, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish [g622]”.  Ro.2:4 “The kindness of God leads you to repentance.”  To who all does God give repentance (2Ti.2:25), so they won’t perish?

Peter wrote in 2Pe.3:9, “The Lord…not willing that any perish [g622], but that all should come to repentance”.  Benson Commentary 2Pe.3:9 “Any human being, any soul that He has made.”  God wills no one perish eternally, that all (eventually) repent from sin!  Cambridge Bible “Here the word ‘perish’ doesn’t mean annihilation, but the state which is the opposite of salvation.”  Expositor Greek Testament “His will is not even that ‘some’ should perish.”  He is God; in due time, can He bring to pass His will?

Job came to realize the Lord’s omnipotence.  Jb.42:2 LXX “I know that You can do all [g3956] things, and nothing is impossible with You.”  God is more than able to bring to pass His purposes & desires!  Gill Exposition Jb.42:2 “Job knew that…He [God] had a right to do what He pleased.”

1Ti.2:3-6 “God our Savior, who wills [g2309] all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Who gave Himself as a ransom for all people.”  In this passage, “all” seems to include everyone.  (cf. the Lord’s assertion in Is.55:11 LXX, “So shall My word be…until the things that I willed [g2309] shall have been accomplished.”)  God’s will be done!  Vincent Word Studies 1Ti.2:4 “Prayer to God for all is acceptable to Him, because He wills the salvation of all.”  Meyer NT Commentary 1Ti.2:4 “In this verse the idea of the universality of God’s purpose is clearly expressed.”  Clarke Commentary 1Ti.2:5 “God equally wills the salvation of all.”  Barnes Notes 1Ti.2:6 “Who gave Himself a ransom for all’…a proof that God desires the salvation of all.”  JFB Commentary 1Ti.2:6 “In behalf of all, not merely for a privileged few.”  Thomas Whittemore (1800-1861) wrote, “1Ti.2:4 Undoubtedly to be understood all the human race”.  The passage indicates…God wills all be saved, our Savior died for all.  Parallel.  So it seems contradictory that God would elect only a few, predestining the majority to eternal torment!

1Ti.4:10 “The living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially [g3122] of those that believe.”  But not only of those that believe (now).  cf. Ga.6:10 “Do good to all, especially [g3122] to those of the household of faith.”  Do good not only to those of the household of faith, those that believe now.  cf. 2Ti.4:13 bring all the books or scrolls, especially the parchments.  Not only the parchments.  God will save ‘all’.  He does good to all of humanity created in His image.  He saves them out of trouble during their lives.  Ps.145:9 “God is good to all. His mercies are over all His works.”  Poole Commentary 1Ti.4:10 “[God] the Preserver of man and beast.”  And He’s the Savior of all, spiritually too.  But not until their time comes, when they believe & repent (Mk.16:16 & Ac.2:38).

Ro.5:12 “Just as sin entered the world through one man [Adam] and death through sin, so death spread to all people because all sinned.”  Sin is universal.  JFB Commentary Ro.5:12 “Thus death reaches every individual of the human family.”  (The next verses, Ro.5:13-16, are in parenthesis.)  Ro.5:17-19 “How much greater is the result of that done by the one man, Jesus Christ. As through one trespass all people were condemned, so through one righteous act all people were justified to [eternal] life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of the One many will be made righteous.”  This passage too reflects parallelism.  Cambridge Bible Ro.5:18 “The parallel of Adam and Christ.”  Barnes Notes Ro.5:18-19 “With the same certainty, to the same extent. Connected with eternal life. The ‘many’ – corresponding to the term in the former part of the verse, evidently commensurate with it; for there is no reason in limiting it to a part, any more than there is in the former.”  Poole Commentary Ro.5:18Many’ is sometimes put for ‘all’, as in Dan.12:2.”  It’s not only “many” who have sinned…everybody has sinned!  Pulpit Commentary Ro.5:18 “Indisputably denoting universality of effect.”  In parallel…as all have sinned, all will (in time) be justified to eternal life through Jesus!

However, we Bible readers may well recognize parallelism & universality in a passage…and yet dismiss its implication because of our presuppositions, preconceived notions, and past (false) teaching.  The same even goes for some Bible commentators (quoted by me), resulting in their seeming to contradict themselves elsewhere.  (This can give the impression of cherry-picking his contradictory comments.)

Questions to ponder: What is the ultimate fate of the 14-year-old girl who died last week in a car crash, without knowing the Lord?  What of the Maori tribesman who died in 1500 AD in New Zealand, never having heard the name of Jesus the Savior?  Do we think they’re doomed everlastingly to hell-fire?  Would an eternity of torment represent just retribution for them, as fair return for a few decades of life spent in sin or ignorance?  Yet God is just (Jn.5:30, Re.15:3).

{Sidelight: The earliest Christian missionaries didn’t arrive in New Zealand until 1814!  New Zealand History: Missionaries “They [Maori] rejected the low-church missionaries’ gloomy emphasis on an angry God looking to damn their souls to eternal fires. There were no Maori baptisms until 1830.”  It’s understandable that in 1814 those Maori would reject any thought of their (ignorant) grandparents or ancestors, deceased before missionaries arrived, burning forever in hell!  God is love, not sadism.}

Christian afterlife belief #3 (see the top), regarding the ultimate destiny or fate of mankind, offers a great hope…for our ancestors, family members, friends & loved ones who died ‘unsaved’!  This topic is continued in “Universal Christian Salvation (2)”.